We had been warned…

St. Francis of Assisi Prophecy:

“A Man, not Canonically Elected, will be raised to the Pontificate… In those days Jesus Christ will send them not a true Pastor, but a Destroyer”

[UPDATE: Some people dispute the authenticity of this prophecy, claiming it was concocted by certain dissident members of the Franciscan order in the 13th century and only subsequently attributed to St. Francis. Whether that be true or false, always keep in mind that ultimately, the case against the Vatican II antipopes is not based on private revelation.]

Shortly before he died in 1226, St. Francis of Assisi called together the members of his order and warned them of great tribulations that would befall the Church in the future, saying:

Act bravely, my Brethren; take courage, and trust in the Lord.


Ven. Anne Catherine Emmerich on
The Church of Darkness

“I saw the fatal consequences of this counterfeit church;
I saw it increase; I saw heretics of all kinds flocking to the city.”
—Ven. Anne C. Emmerich

The Venerable Anne Catherine Emmerich (1774-1824) was a German Augustinian nun of great sanctity. She endured a life of sufferings, bore the stigmata of our Lord and was a seer, who witnessed scenes from the life of Christ with the vividness of one who was there. Those revelations were one of the sources used in making the film The Passion of the Christ. She also foretold future occurrences in the Church.… READ MORE

“Theology of the Body” 1.0

Modernist Yves Congar Urinated on Wall of Holy Office in early 1960s

Fr. Yves Congar, O.P.

The following report comes from Robert Blair Kaiser (1931-2015), a Jesuit-trained liberal who became a journalist instead of — thank heavens! — a “Catholic” priest. Normally we would just provide a quote or an excerpt and then link to the full article; however, as Kaiser is now deceased and his web site is likewise defunct, we are reproducing it below in its entirety.

In a nutshell: The Modernist lowlife known as Fr. Yves Congar, O.P. (1904-95), urinated at the walls of the Holy Office in the early 1960s to show his contempt for Roman Catholic orthodoxy and in particular for Cardinal Alfredo Ottaviani, who was then functioning as the secretary of the Holy Office.… READ MORE

Video, Links & Resources

Showdown in Rome:
Complete Synod 2015 Coverage

Embed from Getty Images

The Official Synod 2015 Documents

Official Video Recordings — available on demand:


Conclave Watch 2013




76-Year-Old “Cardinal” Jorge Bergoglio of Argentina elected 6th Antipope of Vatican II Sect, claims Title “Pope Francis”

For Updates and All Other News surrounding Francis,
see our “Pope Francis” Page here (CLICK)

Photos, Videos & Major News of Conclave (updated daily)

Day 2 (March 13): Black Smoke after Second and Third Ballots

Day 1 (March 12): Black Smoke after First Ballot

Blogs of Interest

Who are the Electors?



So you just stumbled upon this web site and are wondering what in the world this is all about? Then this page is for you!

What’s going on? Why this odd web site?

To make a long story short: What is today known as Roman Catholicism is in fact not the Roman Catholicism of the past. You can verify this for yourself just by looking at Church history, and virtually all disinterested historians will confirm this. The big rupture occurred at the Second Vatican Council, a gathering of all Catholic bishops called in 1959 by the newly-elected “Pope John XXIII”.… READ MORE

You can’t make this stuff up…

Novus Ordo Priest complains:
Confessors at St. Peter’s Basilica Playing Games, Reading Newspapers while Hearing Confessions — Priest silenced

(This is a photoshopped stock image and not the confessional in question)

We have been telling you from the beginning that Francis’ new “mercy” is a sham. Recently, a young Novus Ordo priest from Chile found this out the hard way: On four separate occasions, as he sought to receive the sacrament of penance, he found the “priests” hearing his confessions doing other things at the same time: playing games, reading the newspaper, etc. — and three of these incidents took place at St.


Leaked Internal Paper…

SSPX’s Fr. Schmidberger makes Case for Union with Rome


Former SSPX Superior General, Fr. Schmidberger, with the current one, Bp. Fellay

The Spanish-speaking “Resistance-SSPX” web site Non Possumus has published an internal letter of Fr. Franz Schmidberger, formerly the Superior General of the Society of St. Pius X (1982-94) and currently the head of the SSPX seminary in Zaitzkofen (Germany), in which he lays out the case for full canonical recognition by Modernist Rome under “Pope” Francis and responds to various objections.

The three-page letter, dated February 19, 2016, is entitled Überlegungen zur Kirche und der Stellung der Priesterbruderschaft St.


Fallout from “Amoris Laetitia”

“Papal” Biographer:
Schism with Benedict XVI as Anti-Pope is Possible

Journalist and biographer Andreas Englisch in Cologne on Oct. 31, 2018
(image: dpa picture alliance / Alamy Stock Photo)

Francis’ post-synodal exhortation Amoris Laetitia has caused the predicted chaos among conservative adherents of the Vatican II religion, although a few are still in denial. Approximately 18 hours since its official release, plenty of summaries, commentaries, and reactions continue to pour in. We are chronicling the meltdown and present the most explosive quotes from the wordy document in the following two links:

Meanwhile, the German intellectual review Merkur has published an interview with one of the country’s leading “papal” biographers and Vatican journalists, Andreas Englisch.… READ MORE

254 pages of “Joy” for the Married…

Antipope Francis
“Apostolic Exhortation” Amoris Laetitia
“The Joy of Love”
on Love in the Family
March 19, 2016

NOTE: For reactions to the document, analyses, and commentary, please access our special CHAOS WATCH page at the following link:

With his latest humongous document which virtually no one will actually read in full, “Pope” Francis has outdone himself once more. The newly-released document exceeds even his previous overlong “Apostolic Exhortation”, Evangelii Gaudium (2013). At 254 pages of printed text, 391 footnotes, and exceeding 57,000 English words, Amoris Laetitia has got to be a new record for the post-Vatican II paper factory.… READ MORE

Panic all over, some in Denial…


Full Coverage: Release of Post-Synodal Exhortation on the Family, Amoris Laetitia, and Chronicling its Aftermath

The big day has come and gone, and it is nothing short of panic and chaos all over! Welcome to our full coverage of the release and presentation of “Pope” Francis’ “Post-Synodal Apostolic Exhortation” Amoris Laetitia (“The Joy of Love”). Novus Ordo Watch is pleased to be the official Amoris Laetitia Chaos Watch Headquarters: We are providing you with all the information you need to understand what’s going on with this much-anticipated document. Let’s go!


The Worst and most Explosive Passages:
Amoris Laetitia Highlights

Vatican TV Broadcast Feed

(English audio available – click on “Switch Camera” in embedded Player)

Presentation of “Apostolic Exhortation” Amoris Laetitia:
Click Player to begin stream

Post-Synodal Exhortation Amoris Laetitia: The Actual Text, Official Commentary

Here is a word cloud we quickly created based on the English version of Amoris Laetitia (courtesy of Word Cloud Generator).… READ MORE

Vatileaks 3.0…

Exhortation Amoris Laetitia:
Summary Leaked

They do not say how they obtained it, or who put it together, but the indult/semi-trad blog Rorate Caeli has just published a summary of the “post-synodal Apostolic exhortation” Amoris Laetitia, which will be officially released tomorrow (April 8) at a press conference scheduled to begin at 11:30 am Rome time (5:30 am ET). Novus Ordo Watch will provide full coverage.

Click here to read the alleged summary:


The summary is divided into the following sections, with the paragraphs of the exhortation referenced in parentheses:

  • Introduction (1-7)
  • Chapter One: “In the light of the Word” (8-30)
  • Chapter two: “The experiences and challenges of families” (31-57)
  • Chapter three: “Looking to Jesus: The vocation of the family” (58-88)
  • Chapter four: “Love in marriage” (89-164)
  • Chapter five: “Love made fruitful” (165-198)
  • Chapter six: “Some pastoral perspectives” (199-258)
  • Chapter seven: “Towards a better education of children” (259-290)
  • Chapter eight: “Guiding, discerning and integrating weakness” (291-312)
  • Chapter nine: “The spirituality of marriage and the family” (313-325)

At 325 paragraphs, the document fails to surprise as far as its length goes.… READ MORE

Impeccable Timing!

Vatican: SSPX Need Not Adhere to All of Vatican II for Canonical Recognition

“Abp.” Guido Pozzo

In American politics, this would be called an “October surprise”. In the Vatican II religion, it is just another whim of Francis’ god of surprises: As the ink on the dreaded post-synodal exhortation Amoris Laetitia has not even dried yet, the Vatican announces a curious concession to the Lefebvrist Society of St. Pius X: Adherence to all of Vatican II is not a requirement for canonical recognition by the “Holy See”. Thus says “Archbishop” Guido Pozzo, Secretary of the Vatican’s Ecclesia Dei Commission in charge of dealing with the SSPX.… READ MORE

Vatican confirms April 2 meeting

“Pope” Francis meets with SSPX Superior General, Bishop Fellay

The Press Office of the “Holy See” has confirmed a newspaper report of an unannounced meeting that took place between “Pope Francis” and the Superior General of the Society of Saint Pius X, Bishop Bernard Fellay, on Saturday, April 2, at Vatican City. The Italian paper Il Foglio broke the story, quoting sources who said the meeting “was positive” and “understanding is good” between Fellay and Francis, whom Fellay had called “a genuine Modernist” in 2013.

According to Il Foglio, the discussions between the “Pope” and the Lefebvrian SSPX are moving towards a personal prelature model similar to that under which Opus Dei operates.


“Pontifical” Council for the Family gives advance warning…

Vatican Heads-Up: Bishops to “Prepare All the Faithful for Reception of the Post-Synodal Exhortation”

This much is clear: Publication of the long-awaited so-called “Post-Synodal Apostolic Exhortation” of “Pope” Francis on the Synod on the Family, which will address the question of whether publicly unrepentant adulterers, fornicators, and sodomites can be admitted to the Novus Ordo sacraments, is imminent. If recent rumors are true, then the document is in excess of 200 pages, was drafted mainly by “Archbishop” Manuel “Smoochie” Fernandez, and was already signed by Francis on March 19, the feast of St.… READ MORE