It’s a Fun Church, after all…

Mocking the Holy Sacrifice: Francis encourages Altar Boy to treat Holy Mass as a Joke

Oh, the gaudium!

Since we haven’t heard enough from the “Pope” in the last three years, Francis has just released another book, this time one for children, in which he answers their questions. The work is entitled Dear Pope Francis: The Pope Answers Letters from Children Around the World and has been published in various languages, the English version being offered by Loyola Press.

A few weeks ago, a first preview of the book was made available by the Novus Ordo Rorate Caeli blog, in which a 9-year-old Italian boy named Alessio asked Francis whether he had ever served as an altar boy.… READ MORE

Francis’ Prayer Intentions for March

More Naturalism: Francis prays for the Family’s Bodily Needs, Omits anything Spiritual 

He’s back…

Perhaps we should be grateful that in Francis’ latest video for his prayer intentions of the month (now for March 2016), Francis offers no direct insult to God, does not explicitly deny any Catholic doctrine, and does not put our Lord Jesus Christ on a level with Buddha, Mohammed, or any other false prophet or deity. However, neither do we find any clear affirmation of Catholic teaching or the presence of anything distinctly Catholic. He really says nothing that the Dalai Lama, Ban Ki-moon, Barack Obama, or the Queen of England couldn’t also say.… READ MORE

The Bread of Life is overrated…

Sharing the Loaves:
Modernist Drivel at “Papal” Retreat

If you’re wondering why Francis has been so silent all week, it’s because he is currently on retreat with members of the Curia in Ariccia near Rome. Unfortunately, however, Jorge Bergoglio’s silence comes at a price: We now have to hear about the Modernist tripe preached by the “papal” retreat master instead, and tripe it is.

On March 9, 2016, Aleteia’s Rome correspondent, Diane Montagna, reported on one of the “meditations” offered that day by the Modernist preacher, a certain “Fr.” Ermes Ronchi, OSM, who reflected on the question, “How many loaves do you have?”… READ MORE

Novus Ordo Watch NEWS DIGEST
March 7, 2016

Daily Life in the Novus Ordo… in Germany


06: Scriptural Condemnations of Presumption and False Mercy

There is a lot of talk about “mercy” these days: “God never tires of forgiving,” the apostate Francis keeps repeating, and now, in the latest hysterical-heretical drivel spouted by the Antipope, we are told that confession of one’s sins is not necessary for a valid absolution — merely showing up and saying nothing now suffices: “If someone comes to you and feels something must be removed from him, but perhaps he is unable to say it, but you understand … it’s all right, he says it this way, with the gesture of coming.


Simply luminous!

Public Relations Disaster for SSPX:
Bishop Fellay’s Epic Interview Fail


Tim Sebastian grills Bishop Fellay on “Conflict Zone”

There is no other way to say it: It’s an unmitigated disaster of colossal proportions for the Society of Saint Pius X.

In an interview for the aptly-named “Conflict Zone” program of the international German broadcaster Deutsche Welle, aggressive secular journalist Tim Sebastian sat down with SSPX Superior General, Bishop Bernard Fellay, to grill him on various issues from the accusation of anti-semitism to the Society’s bizarre understanding of papal authority. The result was as embarrassing as it was revealing, both about the SSPX in general and His Excellency in particular.… READ MORE

United in heresy…

Francis again affirms Non-Catholic “Martyrs”, says Monophysites are Part of the Body of Christ

Please pardon us if we sound repetitive, but it is “Pope” Francis’ fault, for he is the one who keeps repeating the same heresies over and over again. We realize that, deplorably, we find ourselves so deeply trapped in Theological Absurdistan now that one more heretical statement from the “Holy Father” will barely elicit any reaction from those who have long made themselves believe that a heretical Pope is not only possible but even a fairly common, or at least trivial, occurrence in Church history.… READ MORE

Novus Ordo Watch for your Ears…

Episode 012 Now Available

The Traditional Catholic Podcast


Season 2 of our popular podcast program “TRADCAST” continues with the release of episode 012 (Feb. 26, 2016). In this podcast, which runs almost 1 hour in total, we cover a number of things related to the latest efforts of the SSPX/Resistance camp to avoid the conclusion that Jorge Bergoglio, “Pope Francis”, cannot be a valid Pope. We begin by noting that a dangerous 19th-century error is gaining ground among the Semi-Traditionalists of today, namely, the idea that a valid Pope can be deposed/removed by his inferiors.… READ MORE

Unique Gift Idea…

Saint Pius X Commemorative Coin

Without a doubt, the most important Pope of the twentieth century was Pius X (1903-1914), whose glorious 11-year-reign included the condemnation of Modernism and related errors threatening Christendom, the restoration of sacred chant, the compilation and codification of Canon Law, the admittance of children above the age of reason to Holy Communion, and the introduction of frequent, even daily, Communion — in short, the restoration of all things in Christ, which was his papal motto: Instaurare Omnia in Christo. In 1954, the incorrupt Pius X was declared a saint by Pope Pius XII, less than 40 years after his death.… READ MORE

Is Desperation kicking in?

Michael Voris slams True Popes to Excuse Francis

Desperation is the word that comes to mind when watching Michael Voris’ latest Vortex episode. You can watch it or read its script here:

In a nutshell, the host of The Vortex and senior executive producer of ChurchMilitant is telling his viewers that, sure, Francis may be saying all sorts of nutty, false, even heretical things, but hey, this has probably been the case many times before in Church history, we just never heard about it because back then they didn’t have all the fancy media and communications tools we have today.… READ MORE

News Digest February 23, 2016

Novus Ordo Watch NEWS DIGEST
February 23, 2016

And now… the “Corpus Christi” Rap!


05: Cardinal Siri’s Pastoral Letter concerning Women wearing Men’s Clothing (1960)

The following is a pastoral letter of His Eminence, Cardinal Giuseppe Siri, Archbishop of Genoa, Italy. It explains in depth why it is dangerous and inappropriate for women to wear pants rather than dresses or skirts. It is not onlya question of modesty, it is mainly, as His Eminence explains, a question of feminine psychology, of feminine dignity, and even of vitiating relationships between male and female. If you think this is ridiculous or unacceptable, we only ask that you give the Cardinal a fair hearing.


Trump, contraception, homos, and more…

Francis Unplugged: Hoopla ensues after Confusing Comments on Return Flight from Mexico

Links to developments & commentary below

We all knew this was coming, and it is always the best part of his trips: The expected but impromptu in-flight news conference aboard the “papal” plane, featuring Jorge Bergoglio answering questions from journalists off-the-cuff. This is Francis unplugged. Unscripted. Unfiltered. Warts and all. This usually means lots of rambling, disjointed thoughts, flowery phrases, vague platitudes, ambiguous language — lots to clean up afterwards for the various Novus Ordo spokesmen, commentators, and apologists.

It was no different this time.… READ MORE

Brave New Church…

Novus Ordo Priest praises Sodomite Couple’s “Pure Love”, baptizes “their” Triplets

The triplets with their “two daddies” and the two surrogacy enablers

Get your barf bags ready, folks; this is ugly. On February 2, 2016, the Italian Corriere della Sera reported the following nauseating story:

Triplet Sisters with Two Dads Baptized

Three baby girls have been born by surrogacy. The priest has blessed them in Rome: “Yours is a pure love, I do not fear it.”

by Viola Centi

Limite sull’Arno (Empoli) – Triplet sisters with two fathers. It seems like the script for a TV show, but it is the true story of Simon and Roberto, Viola, Melissa, and Sofia.


Deflating a misused analogy…

On that “Passion of the Church” Argument

Yes, the Church is undergoing a Passion, but Francis isn’t Simon Peter — he’s Judas

It has become quite popular in recent weeks for Semi-Traditionalists to justify their utterly novel and theologically absurd “recognize-and-resist” position by simply repeating an attractive but misleading analogy found in the new book True or False Pope? by John Salza, a former 32nd-degree Freemason, and Robert Siscoe (pp. 9-10, 23, 39-40, 80, 677-680). According to this idea, the Catholic Church is currently undergoing a Mystical Passion, similar to that of her Divine Founder: Like Him, she is bleeding and agonizing, lacerated and disfigured; like Him, she is suffering at the hands of the lawful spiritual authorities.… READ MORE