Fun & informative podcast…

Episode 41

Necessary Heresy, “Cardinal” Stacking, and Golfer Confessions

Listen on demand at any time — free!

Great news, everyone: It is time again for the quarterly Francis Watch!

Novus Ordo Watch is pleased to sponsor the phenomenal podcast program Francis Watch, in which host Stephen Heiner of True Restoration analyses with his sedevacantist guests, Bishop Donald Sanborn and Fr. Anthony Cekada, the latest chaos perpetrated by Jorge Bergoglio, the man who claims to be the head of the Catholic Church under the title “Pope Francis”. Listen here:

In this episode no. 41, which is 1 hour 19 minutes in length, His Excellency and Father discuss:


“Advice” on overcoming temptation!

‘Welcome Christ to watch Impure Thoughts with you!’ – Shocking Advice from Novus Ordo Priest invited to SSPX Family Conference

We weren’t going to write another post on this issue, but what we just discovered makes it necessary.

We return once more to “Fr.” Sean Kilcawley, a Novus Ordo priest and “Theology of the Body” guru in the diocese of Lincoln, Nebraska. He will be speaking this Friday, Oct. 4, at the Lefebvrist Society of St. Pius X’s Angelus Press Conference on the topic of “The Dangers Lurking Online: Pornography Addiction and how it destroys Hearts, Minds, and Souls.”… READ MORE

“Fr.” Sean Kilcawley invited to speak…

The Danger Lurking Offline: SSPX Conference to feature Novus Ordo ‘Theology of the Body’ Expert

The semi-traditionalist Society of St. Pius X is once again bending over backwards to demonstrate just how much it desires to be integrated into the Novus Ordo mainstream.

In the United States, its Angelus Press Conference is scheduled to take place from Oct. 4-6 this year, and it includes as a featured speaker the Rev. Sean Kilcawley, a Novus Ordo priest who teaches John Paul II’s so-called “Theology of the Body”. This should do more than just raise Lefebvrist eyebrows, especially since the main theme of the conference is, “Defense of the Family: Fortifying Catholic Marriage.” … READ MORE

‘Accompaniment’ in Fribourg…

Fiftieth Anniversary of the Founding of the Society of St. Pius X:

Novus Ordo Bishop permits Lefebvrists to use Diocesan Churches

November 1, 1970, marks the official founding of Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre’s Society of Saint Pius X. On that day, the local ordinary approved the Fraternitas Sacerdotalis Sancti Pii X (FSSPX or, in the United States, simply SSPX) for his diocese of Lausanne, Geneve et Fribourg (Switzerland) as a pious union (unio pia) on an experimental basis.

Before the official approval, however, the first seminarians gathered together in Fribourg in the fall of 1969, and thus the Lefebvrists are celebrating their big anniversary already.… READ MORE

Beloved sedevacantist priest

Father Joseph Collins, R.I.P.

(October 6, 1952 – April 27, 2019)

It is with great sadness and a heavy heart that we announce the death of Fr. Joseph Francis Collins. Fr. Collins died today, April 27, at 11:54 am in Albany, New York, after a battle with cancer. For many years, he was the pastor at St. Michael Chapel & Shrine in Glenmont, New York.

Originally ordained by Abp. Marcel Lefebvre, Fr. Collins had been among the sedevacantist “Nine” who were expelled from the Society of St. Pius X in April of 1983, after they had sent a letter to Abp.READ MORE

Fun & informative podcast…

Episode 39

Adhering to Doctrine; Flagrant Adultery; and a Dream called Jesus

Listen on demand at any time — free!

Great news, everyone: It is time again for the quarterly Francis Watch!

Novus Ordo Watch is pleased to sponsor the phenomenal podcast program Francis Watch, in which host Stephen Heiner of True Restoration analyses with his sedevacantist guests, Bishop Donald Sanborn and Fr. Anthony Cekada, the latest chaos perpetrated by Jorge Bergoglio, the man who claims to be the head of the Catholic Church under the title “Pope Francis”. In this latest episode, Bp.… READ MORE

Lefebvrist leadership misleads souls again…

Better to be Wrong with the Pope – or Right with Tradition against Him?

Response to a recent SSPX Article

On March 10, the official news and communications web site of the Society of St. Pius X (SSPX), founded by Abp. Marcel Lefebvre in 1970, posted a brief article entitled, “Is It Preferable to Be Wrong with the Pope or to Be Right with Tradition against Him?” Predictably, what they offered as argumentation in support of their position is nothing short of a theological disaster.

Let’s go ahead and dissect their little propaganda piece:

This is an objection that is often made to “Tradition”: a Catholic must be in complete union with the pope.


Says rumor is “pretty darn certain”…

Bp. Williamson: Two New SSPX Bishops to be consecrated on April 28 — with Mandate from Francis

In a video-recorded sermon given on Quinquagesima Sunday, Mar. 3, 2019, the former SSPX bishop Richard Williamson announced that the Society of St. Pius X will consecrate two new bishops on the First Sunday after Easter, Apr. 28. He identifies one of the new bishops-to-be as Fr. Christian Bouchacourt and notes that the main consecrator will be “Bp.” Vitus Huonder of Chur, Switzerland, who is expected to have his resignation approved by “Pope” Francis by Apr. 21, when he turns 77.… READ MORE

Fun & informative podcast…

Episode 38

“Saint” Paul VI, Never-Revoked Covenant?, and “Me Too”

Listen on demand at any time — free!

It is time again for another episode: Novus Ordo Watch is pleased to sponsor for our readers and listeners — and anyone else who may be interested — the phenomenal podcast program Francis Watch, in which host Stephen Heiner of True Restoration analyses with his sedevacantist guests, Bishop Donald J. Sanborn and Fr. Anthony Cekada, the latest chaos perpetrated by Jorge Bergoglio, otherwise known as “Pope Francis”. Theological shenanigans by “Pope Emeritus” Benedict XVI and “Bp.”… READ MORE

Interview with Austrian newspaper

New SSPX Superior: ‘We are Deeply Distraught by this Pope’

The Dec. 15, 2018 edition of the Austrian newspaper Salzburger Nachrichten contains a brief, half-page interview with the new Superior General of the Society of St. Pius X (SSPX), Fr. Davide Pagliarani, who succeeded Bp. Bernard Fellay as head of the Lefebvrists this past summer.

The conversation, which was conducted by Josef Bruckmoser, was published on the paper’s web site (digital subscription required), and an English translation was released on the SSPX’s news portal, where it can be accessed in full for free:


A reality check for Burke, Schneider & Co.

Against the “Loyal Opposition”:

How Recognize-and-Resist Traditionalism
neutralizes the Catholic Faith

by Francis del Sarto

On May 18, 2018, during his Rome Life Forum keynote address at the Pontifical University of St. Thomas Aquinas (the Angelicum) in Rome, “Cardinal” Raymond Burke declared: “We cannot fail to observe that the situation which Pope Pius XI described in 1925 has only grown worse in our time, and attempts ever more to infiltrate the life of the Church herself and to corrupt the Bride of Christ by an apostasy from the Apostolic Faith” (see video recording, 12:51ff.… READ MORE

Rejoinder to recent arguments…

The Limits to Invoking “Papal Lapses” as a Justification for the Recognize-and-Resist Position:

A Response to Dr. Peter Kwasniewski

by Francis del Sarto

“Lessons from Church History: A Brief Review of Papal Lapses” is an article by Dr. Peter Kwasniewski that was published on August 6, 2018, by the OnePeterFive website. An editor’s note informs the reader that it is an update of an article that first appeared in October 2015. The author is identified as “a Thomistic theologian, liturgical scholar, and choral composer…”, who has taught at Novus Ordo colleges in Austria and the United States, written six books, and is a regular contributor on “Catholic blogs”.… READ MORE

Everything in the Vatican II Church is false – except the “Pope”?

The Absurdity of the Recognize-and-Resist Position demonstrated in two easy-to-understand Memes

Some things are easier to grasp in simple memes than in pages upon pages of text. We have produced the following two memes to illustrate the folly of the pseudo-traditionalist “recognize-and-resist” position, according to which one must recognize the papal claimants after Pius XII as valid Popes but resist them in whatever they teach, legislate, etc., that appears to one contrary to the pre-Vatican II Magisterium.

Depsite its inherent absurdity and anti-Catholic nature, this position is very popular, perhaps because it promises “the best of both worlds”, so to speak: One gets all the comfort and convenience of having a Pope and a hierarchy, all the while being exempt from the pesky problems associated with submitting to Modernists.… READ MORE

Trust the Fatima Center at your own risk…

Want Catholic Advice? Don’t Ask Father Albert

Until the sudden death of “Fr.” Nicholas Gruner in 2015, the Fatima Center had a TV program called Your Questions Answered by Father Gruner. After his passing, a new, similar broadcast was begun, entitled Ask Father. It is hosted by Fr. Albert Kallio, O.P., who is a member of the Fatima Center‘s Advisory Council of Priests. His biographical blurb provided by the Center reads as follows:

Fr. Albert Kallio, O.P., is a professor at Our Lady of Guadalupe Monastery in Silver City, New Mexico.


They’re baaack!

Bp. Fellay and Fr. Schmidberger elected “Advisors” to new SSPX Leadership

The Lefebvrist Society of St. Pius X has concluded its General Chapter in Swiss Ecône, which meets once every six years and elects a superior every twelve years. The election of the Superior General had been placed first on the agenda, and on July 11, the announcement was made that Fr. Davide Pagliarani had been elected, replacing Bp. Fellay, whose second term had come to an end.

On July 20, the penultimate day of the conference, the SSPX General House released another communiqué, which states:

The General Chapter of the SSPX has elected two General Councillors to serve on the Council of the Superior General, Father Davide Pagliarani, in accordance with the customs and law of the Church.