Going beyond even Vatican II theology…

Novus Ordo Writer Claims Christ’s Incarnation Makes All People Children of God

Popular ‘Catholic’ writer with dangerous theology: Simcha Fisher

On Dec. 18, 2024, the Modernist Jesuit rag America published an article by Simcha Fisher that is, to put it mildly, theologically problematic.

Fisher’s name may seem familiar to long-time visitors of Novus Ordo Watch. Years ago she was a blogger for the conservative-leaning National Catholic Register. She, along with her colleagues Mark Shea and John-Paul Shimek, ended up getting fired from the Register for their online behavior and some not-so-conservative views.

In 2023, Fisher received our attention when she claimed that sins of sacrilege do not hurt Jesus Christ, only ourselves: “When we treat a consecrated Host, which is Jesus, with disrespect, we are only hurting ourselves”, she opined.… READ MORE

False pope misleads post-abortive women… 

‘Pope’ Francis Claims Aborted Children Go to Heaven

The Jesuit apostate Jorge Bergoglio on June 2, 2024

The month of November is traditionally dedicated to remembering and interceding for the faithful departed, that is, the holy souls in purgatory.

Year after year, the Argentinian apostate Jorge Bergoglio (‘Pope Francis’), a man of many words but also of expressive gestures, has certainly not failed to make his own contributions to the topic of death, dying, and judgment. So far this month, he has managed to stage at least two public appearances that convey very different messages.… READ MORE

Dicastery for Doctrine answers more dubia…

Vatican Opens Way for Transgender Godparents, Baptisms, and Marriage Witnesses

Godfather or godmother? Vatican allows transgender godparents at baptisms…

Once again, breaking news out of Rome.

Once again, the so-called Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith has given answers to so-called dubia, which are questions (“doubts”) submitted to it concerning a point of doctrine or practice to be resolved.

Once again, the prefect, ‘Cardinal’ Victor Manuel Fernandez of ‘mouth-healing’ infamy, wrote the response and had it personally approved by ‘Pope’ Francis, whose signature appears at the end.

And once again, the text of the response is ambiguous and nuanced enough to where both proponents and opponents of transgender inclusion can quote the document in their favor.… READ MORE

“Through [ecumenical] martyrdom, the Church is already one”…

Vatican Prelate accidentally admits Vatican II Ecclesiology denies Unity of the Church

‘Abp.’ Fabio Fabene (b. 1959) is the Vatican’s Secretary of the Congregation for the Causes of Saints. In that role, he was interviewed recently by Rome Reports regarding Jorge Bergoglio’s recent establishment of the ‘Commission of the New Martyrs – Witnesses of the Faith’, which is “a working group at the Dicastery for the Causes of Saints to draw up a catalogue of all Christians – not only Catholics – who have shed their blood to confess Christ in the last quarter of a century” (Vatican News).… READ MORE

The death knell for Feeneyism and Recognize-and-Resist…

The Infallibility of the Catholic Church in her Universal Laws and Sacramental Rites

In his 1943 encyclical letter on the Mystical Body of Christ, Pope Pius XII (r. 1939-1958) clarified that the Roman Catholic Church, although made up of human beings who are sinners, is nevertheless perfectly holy in those things that pertain to her divine constitution and the fulfillment of her mission — that of teaching, governing, and sanctifying souls so that they may attain the Beatific Vision. As “the church of the living God, the pillar and ground of the truth” (1 Tim 3:15), our Lord’s is thus “a glorious church, not having spot or wrinkle, or any such thing; but … holy, and without blemish” (Eph 5:27).… READ MORE

Another day, another heresy…

Francis again misleads, claims Baptism makes us ‘Children of God Forever’

Today is the great feast of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary, a holy day celebrated even in the Vatican II Church.

In keeping with the custom, Francis gave an Angelus address today; and no, he did not deny the dogma defined by Pope Pius IX (see Denz. 1641) but in fact affirmed it quite clearly.

That is not to say, however, that he didn’t promote some other heresy — not with regard to the Bl. Virgin Mary (he has done that on other occasions), but on one of the effects of the sacrament of baptism.… READ MORE

Official acceptance of sodomy in the Vatican II Sect…

First-Ever Novus Ordo Baptismal Certificate issued naming “Mother 1” and “Mother 2” as Child’s Parents

The archdiocese of Medellín, Colombia, is the latest in which has taken place the solemn baptism of a child whose legally recognized “parents” are two lesbian women who are “married” to each other. The scandal occurred this past weekend, and the regional media are all over it, celebrating this as a victory for the perverted LGBT movement.

As the story is just breaking, only reports in Spanish have been released so far:

The child’s name is Matías, a little boy of 17 months.… READ MORE

Compelling, orthodox, easy to read!

A New Book defending Baptism of Desire and Blood:

Contra Crawford: A Defense of Baptism of Desire & Periodic Continence

by Dylan Fellows and Christopher Conlon

The sedevacantist laymen Dylan Fellows and Christopher Conlon are the authors of a new book defending the Catholic position on baptism of desire and baptism of blood as capable of supplying the sanctifying grace of the sacrament of baptism. This Church doctrine has been denied by a number of confused souls both inside and outside of Sedevacantism, especially in the United States, in the last few decades.

The name that is commonly (although not quite correctly) given to this erroneous denial is “Feeneyism”, because the first major figure to hold that those who die with the baptism of desire or blood will nevertheless go to hell was the Jesuit Fr.READ MORE

Another week, another heresy…

HERESY: Francis claims the Baptized cannot lose their Status as Children of God

Barely a day goes by on which Francis doesn’t have something to say, but some days are worse than others.

This past Wednesday, May 9, the apostate pretend-Pope during his general audience gave what was supposed to be a catechesis on the sacrament of baptism. Placing heavy emphasis on the sacramental character — which is indelible and hence baptism can never be repeated once it has been validly administered — Francis proceeded to claim that it is this indelible character which makes us, irrevocably, children of God.… READ MORE

Amoris Laetitia in Action…

Brazilian Homo Couple flaunts Vatican Letter for Baptism of “Their” Children

David Harrad and Toni Reis

[UPDATE 09-AUG-2017 20:20 UTC: Toni Reis posts original letter sent to Francis]

[UPDATE o9-AUG-2017 14:20 UTC: Vatican sources say gay couple received standard form letter, not endorsement]

On April 23, 2017, two homo perverts had “their” adoptive children baptized in Our Lady of Light Cathedral of the “Archdiocese” of Curitiba, Brazil. At the time, this made front-page news in the secular press because, all silly arguments about footnotes and “what the Pope really meant” aside, this shows that the Novus Ordo Sect is now approving of sodomite relationships de facto.… READ MORE

“Cardinal” Ratzinger Disparages Infant Baptism, Questions Catholic Dogma

In his interview book God and the World, “Cardinal” Joseph Ratzinger says the following:

The question of what it means to say that baptism is necessary for salvation has become ever more hotly debated in modern times. The Second Vatican Council said on this point that men who are seeking for God and who are inwardly striving toward that which constitutes baptism will also receive salvation. That is to say that a seeking after God already represents an inward participation in baptism, in the Church, in Christ.

To that extent, the question concerning the necessity of baptism for salvation seems to have been answered, but the question about children who could not be baptized because they were aborted then presses upon us that much more urgently.


“Cardinal” Ratzinger Denies Catholic Teaching on Original Sin:

For Ratzinger, Original Sin is not a Deprivation of Sanctifying Grace in Human Souls Transmitted by Natural Generation but a Damage in Human Relationships Encountered by Every Human Being

In a Lenten sermon given in 1981 in the cathedral of Munich, Germany, “Cardinal” Joseph Ratzinger said the following:

“In the Genesis story that we are considering, still a further characteristic of sin is described. Sin is not spoken of in general as an abstract possibility but as a deed, as the sin of a particular person, Adam, who stands at the origin of humankind and with whom the history of sin begins.


Apostates, heretics and schismatics: Rejoice!

Francis: “All the Baptized are Members of the Church!”

Apparently the god of surprises is rearing its ugly head in the Vatican again, speaking through its favorite oracle, Mr. Jorge Bergoglio (“Pope” Francis). On November 4, the latter proclaimed more unmistakable heresy in a message to the ecumenical “Global Christian Forum”, which was holding a three-day conference in Tirana, the capital of Albania. Here are Bergoglio’s words in full and verbatim:

I extend greetings to you and all those participating in the Global Christian Forum Consultation, to be held in Tirana from 2 to 4 November 2015, as you reflect on the theme “Discrimination, persecution, martyrdom: following Christ together”.