Going beyond even Vatican II theology…

Novus Ordo Writer Claims Christ’s Incarnation Makes All People Children of God

Popular ‘Catholic’ writer with dangerous theology: Simcha Fisher

On Dec. 18, 2024, the Modernist Jesuit rag America published an article by Simcha Fisher that is, to put it mildly, theologically problematic.

Fisher’s name may seem familiar to long-time visitors of Novus Ordo Watch. Years ago she was a blogger for the conservative-leaning National Catholic Register. She, along with her colleagues Mark Shea and John-Paul Shimek, ended up getting fired from the Register for their online behavior and some not-so-conservative views.

In 2023, Fisher received our attention when she claimed that sins of sacrilege do not hurt Jesus Christ, only ourselves: “When we treat a consecrated Host, which is Jesus, with disrespect, we are only hurting ourselves”, she opined.… READ MORE

Blasphemy and heresy — par for the course for this clown

Munich’s ‘Cardinal’ Reinhard Marx: “Obviously Jesus Does Not Mean to Proclaim a Divine Doctrine”

(image: dpa picture alliance / Alamy Stock Photo)

The notorious Archlayman of Munich and Freising, “Cardinal” Reinhard Marx (b. 1953), has done it again. In an Oct. 2022 special edition of the German Modernist rag Herder Korrespondenz, “His Eminence” dropped a whopper, or more than one.

In a two-and-a-half page article entitled “Speaking of God Today?”, Marx has the gall to claim: “The crisis of the Church is perhaps … also the crisis of an institution that has claimed and still does claim to know a lot about God and to be able to communicate His Will to all people in an authoritative manner” (“Heute von Gott reden?”READ MORE

On expressing and explaining Divine Revelation…

Is there a “Problem” with Transubstantiation?
Response to Hendro Munsterman

The beautiful Catholic dogma of Transubstantiation has long been a thorn in the side of Modernists and other heretical innovators. Not surprisingly, therefore, it is also under attack in the Novus Ordo Church, which, although teaching the dogma in its official universal catechism, denies or attacks it in various other ways.

For instance, the Vatican II Church undermines belief in the Real Presence of Jesus Christ in the Holy Eucharist by the way it offers “Mass”, in the way “Holy Communion” is distributed, and in the fact that it authorizes even heretics and now also public adulterers to receive the ostensible Blessed Sacrament under certain circumstances.… READ MORE

Oops: The former “guardian of orthodoxy” is a heretic himself!

The Heresies of “Cardinal” Müller, Part 2:
His Denial of the Perpetual Virginity of the Mother of God

image credit: dpa picture alliance / Alamy Stock Photo

[CONTINUED FROM PART 1: Müller’s Denial of Transubstantiation]

In recent years it has become fashionable in conservative Novus Ordo and even semi-traditionalist circles to promote the German “Cardinal” Gerhard Ludwig Müller (b. 1947) as a conservative stalwart of Catholic doctrine, simply because he opposes adultery, women’s ordination, and a few other ultra-Modernist pet ideas. In February of this year, Müller issued what he called a Manifesto of Faith, and just last month he published an entire book that purports to be a defense of Catholicism against current errors mostly disseminated by Francis or his henchmen.… READ MORE

Setting the Word on fire…

“Bp.” Robert Barron tells Jewish Man: No need to become Catholic, Jesus is only the “Privileged” Way

Someone once said that what’s new about the “New Evangelization” of the Vatican II Church is that they never get around to actually evangelizing.

That would be bad enough, but as the Novus Ordo Sect’s rising media star, “Bishop” Robert Barron, demonstrated on a special edition of The Ben Shapiro Show the other day, the reality is much worse: The New Evangelization is actually an Anti-Evangelization, in which souls are not merely not taught the Gospel but are actually taught a false gospel (cf.… READ MORE

Oops: The former “Guardian of Orthodoxy” is a Heretic himself!

The Heresies of “Cardinal” Müller, Part 1:
His Denial of Transubstantiation

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Time and again the secular and Novus Ordo media have portrayed “Cardinal” Gerhard Ludwig Müller (b. 1947) as a conservative Catholic theologian and, especially in his recently-completed five-year role as Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, that is, as the Vatican’s chief “guardian of orthodoxy”.

What many people do not realize and some appear to deliberately ignore is the fact that there is copious evidence to show that the 69-year-old German theologian is in fact a heretic himself.… READ MORE

Explosive 1964 Karl Rahner Testimony
on Joseph Ratzinger, John XXIII, Paul VI

Fr. Karl Rahner, left, was a suit-and-tie priest early on

Discovered in 2011, Karl Rahner Testimony from 1963-64 confirms Theological “Bloodbath” at Second Vatican Council (1962-65)

A formerly hidden letter by Karl Rahner to his brother Fr. Hugo Rahner, dated Nov. 2, 1963, was exhibited at a Carmelite church in Munich, Germany, in 2012, on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the opening of the Second Vatican Council. (This letter had been in the possession of the son of Karl Rahner’s younger sister, Elisabeth Cremer [d. 2004], and was turned over to the official Karl Rahner Archive in 2011.)