After all, it’s just blasphemy…
Bergoglio: ‘Respond to Blasphemy with Tenderness’
Guest Commentary by Patricius

Atheist Blasphemer Leon Ferrari
UPDATE 7/25/13: Leon Ferrari has died – CLICK HERE for News Story
On November 29, 2004, God-hating atheist “artist” León Ferrari, founder of CIHABAPAI (“Club of Impious Heretics, Apostates, Blasphemers, Atheists, Pagans, Agnostics, and Infidels”), opened a blasphemous “art” exhibition at the Recoleta cultural center in Buenos Aires, Argentina – offensive not only to Catholics, but to Christians, theists, and civilized people in general.
Some of Ferrari’s wicked “art” can be seen at the following links, but be warned: What you will see there is extremely disturbing, containing indecent, impure, sacrilegious, and blasphemous displays, incl.… READ MORE
Novus Ordo Watch NEWS DIGEST
July 22, 2013