Slaughtered over 10,000 babies…

Francis receives notorious Italian Abortionist Emma Bonino to talk Migrants

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In Francis’ Vatican, the enemies of Jesus Christ are always welcome. While the papal pretender didn’t find enough time (not even 30 seconds!) to meet with the family of Asia Bibi, the Christian woman facing execution in Pakistan for allegedly “blaspheming” Islam, Francis welcomed one of Italy’s most notorious feminazi leftists on November 8, a woman who “has boasted that she and her group committed 10,141 illegal abortions” (source). Bonino was never prosecuted for her cruel deeds because she ran for public office and thus received parliamentary immunity.… READ MORE

Taking Care of Cre(m)ation…

Vatican Reminder: Cremation is Permitted!

November is traditionally the month the Church dedicates to the Holy Souls in purgatory, a time when the faithful are encouraged, more than at any other point during the year, to make intercession for the faithful departed, particularly on All Souls’ Day (typically observed on Nov. 2, sometimes Nov. 3).

Just in time for this, the Vatican II Sect has issued a decree by the Congregation for the Destruction of the Faith to remind all Novus Ordo adherents that cremation is a licit way of disposing of the remains of the deceased, and that a burial of the body, although preferable, is not necessary.… READ MORE

Semi-Trads hit new low…

Outrageous! Tradition in Action uses Masonic Source to implicate Pope Pius IX in Freemasonry

The web site Tradition in Action (TIA) is, for the most part, a pretty good resource exposing and refuting the errors of the Vatican II Sect. However, the editors of TIA are dyed-in-the-wool semi-traditionalists, that is, they oppose Sedevacantism and stubbornly adhere to the recognize-and-resist position instead, meaning they recognize Francis as Pope but also resist him because they realize he is an apostate who is trying to destroy Catholicism.

Thus, whenever TIA’s editors tackle anything related to the issue of Sedevacantism, all Catholicism goes out the window — and they end up spouting grave errors and scandalize their readers.… READ MORE

Towards full… communion!

Theological Freakshow in Lund: Let’s Build “Tables where we can share the Bread and the Wine”!

As you’ve probably heard, Francis and his gang went to Malmo, Sweden, on October 31 to commemorate the Protestant Reformation together with the pro-abortion, pro-sodomy, pro-contraception Lutheran Church of Sweden. (See our full coverage here.)

It was a given that we would see a few theological “gems” in all those addresses, homilies, and reflections in the two joint ecumenical events. And boy, did we!

During the joint service in Lund Cathedral, where Francis looked indistinguishable from the Lutheran male and female (!) … READ MORE

What’s one more novelty…

Blessed are Recyclers and Ecumenists!
Francis has Six New Beatitudes

Offering the Novus Ordo worship service for his adherents in Malmö, Sweden, on November 1, Francis preached a sermon in which he introduced six new quasi-beatitudes for the “modern Christian.” No, he didn’t officially introduce new beatitudes — and Jimmy Akin will no doubt take great pleasure in pointing it out — but that’s not even the main concern here, because the effect will be similar.

Here is the relevant excerpt from the homily, straight from the Vatican web site:

The Beatitudes are in some sense the Christian’s identity card.


Heretical tripe galore…

Full Coverage: Francis celebrates Reformation with Lutherans in Sweden

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It is “Reformation Day” today — basically the high holyday of the Lutheran sects — and the papal pretender Francis has made good on his threat to visit Malmo and Lund, Sweden, to celebrate the “accomplishments” of the Protestant Reformation, which had its official beginning in Martin Luther’s nailing of the 95 Theses to the church door in Wittenberg, Germany, on October 31, 1517.

This page provides full coverage of the event.


Official Schedule


Official Web Sites


Recorded Videos and Transcripts


Event Resources/Background


Sunday morning quake rocks Italy…

Earthquake in Norcia:
Basilica of St. Benedict Destroyed

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Around 7:40 am local time, a 6.6 magnitude earthquake hit just north of Norcia in central Italy. The quake was so powerful that the centuries-old Basilica of St. Benedict and the co-cathedral nearby were destroyed. The following is a note posted by the monks living there:

Around 7:40 AM, a powerful earthquake struck close to Norcia….

The Basilica of St. Benedict, the historic church built atop the birthplace of St. Benedict, was flattened by this most recent quake.


Eight pages of Modernist bilge…

Crazy New Interview:

Francis denounces “Idolatry of Space greater than Time”, says “the True Religions are the Development of the Capacity that Humanity has to Transcend Itself towards the Absolute”

October 31 is almost upon us — officially “Reformation Day” in Martin Luther’s Germany — and the Novus Ordo Antipope Jorge Bergoglio will use the occasion to travel to Lund, Sweden, to celebrate the 499th anniversary of the Protestant Reformation with his fellow-non-Catholics there in the Lutheran Church of Sweden — a “Christian” denomination that is pro-abortion, pro-contraception, pro-sodomy, and has a woman “Archbishop” as its head.… READ MORE

Your chance to give back…

Friends of Novus Ordo Watch:
A Request for Help

Dear Friends of Novus Ordo Watch:

This is one of those posts no one likes to write, but circumstances make it necessary, and we hope you will not simply click away.

As the apostasy in Rome advances at rapid speed, Novus Ordo Watch has stepped up its efforts as well. To this end, we have recently undergone some serious and meaningful upgrades: We have incorporated as a non-profit organization, we now employ one person full time, and we have rebuilt the entire web site from scratch, making our informational content more accessible while delivering a crisper, more professional look utilizing a more user-friendly interface.… READ MORE

What happened 58 years ago today?

Smoke Signals:
The White Conclave Smoke of Oct. 26, 1958

We realize we’ve brought this up a few times before, and we don’t want to beat the topic to death, but there are probably a lot of new readers of our site out there now who may not be aware of what happened 58 years ago today at the conclave that was taking place in Rome to elect a successor to Pope Pius XII.

As happens after the death of every Pope, so too in 1958 the cardinals gathered in the Sistine Chapel in Vatican City to determine who would succeed the late Pius XII, who had died on Oct.… READ MORE

Bergoglio attacks the Great Commission…

Francis: “It is not right to convince others of your Faith”

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From the man who does away with sins such as adultery and fornication as belonging to a hopelessly outdated and rigid past, now comes the introduction of entirely new “sins”, such as supporting the death penalty, failing to recycle, or — the latest now — the “sin” of converting others.

We saw it a few weeks ago in Georgia, where Jorge Bergoglio — “Pope” Francis — denounced converting the Eastern Orthodox as a “great sin against ecumenism”, and we saw it again on October 13 of this year, the 99th anniversary of the Miracle of the Sun at Fatima, when Francis received in audience roughly 1,000 ecumenical (mostly Lutheran) “pilgrims” from Germany (photos here).… READ MORE

12: True vs. False Mercy

yoc-12As Francis’ fake Year of Mercy is drawing to a close, so is our Year of Exclusion, Judgment, and Condemnation, which is being observed in direct contrast to the former. As with all other posts in this series, so too this twelfth installment will focus on some forgotten truth of the holy Catholic Faith that is considered by our sorry society to be extremely judgmental, exclusionary, negative, hateful, bigoted, intolerant, condemnatory, unwelcoming, dogmatic, narrow-minded, and everything else that oh-so-enlightened modern man despises and detests.

Today’s post puts the focus on God’s true mercy, as opposed to the false “mercy” that “Pope” Francis drones on and on about, a “mercy” that is allegedly given to anyone who asks “with a sincere heart”, no further questions asked or conditions required.… READ MORE

Demystifying an overrated figure…

The Errors of Dietrich von Hildebrand

One of the big names that is sometimes brought up in connection with traditionalist Catholic issues is that of Dietrich von Hildebrand (1889-1977). Propped up by the thoroughly-discredited Michael Davies as an ultra-Catholic superhero who opposed many of the changes of Vatican II, von Hildebrand’s name has long been a favorite among Novus Ordo conservatives and traditionalists of a more intellectual bent.

Whether it be Michael Voris, Catholic AnswersThe Wanderer, The Remnant, Keep the Faith, or EWTN, somehow everyone likes to have this thinker in their camp, if not for his critique of the post-conciliar debacle, then for his phenomenological and personalist philosophy, which is a big hit in the Novus Ordo Church and was promoted heavily by “Pope” John Paul II. … READ MORE

News Digest October 19, 2016

Novus Ordo Watch NEWS DIGEST
October 19, 2016

The “New Springtime” of Vatican II in 36 Seconds


What’s one more at this point…

HERESY: Francis directly contradicts Council of Trent again

Francis with a statue of Martin Luther in the Vatican on Oct. 13, 2016
(WENN US / Alamy Stock Photo)

One of the wonderful things about Francis is that compared to his five predecessors of unhappy memory, he is fairly direct and much more open in his denial of dogma, thus making it easier to convict him of heresy. Here’s a recent example.

On October 13, 2016, the 99th anniversary of the Miracle of the Sun at Fatima, “Pope” Francis addressed a number of Lutheran “pilgrims” from Germany at the Vatican. … READ MORE