News Digest September 4, 2015

Novus Ordo Watch NEWS DIGEST
September 4, 2015

“Love by Resurrection” Liturgical Dance in Alabama


“Mercy” is for everyone!

Francis Grants Jurisdiction to SSPX Priests to Hear Confessions & Grant Absolution during “Holy Year of Mercy”

Breaking News from the Vatican this morning: The apostate Argentinian layman Mr. Jorge Bergoglio (“Pope” Francis), has announced that for the upcoming jubilee year, the “holy year of mercy”, he is “excluding no one” and therefore expressly granting faculties (ordinary jurisdiction) to priests and bishops of the Society of St. Pius X (SSPX) to hear confessions and grant valid absolution.

Here are his exact words, taken from a translation of a letter he sent to the President of the “Pontifical Council for the Promotion of the New Evangelization” on Sept.


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VI: The Novus Ordo Seminary

Isn’t it time you too headed for the exit?

Restoration Radio’s show “Escape from the Novus Ordo” returns with Fr. Michael Oswalt, a former Novus Ordo “priest” of the diocese of Rockford, Illinois, who converted to traditional Catholicism (sedevacantism) and was ordained a true priest in 2011. He has penned an open letter to his former diocese of Rockford, Illinois, in which he explains why he left the Novus Ordo religion. The letter is available in English and Spanish:

Born in 1972, no one is a better fit than Fr.… READ MORE

As Catholic as the Dalai Lama…

Meet the New “Archbishop” of Santa Fe:
John Charles Wester

As of late, Jorge Bergoglio (“Pope Francis”) has been appointing “bishops” faster than Chris Ferrrara can say “diabolical disorientation”. On Monday, April 27, 2015, Mr. Bergoglio appointed the “bishop” of Salt Lake City, John Charles Wester, as the new “Archbishop” of Santa Fe, New Mexico. Here are some of the news stories covering the appointment, as well as an interview:

John Wester is a posterboy for Novus Ordo interreligious dialogue.… READ MORE

Chaos Frank strikes again…

Francis and the Gay Penguins:
The Latest Kerfuffle in FrancisChurch

Just ahead of “Pope” Francis’ visit to the United States after the Supreme Court’s (invalid) ruling that homosexual unions are to be considered “marriage”, and about 6 weeks ahead of the much-anticipated October Synod on Marriage and the Family, once again there is chaos in Novus Ordo Land about what the “Pope” has — or has not — said to a lesbian activist who put together a children’s book in which gentle souls are groomed to be accepting of the idea of unnatural “families”, in which both “parents” share the same sex (often incorrectly termed “gender”, which is actually a grammatical term).… READ MORE

Another blow to Bp. Williamson…

Against Mente-Vacantism:
Refuting the Idea that the Vatican II “Popes” Cannot Be Guilty of Heresy because they have no Grasp of Immutable Truth

Bishop Donald Sanborn, rector of the sedevacantist Most Holy Trinity Seminary in Brooksville, Florida, has produced another excellent post in which he refutes one of the main errors of the ‘Resistance’ movement, that which has come to be known as “mente-vacantism” — “empty-mindedness” —, according to which Francis and his manifestly heretical predecessors cannot be considered heretics because they are allegedly incapable of understanding the concept of the changelessness (“immutability”) of truth.

As Bp.

Im-moral Theology

Novus Ordo Moral Theologian sees “Sacramental Character” in “Commited, Loving” Same-Sex Unions

Stephan Goertz is a recognized “Catholic” authority on moral theology in Germany

BARF BAG ALERT: The latest aberro-sexual trash comes once again from the heart of apostate Europe, from Germany. The internet portal, which is maintained by the German National Conference of Novus Ordo Bishops, has published an interview with the “moral theologian” Stephan Goertz, who is part of the “Catholic-theological” faculty of the University of Mainz. Goertz is the editor of the new book, “Wer bin ich, ihn zu verurteilen?” — “Who am I to judge him?”


“This saying is hard, who can accept it?” (Jn 6:60)

Francis “Explains” Bread of Life Discourse in John 6 — without mentioning the Real Presence!

From the man who likes to emphasize that we must “preach the Gospel always”, comes yet another blatant refusal to do precisely that. In a short “catechesis” on our Lord Jesus Christ’s “I am the Bread of Life” discourse in John 6:27-70, “Pope” Francis (Jorge Bergoglio) in his Sunday Angelus Address of Aug. 23, 2015 managed to preach on the classic scriptural prooftext for the Catholic dogma of Transubstantiation while conspicuously avoiding any reference to the Real Presence of Christ in the Holy Eucharist.


You can’t make this stuff up…


Meet the “Punk Priest”

Today we present another offbeat character that serves as a great example of the glorious “New Springtime” that was ushered in by the Vatican II Church in the 1960s. His name is “Fr.” Bob Lubic, and he goes by the nickname “The Punk Priest” (we say “Father” in quotes because he was ordained in the invalid Novus Ordo rite of ordination). He formerly had a website at, but it is now defunct and the address forwards to his Facebook page instead.

Luckily, however, a good amount of the content of the old Punk Priest web site was saved by the Web Archive’s Wayback Machine and can still be retrieved, for example, right here:


Novus Ordo Watch for your Ears…

Episode 007 Now Available

The Traditional Catholic Podcast


TRADCAST 007, released on August 17, 2015, is packed with informative traditional Catholic content: In the first segment, we examine the Nature of Faith to understand why it is that a Catholic must believe all dogmas of the Faith in order to be a Catholic, and why even denial of just one dogma does not render him “mostly” Catholic but not a Catholic at all. We then tackle American Novus Ordo blogger Mark Shea’s controversial remarks about the Planned Parenthood undercover videos — while he did denounce the atrocities of the baby-killing organization, in a recent podcast he spent considerable time condemning the prolife entity that exposed Planned Parenthood for lying to the abortionists and deceiving them in order to be able to make these videos.… READ MORE

007 TRADCAST (17 AUG 2015)


  • Segment 1: The Nature of Faith: Why is one not a Catholic at all if one denies even just one dogma? — Mark Shea, Lying, and the Undercover Videos exposing Planned Parenthood
  • Segment 2: Bp. Richard Williamson and the “New Mass” Fiasco — “Bp.” Athanasius Schneider, Michael Voris, and the SSPX Schism Question

You can listen to the show by clicking the big play button on the left in the embedded player above. Alternatively, you can choose right below from more listening/viewing options:

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News Digest August 17, 2015

Novus Ordo Watch NEWS DIGEST
August 17, 2015

Beyond pathetic: Elvis Presley Admirer “Fr.” Norbert Fink’s latest attempt to reach youngsters: German Rap Song “Dein Gott” (“Your God”)


“Let us be happy about every kind of relationship…”

Swiss Novus Ordo Bishop: Sodomy? Not a Problem if you’re Nice!

Mr. Markus Buchel, pretend-bishop of Sankt Gallen, Switzerland, and head of the Conference of Swiss Bogus Ordo Bishops

The Novus Ordo Sect in Europe has once again shown its true colors: “Bishop” Markus Buchel of the diocese of Sankt Gallen, Switzerland, who is also the current head of the Swiss Conference of Novus Ordo Bishops, has essentially declared that sodomy (and any other type of sexual perversion) is an intrinsically acceptable expression of human sexuality, and that this unnatural sexual act that cries to Heaven for vengeance is not seriously blameworthy as long as the partners-in-vice are “attentive”,”loyal”, “careful”, and “respectful” towards each other — in other words, as long as they’re nice.

 Responding to a popular objection…

Catholic Debate and Personal Polemics:
Are we just full of “Bitter Zeal” and “Venom”? Can We Only Attack an Argument and Never a Person?

Some readers of our web site, though happy with the content in general, may be somewhat displeased with our rhetorical and polemical style, or our personal rebukes of certain individuals, specifically (our favorite targets) members of the bogus Vatican II hierarchy, but also subscribers to the false “recognize-and-resist” opposition, including Michael Voris, John Vennari, Michael Matt, John Salza, and Christopher Ferrara. As of late, it seems to have become fashionable to object on certain blogs and forums that Novus Ordo Watch is just full of “venom” and “bitter zeal” — a rather convenient excuse not to have to deal with the facts presented.


The True Meaning of the Vincentian Canon

Deflating Another ‘Resistance’ Myth: Can we reject Magisterial Teaching if it wasn’t believed “always, everywhere, and by all”?

“Cafeteria Catholicism” is a fitting label often used to describe the position taken by overt Modernists and other pseudo-Catholic liberals (such as Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi, or John Kerry) who like to pick and choose which Church teachings to accept and which ones to reject. Usually what is accepted is those things perceived as politically correct, expedient, or simply non-offensive (for example, the existence of God, the importance and power of prayer, the reality of Heaven, or the importance of loving of neighbor), whereas what is rejected is those teachings that are politically incorrect, offensive to modern man, or somehow inconvenient or burdensome (for example, the necessity of the Catholic Church for salvation, the prohibition against worship with non-Catholics, the reality of hell, or the indissolubility of marriage or most other sins against the Sixth and Ninth Commandments).… READ MORE