Includes “Brook Sexual Behaviours Traffic Light Tool”

Outrageous “Child Protection” Policy in English SSPX School explicitly accepts Sexual Perversion

[UPDATE 17-SEP-2017 00:10 UTC – Statement from St. Michael’s Headmaster and our reaction added — scroll to end of post]

[UPDATE 12-SEP-2017 16:09 UTC – please see second paragraph below]

The Society of St. Pius X’s District of Great Britain operates a school dedicated to St. Michael the Archangel in the small village of Burghclere, England. According to its official web page, St. Michael’s School is an “independent school founded in 1991 to give a traditional Catholic education to children from 5-18 years.”… READ MORE

A brief response to “Contra Cekadam”…

Resistance vs. Sedevacantism: Fr. Cekada answers Fr. Chazal

Fr. Francois Chazal and Fr. Anthony Cekada

Fr. Francois Chazal is a priest who holds the recognize-and-resist position of Abp. Marcel Lefebvre: Recognize as valid the “Popes” since Vatican II while resisting anything they teach or legislate that appears to conflict with Church teaching or practice before Vatican II. At this point, Fr. Chazal is a part of the so-called “Marian Corps” or “Strict Observance” faction of the Lefebvrist Society of St. Pius X, which broke away from the “official” SSPX in response to Bp. Fellay’s conciliatory course with regard to the Vatican Modernists.… READ MORE

Logical chickens coming home to roost…

Is Francis planning to rescind Summorum Pontificum?

Yesterday, July 26, Life Site published a piece by John-Henry Westen that has caused panic and alarm with some in the conservative Novus Ordo and semi-traditionalist world: “Vatican rumblings: Pope Francis aiming to end Latin Mass permission”.

The report contains so many details that it is necessary to quote it in full:

ROME, July 26, 2017 (LifeSiteNews) – Sources inside the Vatican suggest that Pope Francis aims to end Pope Benedict XVI’s universal permission for priests to say the Traditional Latin Mass (TLM), also known as the Extraordinary Form of the Mass.


Back to square one for the Lefebvrists

SSPX Bp. Fellay laments Vatican Turnabout:
“It’s like in the Game of the Goose”

Poor Bishop Bernard Fellay! The Superior General of the Society of St. Pius X had worked so hard to get his adherents all lined up to be led by the hand into the mouth of the wolf known as “full communion” with the Vatican II Sect, under “Pope” Francis no less.

To attain this goal, he had gone to great lengths:


Don’t try this at home!

A Dangerous Experiment:

Taking Francis’ Claim to the Papacy Seriously

Ladies and gentlemen, the following experiment is going to be extremely dangerous. Please put on your goggles, protective gloves, and a breathing mask to minimize the hazardous material you will be exposed to. We’re going to do the unthinkable: For a few minutes, we’re going to take Francis’ claim to being the Pope of the Catholic Church seriously! We will simply square the circle and pretend for a short while that the apostate Jesuit Jorge Bergoglio is actually the Vicar of Jesus Christ on earth! The purpose of this highly toxic experiment will be to demonstrate the consequences that would follow from this absurd supposition.… READ MORE

Muller’s Farewell Gift…

“Cardinal” Müller throws Monkey Wrench into SSPX-Rome Reconciliation: Vatican now demands Full Acceptance of Vatican II and Novus Ordo “Mass”

(photo credit: Andreas Arnold/dpa/Alamy Live News)

Although he has just been relieved from his post as Prefect of the Congregation for the Destruction of the Faith and the Ecclesia Dei Commission, “Cardinal” Gerhard Ludwig Muller was certainly still in charge back in May of this year, when, as it has just been made known, the then-head of the CDF called a plenary session of his congregation to discuss once more the doctrinal declaration the Society of St. Pius X will be required to sign as a condition for full reconciliation with the Novus Ordo Sect.… READ MORE

Response to Fr. Paul Robinson

The SSPX and “Pope” Francis:
Theological Absurdistan on Full Display

The absurd theology of the Society of Saint Pius X is currently on full display again.

On June 8, 2017 there appeared an article entitled, “Unity of Faith with Pope Francis & Canonical Recognition of the SSPX” on the web site of the SSPX’s Asian District. The essay was written by Fr. Paul Robinson, a professor of dogmatic theology at the Lefebvrian Holy Cross Seminary in Lake Bathurst, Australia. As the article points out in an introductory comment, it is “published with permission of the SSPX’s General House in Menzingen”, which means it comes with the highest possible Lefebvrian approval, that of Superior General Bp.… READ MORE

Interview with SSPX Superior General

Bp. Bernard Fellay:
‘Rome has given me Permission to ordain Priests freely’

The United States District of the Lefebvrian Society of Saint Pius X has just released a 30-minute video interview with the Society’s Superior General, Bishop Bernard Fellay. Recorded on April 21, 2017, the interview predates the recent turmoil in the Society’s French District over the removal of seven deans protesting the Vatican’s “concession” on SSPX marriages.

The full interview, conducted in English, can be watched here:

A transcript of the interview has been posted by the SSPX U.S. District and is accessible here.… READ MORE

Tremors felt in Menzingen…

French SSPX in Disarray as District Superior tries to defend Removal of seven “Rebellious” Priests, Commotion at St. Nicolas in Paris

[UPDATE 19-MAY-2017 18:32 UTC: English translation of Contre-Info article added.]

As we reported on May 11, seven deans of the Lefebvrian Society of St. Pius X’s French district were removed from their positions by the district superior, Fr. Christian Bouchacourt, after disseminating and reading from the pulpit a public letter explaining their rejection of the Vatican’s recent overtures on the celebration of SSPX marriages. The open letter, which was condemned by Fr. Bouchacourt the very same day, also made clear that the seven recalcitrant SSPX priests in question are not willing to go along with any reconciliation with Modernist Rome which the Superior General, Bp.… READ MORE

Not all is well in Lefebvre Land…

Trouble in SSPX French District: Seven Deans rebel, get removed from their Positions

The 7 French deans and other priests who joined them

[Update: An English translation of the French deans’ letter has just been released by The Remnant. Also: The seven SSPX clerics in question were not mere priors, as we had previously reported, but deans, that is, heads of deaneries, which are larger geographical subdivisions containing groupings of priories. We have updated the post accordingly.]

On Sunday, May 7, seven deans (heads of deaneries) of the Society of St.… READ MORE

Refuting a common misconception

Sedevacantism and Calvary:
A Brief Response to Cor Mariae

The Cor Mariae web site is an online discussion forum dedicated to promoting the “resistance SSPX” movement, that is, the splinter group(s) that came out of the Lefebvrist Society of St. Pius X a few years back around the time Bp. Richard Williamson was expelled by the Superior General, Bp. Bernard Fellay. As this forum is part of the false opposition to the Novus Ordo Sect, we keep a close eye on it.

On May 7, someone at Cor Marie published a post entitled “Sedevacantism and Calvary”, in which the poster quotes approvingly from a brief anti-sedevacantist article called “A Monster with No Head”, which itself appears to be part of a larger work called Old Battle, New Fronts.… READ MORE

Time to see the elephant in the living room…

Anything but Sedevacantism!
Analysis of a curious Phenomenon

We have said a number of times on this blog that in the world of the semi-traditionalists, the blind are leading the blind. This is not just rhetoric, it simply describes reality. Whether it be people arguing that there is no point to having the correct diagnosis of a problem if one does not have the cure — as though a correct diagnosis were not at least the indispensable starting point for any remedial action; whether it be Christopher Ferrara promoting the idea of an “Anti-Catholic Pope”; whether it be one blogger’s argument that the Pope need not be submitted to “if he’s an idiot”; or whether it be “Bp.”… READ MORE

The rest of the story?

All the Men behind the Opus Dei Curtain: Randy Engel weighs in on the Drama surrounding Church Militant

[UPDATE 16-JUL-2017: Randy Engel’s reponse to E. Michael Jones added]

In July of 2016, Novus Ordo editor and author E. Michael Jones published a sordid tell-all book against Church Militant and its frontman, Michael Voris, entitled The Man behind the Curtain: Michael Voris and the Homosexual Vortex. The official description of the publication reads as follows:

The Man Behind the Curtain: Michael Voris and the Homosexual Vortex by E. Michael Jones. In April 2016 Michael Voris’s homosexual past finally caught up with him.


John Daly destroys a foundational pillar of false traditionalism

Faith and Authority:
When is Disobedience Legitimate?

(Sueddeutsche Zeitung Photo / Alamy Stock Photo)

One of the foundational pillars of the popular “recognize-and-resist” position of the Society of St. Pius X and their theological cousins is the idea that whenever a lawful ecclesiastical authority, such as the Pope, abuses his office by giving a command that ought not to be given, then his inferiors have the right, perhaps even the duty, to resist it, that is, they are permitted or required to disobey by refusing to carry it out. Conversely, the recognize-and-resist adherents maintain that if an action is laudable and profitable to the Church or to souls and yet it is being forbidden by a legitimate Catholic authority for an unjust or insufficiently good reason, then it is licit to carry it out anyway, despite the superior’s prohibition. … READ MORE

Introduces Novus Ordo priests into SSPX sanctuaries…

Vatican issues cunning Document
on SSPX Marriages

[UPDATE 04-APR-17 18:00 UTC: Official SSPX Press Release concerning this document]

The Vatican has just added a bigger piece of cheese to the mousetrap it has set for the SSPX.

Today, April 4, the Modernist Vatican took another significant step towards fully “integrating” the Lefebvrist Society of St. Pius X (SSPX) into that much-vaunted “full communion” with itself.

In a letter dated March 27 but not released until today, the Pontifical Commission Ecclesia Dei instructs local ordinaries (i.e. “bishops” of dioceses) that they are permitted to grant faculties for witnessing marriages to priests of the SSPX operating in their dioceses, given certain stipulations laid out in the document.… READ MORE