‘Brother Christian’ gets personal attention from false pope…

After General Audience, Francis Personally Greets Kentucky’s Transgender Hermit

Nicole ‘Br. Christian’ Matson greets Francis on Oct. 23, 2024
(credit: Servizio Fotografico Vaticano / rights-managed)

We live in a time of deception: Lies, illusions, absurdities abound. We live in a world in which a girl can be a Boy Scout, a man can be Woman of the Year, a white person can be black, and someone can (supposedly) be head of the Catholic religion who is not even a member of it.

In this insane world, we found earlier this year that a woman who had herself surgically altered to look like a man is living as a ‘Catholic’ religious brother (hermit) in the diocese of Lexington, Kentucky.… READ MORE

‘Saint’ Isaac of Nineveh gets Bergoglian approval…

Because Ecumenism: Francis Adds Non-Catholic ‘Saint’ to Roman Martyrology

As time passes, the theological revolution begun at the Second Vatican Council (1962-65) is producing increasingly absurd fruits. This is particularly evident with regard to ecumenism, one of the conciliar ‘sacred cows’ that aims to procure ‘Christian unity’ outside of a conversion of all non-Catholics to Roman Catholicism — a doctrinal impossibility.

Years ago, ‘Pope’ Francis (Jorge Bergoglio), the current head of the Vatican II Church, began emphasizing that there can be ecumenical martyrs (his so-called “ecumenism of blood”, a heresy introduced by ‘Saint’ John Paul II).… READ MORE

False pope misleads post-abortive women… 

‘Pope’ Francis Claims Aborted Children Go to Heaven

The Jesuit apostate Jorge Bergoglio on June 2, 2024

The month of November is traditionally dedicated to remembering and interceding for the faithful departed, that is, the holy souls in purgatory.

Year after year, the Argentinian apostate Jorge Bergoglio (‘Pope Francis’), a man of many words but also of expressive gestures, has certainly not failed to make his own contributions to the topic of death, dying, and judgment. So far this month, he has managed to stage at least two public appearances that convey very different messages.… READ MORE

Adding text-to-speech functionality…

New Audio Feature:
You Can Now LISTEN to Novus Ordo Watch Articles

We are happy to announce that we have just added text-to-speech functionality to our web site. This means that from now on, pretty much all the written content on Novus Ordo Watch can be listened to at the push of a button.

While this feature may not be relevant to every visitor of the site, it will surely be of great help to those who have more time to listen to content (for example, while driving) than to read it; and of course anyone who is sight-impaired will no doubt also appreciate having this option.… READ MORE

How’s that for a subtle message…

As America Votes, ‘Pope’ Francis Pays Personal Visit to Notorious Italian Abortionist and Politician Emma Bonino

There is no question that Jorge Bergoglio (‘Pope Francis’) is a man of many words, but no less is he a man of expressive gestures. If pictures are worth a thousand words, it is clear which of the two — words or gestures — has greater media appeal and can convey a message to the masses much more quickly and effectively.

Today, Nov. 5, 2024, is election day in the United States, and aside from abortion restrictions (or expansions) that are being voted on in a number of states, one of the races on every ballot is that for the office of U.S.… READ MORE

Synodality is just getting started….

The Synod is Over, Anything is Possible:
Welcome to the Synodal Church!

Mash-up of screenshots taken from the Vatican News video feed of the synod’s final congregation.
The hideous ‘Resurrection’ sculpture by Pericle Fazzini towers over the unholy assembly.

In Vatican City, the much-touted Synod on Synodality — the mother of all synods — finally came to an end this past Sunday, Oct. 27. Not only did the ‘spirit-filled’ assembly in Rome finish its almost four-week deliberations, the entire synodal process begun in 2021 was finally completed. (Originally it was supposed to be done by 2023, but mid-game Francis extended it into 2024, just for the fun of it.)… READ MORE

The Fun Church at work…

Anime Kitsch for the Masses:
Vatican Presents Mascot for Jubilee Year 2025

The year of Our Lord 2025 is a Holy Year of Jubilee, something that ordinarily takes place every 25 years.

For the Vatican under Novus Ordo occupation, this means, first of all, a logo for the occasion is needed. Back in 2022, we reported on the cringeworthy ‘artwork’ the Vatican had chosen for its Jubilee ’25 logo, which supposedly depicts the Holy Year motto, “Pilgrims of Hope”:

If that is what ‘pilgrims of hope’ look like, one would hate to see pilgrims of despair.… READ MORE

Heretic denounces orthodoxy as heresy!

‘Archbishop’ of Sydney: To Say the Jews Are No Longer God’s Chosen People is HERESY!

The ‘Catholic archbishop’ of Sydney, Australia: Anthony Fisher, O.P.

In June of this year, the Great Synagogue of Sydney, Australia, hosted a memorial lecture in honor of its erstwhile chief rabbi, Dr. Raymond Apple (1935-2024), who had passed away on Jan. 19.

It is not clear whether this speech was given on June 25 or June 27, as there is conflicting information about it online. However, it is really of no great concern; the real problem is that this Rabbi Apple Memorial Lecture was delivered by a man who thinks himself to be, and whom the world recognizes as, the Roman Catholic archbishop of Sydney.… READ MORE

“The fork, the joke, the window, the ball, the shoebox, the book, the bird, the flower…” (n. 20)

Antipope Francis

Encyclical Letter Dilexit Nos
on the Human and Divine Love of the Heart of Jesus Christ

October 24, 2024

The Vatican’s endless text factory has just released another whopper of a document: Jorge Bergoglio (a.k.a. ‘Pope Francis’) has released his fourth (and hopefully final) Encyclical Letter, after Lumen Fidei (2013) and Laudato Si’ (2015), and Fratelli Tutti (2020). It is entitled Dilexit Nos (“He Loved Us”).

In its English version, Dilexit Nos has 27,936 words. It consists of five chapters that include a total of 220 numbered paragraphs, and it has 227 footnotes.… READ MORE

Book endorsed by Pope Pius IX…

Curial Prelate Warns in 1872: Freemasonic Conspiracy Will Shake Church to Its Foundations

On May 15, 1956, Pope Pius XII published the magnificent encyclical Haurietis Aquas explaining and promoting devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. In it, the Holy Father lamented that “both in the past and in our own times, this most noble devotion does not find a place of honor and esteem among certain Christians and even occasionally not among those who profess themselves moved by zeal for the Catholic religion and the attainment of holiness” (Haurietis Aquas, n. 8).… READ MORE

Latest theological claptrap from the ‘Pope’…

Francis: Church Wasn’t Sure Holy Spirit Is God Until ‘Experience’ Confirmed It!

It’s Wednesday, and therefore time for another General Audience in Vatican City.

In his role as ‘Pope Francis’, the Argentinian apostate Jorge Mario Bergoglio did not fail to dump more theological piffle on his adoring fans as part of his audience ‘catechesis’. The topic of today’s reflection was the Holy Ghost in the life of the Church, and the false pope used the opportunity to teach a blasphemous idea to his listeners:

In the first three centuries, the Church did not feel the need to give an explicit formulation of her faith in the Holy Spirit.


Watch conference lectures free!

VIDEO: Sedevacantist Fatima Conference
in Spokane, Washington, Oct. 9-13, 2024

Every year the Fatima Conference, sponsored by the sedevacantist Congregation of Mary Immaculate Queen (CMRI), takes place at historic Mount St. Michael’s in Spokane, Washington, during the month of October.

This year’s gathering took place Oct. 9-13. All of the main lectures were live-streamed and so are available to view on YouTube.

The motto for this year’s conference was Ave Maria, Gratia Plena, Dominus Tecum (“Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee”). The keynote address was given by Fr. Johannes Heyne from Germany.… READ MORE

Bergoglio suddenly dislikes atheism…

Heresy at Synod Opening: Francis Slams ‘Atheists Dressed as Christians’

For the opening of the second part of the Vatican’s beloved Synod on Synodality — treated by some as if it were practically the greatest event since Pentecost — the Argentinian apostate running the Vatican under the pseudonym ‘Pope Francis’ (real name: Jorge Bergoglio) gave an ideological opening speech in the serpentine Paul VI audience hall on Oct. 2.

The full 3-hr-40-min video of the so-called First General Congregation of the Synod on Synodality ’24 can be watched here:

One of the many things Francis said in his tedious and at times convoluted address is the following:

We are making [this synodal journey], convinced of the “relational” nature of the Church and seeking to ensure that the relationships given to us and entrusted to our responsible creativity will always be a sign of the gratuitousness of mercy.


Consistory scheduled for Dec. 8

Francis Selects LGBTQ Supporter ‘Fr.’ Timothy Radcliffe to Become a ‘Cardinal’ (among others)

On Sunday, Oct. 6, 2024, ‘Pope’ Francis revealed he will hold a consistory on Dec. 8 to create 21 new ‘cardinals’, 20 of whom will be eligible to vote in conclave to elect his successor.

“A number of the men tapped for the red hat have vocally supported Pope Francis’ controversial 2023 document Fiducia Supplicans – in which the blessing of homosexual and ‘irregular unions’ is sanctioned – as well as holding liberal positions on transgenderism”, Life Site reported on Oct. 9.… READ MORE

The ‘Horan of Babylon’ calls it quits!

Breaking Out of the Habit: ‘Fr.’ Daniel Horan Leaves Franciscan Order, Petitions Vatican for Laicization

Today the world has received a gift of immeasurable value, perhaps due to the intercession of St. Thérèse of the Child Jesus, whose feast we celebrate: The pro-abort woke social justice warrior Rev. Daniel Patrick Horan, OFM, has announced he has left the Franciscan order and is seeking laicization from the Vatican! In other words, he’s done being a friar and a ‘priest’.

Quite appropriately, Horan announced his decision in an article for the progressivist rag National Catholic Reporter, and he did not fail to note that it was the fruit of “prayerful discernment”: