Don’t you hate health issues?

Stiff-Kneed on Demand:
Francis’ Kneeling Problem

Right from the beginning of his false pontificate, we’ve been hearing that “Pope” Francis is unable to genuflect, which is why he merely bows after the “consecration” when he offers the Novus Ordo worship service. Likewise, we’ve been told, he is unable to kneel, at least without a kneeler, and this is because of arthritis or some other health issue he suffers from.

But, it turns out, this is not exactly true. Somehow Jorge Bergoglio can turn his kneeling ability on and off as desired — and the lever is usually firmly set to “off” whenever kneeling before Jesus Christ in the Blessed Sacrament is called for (although the “Eucharist” in the Novus Ordo Church is not valid, this is beside the point, because Francis and his crew claim to believe it to be valid).… READ MORE

Listen free any time!

The Popes Against Modern Errors:

The Encyclical Mirari Vos of Pope Gregory XVI (1832)

Last year, our friends over at Restoration Radio launched an exciting new series on the errors of modernity: In The Popes Against Modern Errors, sedevacantist Bishop Donald Sanborn analyzes and comments on the great anti-modern encyclical letters of the Popes from Gregory XVI through Pius XII (1831-1958).

The first episode is dedicated to Pope Gregory XVI’s 1832 landmark encyclical against liberalism, Mirari Vos. This magisterial document condemns and refutes errors such as indifferentism, freedom of speech, religious liberty, and separation of church and state.… READ MORE

09: Who’s the “Hater” now? True vs. False Charity

We come to the ninth installment of our special Novus Ordo Watch Year of Exclusion, Judgment, and Condemnation series, where we propagate forgotten truths of the holy Catholic Faith that are considered by our sorry society as extremely judgmental, exclusionary, negative, hateful, bigoted, intolerant, condemnatory, unwelcoming, dogmatic, narrow-minded, and everything else that oh-so-enlightened modern man despises and detests.

Today we share an excerpt from the phenomenal work Liberalism is a Sin by Fr. Felix Sarda y Salvany. It was originally published in Spanish in 1886 and received the endorsement of the Sacred Congregation of the Index (Holy Office) under Pope Leo XIII.… READ MORE

Sandro Magister makes discovery…

The Jorge Whisperer:

Key Texts in Amoris Laetitia found in “Abp.” Fernandez’s Theological Articles from 10 Years Ago

Our apologies to Robert Redford, “The Horse Whisperer”

What do you know… We’ve been saying all along that the ghostwriter of Francis’ latest magisterial disaster — the “Apostolic Exhortation” Amoris Laetitia — is Argentinian “Archbishop” Victor Manuel Fernandez (aka “Smoochie”), but we had no idea how right we were: The Italian Vaticanist Sandro Magister has now uncovered that key passages in the exhortation bear striking resemblance to what Fernandez had written in a theological journal ten years ago.… READ MORE

Benedict XVI’s secretary speaks

Vatican “Abp.” Gänswein: Since Benedict XVI’s Abdication, there is now a Two-Member “Expanded Papacy”

Apparently, one Modernist Antipope was not enough…

[UPDATE 30-MAY-2016: English translation of complete Ganswein speech now available here]

The craziness in the Novus Ordo Sect just doesn’t stop.

On May 20, 2016, the Gregorian Pontifical University in Rome introduced “Fr.” Roberto Regoli’s new book, Oltre la crisi della Chiesa (“Beyond the Crisis of the Church”), a history of the “pontificate” of Benedict XVI (2005-2013). The book presentation was augmented by a talk given by the Vatican’s “Archbishop” Georg Gänswein, who is both the prefect of the “papal” household under Francis (and was formerly under Benedict XVI) as well as the private secretary of the “Pope Emeritus”, Benedict XVI.… READ MORE

Third Secret of Fatima Controversy

Fr. Döllinger Testimony?
—Ratzinger Denies

[UPDATE 21-MAY-2016 23:41 UTC: Fr. Dollinger stands by his account, One Peter Five reports]

Although he first revealed this well over a decade ago, Fr. Ingo Dollinger’s recent re-affirmation — and its subsequent publication on the internet — that “Cardinal” Joseph Ratzinger (later “Pope” Benedict XVI) had told him personally in 2000 that there was still a part of the Third Secret of Fatima that had not yet been disclosed, a part that speaks of a “bad council and a bad Mass”, has made waves so large that they have reached all the way into Vatican City.


That sums it up…

SSPX Bp. Fellay: Francis considers us Catholics — Doctrine is not that important to him

Almost there: Bp. Fellay was interviewed on Reconciliation with Rome
by Edward Pentin on May 13, 2016

The Society of St. Pius X’s Superior General Bishop Bernard Fellay was back in his comfort zone when Novus Ordo journalist Edward Pentin questioned him on May 13 in a new exclusive interview for the National Catholic Register published on May 18. It was friendly fire only, and this is how he likes it, quite in contrast to his epic fail when interrogated by Tim Sebastian on the aptly-named Conflict Zone program in February — a performance so embarrassing that the SSPX never alerted its adherents to the interview’s existence.… READ MORE

Time for a Reality Check

The Novus Ordo Church and Fatima:
Separating Fact from Fiction

Image © José Luiz Bernardes Ribeiro / CC BY-SA 3.0

May 13 of this year marked the 99th anniversary of the first apparition of Our Lady of Fatima in 1917. The Blessed Virgin Mary chose to appear to three shepherd children in a field called the Cova da Iria in Fatima, Portugal, on the very day the future Pope Pius XII, Eugenio Pacelli, was consecrated a bishop by Pope Benedict XV in the Sistine Chapel in Rome. It was Pius XII who would later become known as the “Fatima Pope”, establishing the Feast of the Immaculate Heart of Mary in 1944 (feast day: Aug.… READ MORE

Novus Ordo Watch NEWS DIGEST
May 15, 2016

Wake Up! The Vatican II Church is a counterfeit!


Commission announced…

Francis agrees to Study Possibility of Women Deacons

Coming soon, to a worship space near you?
The masquerade party is on!

With people like “Fr.” James Martin“Mgr.” Battista Ricca, and “Cardinal” Donald Wuerl, and with “Pope” Francis’ never-ending drivel about “tenderness” and “caressing”, one might wonder what need there is for female clergy in the Novus Ordo Church. Yet, this doesn’t stop Chaos Frank from opening up to the next anti-Catholic cause: female deacons.

As several news services are reporting this morning, at a meeting with his LCWR New-Age “nuns”, Francis has agreed to set up a commission to study the possibility of ordaining women as deacons.

Hebe de Bonafini gets VIP treatment

Francis offers Private Audience to Ultra-Leftist Activist who once Defecated behind Altar at Buenos Aires Cathedral

Anti-Catholic Argentine Activist Hebe de Bonafini

The family of Asia Bibi, a Christian who is on death row in Pakistan for having “blasphemed” after drinking water from the same cup as Muslim women, could not get a private audience with Francis in the Vatican. For them he only had a few seconds before he rushed to greet more of his fans. On May 8, which was Mother’s Day this year, the March for Life took place in Rome, and many of its participants attended the Regina Caeli audience in St.


For Heaven’s sake, wake up!

An Update: Francis and the Society of St. Pius X

The Society of St. Pius X, since 1994 headed by the intrepid Bp. Bernard Fellay, who considers himself the leader of Traditional Catholicism yet without even so much as a single significant theological contribution to back him up, has now released a statement on Jorge Bergoglio’s infernal exhortation Amoris Laetitia:

The Society’s reaction is entitled, “Enough to make one weep” — which about sums up all the SSPX has left at this point to put up against Francis’ in-your-face apostasy: tears, sobbing, and hand-wringing.… READ MORE

Admission to the Sacraments through the Back Door…

Francis to “Archbishop” Forte:

“If we speak explicitly of Communion for the Divorced-and-Remarried, we don’t know what a mess will result. So let’s not mention it directly. Make sure the premises are there, and I will draw the conclusions”!

“Abp.” Bruno Forte

For those who have been denying the obvious about Francis’ post-synodal exhortation Amoris Laetitia, this latest revelation probably won’t make a difference either, but this won’t keep us from laying the facts on the table:

Just as “Cardinal” Gerhard Muller of the Vatican’s Congregation for the Destruction Doctrine of the Faith went out of his way to argue that Amoris Laetitia does not permit public adulterers to approach the Novus Ordo sacraments, “Archbishop” Bruno Forte, one of the more notorious Modernists in the Italian Novus Ordo hierarchy and author of the infamous mid-term report (Relatio Post Disceptationem) that caused the first wave of chaos after the 2014 Synod, has revealed that Francis told him personally that while he would indeed allow the reception of “Communion” by public adulterers, he wanted to do so only very discreetly — through the back door, so to speak — in order to prevent a “mess”!

You can’t make this stuff up…

Novus Ordo Priest complains:
Confessors at St. Peter’s Basilica Playing Games, Reading Newspapers while Hearing Confessions — Priest silenced

(This is a photoshopped stock image and not the confessional in question)

We have been telling you from the beginning that Francis’ new “mercy” is a sham. Recently, a young Novus Ordo priest from Chile found this out the hard way: On four separate occasions, as he sought to receive the sacrament of penance, he found the “priests” hearing his confessions doing other things at the same time: playing games, reading the newspaper, etc. — and three of these incidents took place at St.

 It’s getting serious…

Amoris Laetitia and the Coming Schism:
Retrospect and Prospect

Shortly before the Synod on the Family of 2014 — the first of the two mini-councils, whose final result was the toxic exhortation Amoris Laetitia — we put the question before our readers: How long until schism?

After this initial post, we followed up now and again to report on various happenings that indicated that indeed a serious rupture within the Vatican II Sect was beginning to take shape:

On April 8, 2016, the very day the Vatican released Francis’ post-synodal exhortation that has effectively permitted public sinners to approach the Novus Ordo sacraments without requiring conversion first, the reputable German Vaticanist Andreas Englisch warned that a schism with Benedict XVI as Antipope, although he believed it to be unlikely, could not be ruled out:

Earlier in 2014, and even as early as December of 2013, we had already detected the beginnings of a schism in a phenomenon we decided to label “Resignationism”, a position taken by a number of Novus Ordos and Semi-Traditionalists who believe that Benedict XVI’s resignation on February 11, 2013, was made under duress and was therefore, per Novus Ordo Church law, invalid.