Modernist Gobbledygook at its Finest

“Pope” Francis:
‘No One Owns the Truth, it’s an Encounter’ —
‘Don’t Proselytize; Build Bridges, Not Walls’

The Vatican II Sect’s Modernist-in-Chief, Mr. Jorge Bergolgio, has done it again. In a recent sermon given under his pseudonym “Pope Francis” — the emphasis being on pseudo — he trashes the traditional Catholic concepts of truth and evangelization and replaces them with vague, worn-out notions of “dialogue” and “encounter with Christ”.

Since Michael Voris won’t tell you about this in his Distortex Vortex broadcast (more on that here), as it squarely contradicts the image of “Pope” Francis he wants to project, we will be happy to oblige and fill you in on these rather inconvenient facts about Mr.


Vortex Shmortex: “BAM!” is a Sham…

Michael Voris’ “BAM!” Vortex
Full of Hypocrisy & One-Sided Reporting

BAM! The “Voris Virus” rears its ugly head again: On May 6, 2013, ChurchMilitant.TV published its regular Vortex broadcast, this time with an episode entitled “Pope Francis – BAM!” In it, host Michael Voris paints the picture of a super-conservative, über-orthodox, anti-ecumenical, mega-traditionalist “Pope” Francis, who is trying to do all he can to fight the liberalism in the Novus Ordo, just like Voris and his ChurchMilitant.TV crew. In so doing, Voris accuses the liberals in the media and the Novus Ordo Church of distorting reality by presenting an incomplete picture of “Pope” Francis, by ignoring inconvenient facts about him and only reporting the news selectively.… READ MORE

Vatican II thoroughly demolished…

Continuity or Contradiction:
Should Catholics “Respect” False Religions?

by Michael O’Halloran

A Mexican Indian brushes John Paul II with herbs as they burn incense in a traditional cleansing ritual at the Basilica of Guadalupe in Mexico City Thursday, August 1, 2002. (AP Photo/Eduardo Verdugo)

[Novus Ordo Watch Preliminary Note: Kudos to Michael O’Halloran! The article excerpted and linked below appeared in Christian Order magazine, February 2013 issue. With great competence and razor-sharp analysis, he completely deconstructs the false modernist theology of the bogus Second Vatican Council, showing that despite all sorts of talk about a “hermeneutic of continuity,” the truth is that the pre-conciliar teaching cannot be reconciled with the post-conciliar teaching, because the two simply contradict.… READ MORE

Novus Ordo Watch NEWS DIGEST
May 6, 2013


Why wear a beautiful, traditional pectoral cross when you can wear this?

The Strange Pectoral Cross of “Pope” Francis

Embed from Getty Images

The editors of Tradition in Action have published an in-depth look at the “Good Shepherd” cross Francis uses as his pectoral cross. It’s worth reading in full:

Above left, you see the pectoral cross of Card. Jorge Bergoglio when he was Archbishop of Buenos Aires; at right, his cross after he was elected Pope or Bishop of Rome, as he insists on being called. Several things are strange about these crosses that invite speculation…



At least he accepts Vatican II, eh?

Neither Vatican Nor Diocese Punish Pro-Homo Novus Ordo Priest who Paid for Abortions

The following shocking story comes from LifeSite:

BARCELONA, April 19, 2011 ( – A Catholic priest who financed the abortion of two young girls in his care will not be excommunicated nor otherwise punished, the Archdiocese of Barcelona declared yesterday on behalf of Cardinal Archbishop Lluís Martínez Sistach.

The archdiocese also claims that it has support for its decision from the Vatican’s Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, which it says ruled in favor of the priest in 2009.


He’s baaack…

Benedict XVI Returns to Vatican for Retirement

benedict francis.jpg

And neither one of them is the Pope…

The “Pope Emeritus”, Benedict XVI, has returned from Castelgandolfo and is now back at the Vatican, where he will remain for the rest of his life:

.- Benedict XVI has returned to the Vatican after moving to the papal summer household outside of Rome to not interfere with the papal election.

“He is now pleased to return to the Vatican, where he intends to devote himself, as he announced on Feb. 11, to the service of the Church in prayer,” said a Vatican statement released on May 2.


Sedevacantist Pioneer Dies

Patrick Henry Omlor
June 13, 1931 – May 2, 2013
Requiescat In Pace

We are saddened to have to report the passing of Mr. Patrick Henry Omlor, one of the earliest pioneers of Traditional Catholicism in the 1960s. A Texan by birth, Mr. Omlor died peacefully at a hospital in Perth, Australia, on the feast of St. Athanasius, May 2, 2013. Like the great bishop, confessor, and doctor St. Athanasius, Mr. Omlor was not afraid to stand up for the True Faith in a time when the Novus Ordo Church began to eclipse the True Church with its modernistic teachings and false new sacramental rites.… READ MORE

Now they just need an actual priest to go with the actual confessionals…

Confessionals without Priests

The indult blog Rorate Caeli has posted an article that tells of a Novus Ordo parish that has experienced an increase in people going to confession after having installed traditional confessional boxes and abandoning the modernist “reconciliation room”. “Actual confessionals mean  more actual confessions,” titles Rorate Caeli. This is true, and by the same token, actual priests mean more actual absolutions. And there’s the problem: You can confess all you like, even in a traditional confessional box, but if the man on the other side isn’t a validly ordained priest, you’re not obtaining forgiveness of your sins (which was probably the point of you going to confession in the first place).


Bergoglio’s Kissy Fits…

Kiss, Kiss, Kiss:
The Kissing “Pope” Administers Novus Ordo Confirmations

This is nothing new for “His Holiness”, who did the same thing as “Archbishop” of Buenos Aires. In the true Roman Catholic rite of Confirmation, each confirmand, having just received the imposition of hands (which the Novus Ordo rite has eliminated) and the anointing, is slapped on the left cheek by the bishop as a sign that one is now a soldier of Christ and must be ready to accept any suffering for the Faith. The Novus Ordo religion, in its “updating” of the rite of Confirmation, has completely done away with the slap, not replacing it with anything.… READ MORE

New Mass vs. True Mass:

The “Preparation of the Gifts” Replaces the Catholic Offertory

See Also:


Flashback 2009

‘Archbishop’ Robert Zollitsch:
Christ Did Not Die to Atone for our Sins

The apostasy of the New Church has taken on such drastic proportions that the head of the German Novus Ordo “Bishops” can deny the sin-atoning nature of Christ’s Sacrifice on Calvary in a TV interview, and nobody cares. The Redemption of Our Lord is denied — the very heart of the Gospel, for which countless martyrs died — and no one takes notice. This denial of one of the central dogmas of Catholicism by the Modernist “Archbishop” Robert Zollitsch of Freiburg took place in a TV interview broadcast on Holy Saturday of 2009.… READ MORE

News Digest Apr. 27, 2013

Novus Ordo Watch NEWS DIGEST
Apr. 27, 2013


The Modernists’ last-ditch defense tactic refuted…

“Who are YOU to judge who is a Heretic?”

The following is an excerpt from the 1886 book Liberalism is a Sin by Fr. Felix Sarda y Salvany. It was endorsed and praised by the Vatican’s Sacred Congregation of the Index under Pope Leo XIII. The book exposes the ideas and tactics of the Modernists, called Liberals at the time, and we cannot recommend it highly enough. In fact, one may say that this book completely destroys many fundamental ideas of the bogus Second Vatican Council (1962-65) and the new religion it engendered (which we call the Novus Ordo Religion).… READ MORE

The old Modernist Strategy is still working…

“Pope” Francis:
“Not Possible to Find Jesus Outside the Church”

Oh boy, this one’s going to get the semi-traditionalists and pseudo-conservatives in the Novus Ordo jumping for joy. “The Pope said that Christ cannot be found outside the Catholic Church, oh my gosh! Look at how conseeeeervative he is! Our Pope is Caaatholic!”

Sure enough, Mr. (“Fr.”) John Zuhlsdorf picked up on this story right away, and no doubt we won’t have to wait long for Michael Voris to cover it in The Vortex (known for its extremely selective reporting) as well. [Update: Voris covered it in his May 6 Vortex here.]