You can’t make this stuff up:
“Pope” Francis’ Favorite Exorcist is a Lutheran!
“Cardinal” Bergoglio referred people to Lutheran “Exorcist” when Permission from Rome for Exorcism was delayed
Don’t hold your breath waiting for Michael Voris and the “conservative” Novus Ordo spin machine to report on this. While these people are all gung-ho about telling you how often Jorge Bergoglio — “Pope” Francis — mentions the devil in his homilies, the inconvenient part of that truth is that his favorite “exorcist” is Manuel Acuña, a Lutheran “priest” around Buenos Aires. Needless to say, Lutheran clerics are laymen, as they do not possess valid holy orders — but this means also that they are incapable of performing real exorcisms.… READ MORE
At least he accepts Vatican II, eh?
Neither Vatican Nor Diocese Punish Pro-Homo Novus Ordo Priest who Paid for Abortions
The following shocking story comes from LifeSite:
BARCELONA, April 19, 2011 ( – A Catholic priest who financed the abortion of two young girls in his care will not be excommunicated nor otherwise punished, the Archdiocese of Barcelona declared yesterday on behalf of Cardinal Archbishop Lluís Martínez Sistach.
The archdiocese also claims that it has support for its decision from the Vatican’s Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, which it says ruled in favor of the priest in 2009.
Habemus Jorge…
Francis: “Call Me Jorge”
The Novus Ordo Church is once again its own best parody. You simply cannot make this up. If you thought that “Fr. Chuck” and “Bp. Fred” were bad, watch out — here comes….“Jorge”!
The following is a quote from the article “Call Me Jorge” by Dr. Marian Horvat (link to full article here). Keep in mind that Horvat and her Tradition In Action apostolate mistakenly believe Jorge Bergoglio (“Pope Francis”) to be the Pope of the Roman Catholic Church — a laughable idea that Novus Ordo Watch firmly rejects. Nevertheless, the article is a most interesting read and very illustrative of the attack on all things Catholic that has been perpetrated by the False Novus Ordo Church since its inception in 1958:
“José María del Corral, director of the ‘School of Neighbors’ educational program in Buenos Aires was one of the Pope’s special guests at his Inaugural Mass….
Oh, Brother…
(Anti-Pope) x 2
“Pope” Francis Meets Former “Pope” Benedict XVI, Says “We Are Brothers”
Supreme Irony: Neither of them is actually the Pope!
News Stories on this Event:
Put on Your Surprise Face:
Canadian Novus Ordo Priest picked by Vatican for Conclave Reporting utters Heresy, says Pope is mere “Figurehead”, “First Among Equals”
Rosica on Mansbridge One on One
In an interview shown on Canadian television, the Vatican’s man for English-language reporting on the upcoming conclave, “Fr.” Thomas Rosica, has unashamedly uttered heresy against the dogma of the nature of the papal primacy. The video clip is available here; the heresy is uttered at the 7:28 min mark.
Here is a transcript of the relevant part:
Fr. Rosica: “[…]The leadership of the papacy requires somebody who can connect with people somebody who has health somebody who can move around and not be afraid of long flights.
Stumbling At the Finish Line:
Another Look at the SSPX’s Illogical Stance on the Pope Question
Commentary by Francis del Sarto
The strange ecclesial soap opera that is the series of on-again, off-again negotiations between Benedict XVI and the Society of St. Pius X in 2012 took yet another curious turn in mid-September 2012, when the SSPX’s Bishop Bernard Tissier de Mallerais revealed the contents of a confidential letter sent back in the summer by Benedict to Bishop Bernard Fellay, head of the Society.
According to Bp. Tissier:
On 30 June 2012 – this is a secret but will be revealed to the public – the Pope himself wrote a letter to our Superior General, Mgr.
The Trojan Horse of the SSPX-Vatican Negotiations
How Bp. Williamson Puts Souls at Risk
by Gutting All Meaning from a Well-Known Expression
image: Wikimedia Commons (Deepika Ravishankar) / CC BY-SA 4.0
Of the various reasons the Catholic Church down through the ages has insisted on Latin as the language of her Roman rite liturgy has been the variability of vernacular languages, and hence the reliability of them to consistently preserve word meanings. When one is dealing with unchangeable eternal truths, it is crucial to be certain that the way those truths are expressed cannot deviate in meaning, which is all too easy to do when a living language is being used as witnessed in the “New Mass”.… READ MORE
Quo Vadis, SSPX?
The Society of St. Pius X after the
Lifting of the “Excommunications” of 1988
Bp. Bernard Fellay, SSPX Superior (1994-2018)
“The Bride of Christ cannot be made false to her Spouse: she is incorrupt and modest. She knows but one dwelling, she guards the sanctity of the nuptial chamber chastely and modestly”
(St. Cyprian, cited by Pope Pius XI, Encyclical Mortalium Animos, n. 10)
“We must be on guard against minimizing these [Traditionalist] movements. Without a doubt, they represent a sectarian zealotry that is the antithesis of Catholicity. We cannot resist them too firmly.”
(Joseph Ratzinger, Principles of Catholic Theology [Ignatius Press, 1987], pp.