“Cardinal” Bergoglio Hosted Jewish-Masonic Holocaust Memorial in Catholic Cathedral of Buenos Aires
A mere four months before his election as “Pope” of the modernist Vatican II Church, Mr. Jorge Bergoglio, then known as “Cardinal” Bergoglio, collaborated with the Jewish-Masonic B’nai B’rith lodge to celebrate a “Kristallnacht“-Holocaust memorial in his Catholic cathedral of Buenos Aires, Argentina. The two main speakers of the event were Bergoglio himself and his friend Rabbi Alejandro Avruj of the Fundacion Judaica of Buenos Aires. Representatives of various non-Catholic religions also took official part in the event.… READ MORE
Muslim Convert Baptized by Ratzinger Quits Novus Ordo Church over Modernism
It was bound to happen before long: A prominent convert from Islam who was once baptized by “Pope” Benedict XVI in St. Peter’s Basilica and received into what he thought was the Catholic Church, has now abandoned the Novus Ordo Sect and embraced some kind of generic Protestantism. Magdi Cristiano Allam could no longer take the Vatican II nonsense about Islam as worshipping the true God and being a religion of peace, and the Modernists’ failure to seek the conversion of Muslims:
Anyone in the Vatican II Sect who takes his faith seriously and believes it to be the Roman Catholic Faith, soon finds out that he’s “more Catholic than the Pope” — and that’s because the “Pope” isn’t a Catholic at all.
“Pope Francis, who was seated on an armchair rather than the throne that is customarily used in the Clementine Hall, thanked Bartholomew I, referring to him as ‘my brother Andrew’, a reference to the fact that the patriarchs of Constantinople are considered the successors of the Apostle Andrew, the brother of Simon Peter.”
Judas did it for 30 pieces of silver – Bergoglio does it for free…
“Cardinal” Bergoglio (now “Pope” Francis) Honors Pro-Homosexual Jewish Rabbi who Mocks Christ and Attacks Catholic Church
Skorka poses with Bergoglio for the award – afterwards, they hugged (see below)
Rabbi Abraham Skorka, who favors state-recognized “civil unions” for homosexuals, received an honorary doctorate degree from the Novus Ordo “Pontifical Catholic” University of Argentina in 2012. In his speech at the event, Skorka did the following:
Praised Zionism
Falsely claimed that the Nazi ideology is rooted in Catholic theology
Claimed Christianity cannot be known without Judaism [Skorka’s “Judaism”, of course, is not the Judaism of the Old Testament but the apostate “Judaism” established by Annas and Caiphas at the rejection of Christ]
Referred to Our Blessed Lord Jesus Christ as a “Dude”
Claimed that Our Lord’s teachings about charity are contained in the Talmud
Video: Then-“Cardinal” Bergoglio Celebrates 2012 Hanukkah with Jews in Temple
First Commandment Obviously No Big Deal for the Rev. Bergoglio, “Pope Francis”
Reality Check:
On Sins against the First Commandment – Superstition: “God may be wrongly worshiped either by false worship or by superfluous worship being paid Him. . . . The ceremonies and practices of the Jewish religion signified that the Messiah was to come, and so now, after the coming of Our Lord, they could not be employed without superstition [=false worship]. Inasmuch as falsehood in religion is a grave injury to God, this species of superstition is mortally sinful.”
The Vatican, the SSPX, and the “Restoration of Tradition”
“Thus saith the Lord: Stand ye on the ways, and see and ask for the old paths which is the good way, and walk ye in it: and you shall find refreshment for your souls. And they said: we will not walk.” ―Jeremias 6:16
“No servant can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or he will hold to the one, and despise the other.” ―Our Blessed Lord Jesus Christ (Luke 16:13)
“But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach a gospel to you besides that which we have preached to you, let him be anathema.” … READ MORE
Indonesian Novus Ordo bishops urge ecological conversion and social justice in Lenten message - #catholictwitter
Jesuits begin ‘reparation’ process for alleged Rupnik victims - #rupnik
Purgatory is so pre-Vatican II: "When a #Catholic family visits its faithful departed, the Diocese of Phoenix seeks to ensure that space is bathed in peace, a sense of God’s loving closeness and the joy of believing the individual is now with his or her heavenly Father, awaiting
"Francis requires nursing care and physical assistance and his staff will have to struggle to make the Santa Martha guesthouse accommodate his needs – a particular irony given that the Apostolic Palace he rejected has the capability for the medical care he requires." -
'Pope' Francis in hospital: the truth, the half-truths and the future - #popefrancis #catholictwitter