Know the past to understand the present…

Why we are where we are today:
Bp. Sanborn explains the History of Christendom

Most Rev. Donald J. Sanborn

This past Friday, June 26, 2015, the Supreme Court of the United States of America (SCOTUS) handed down its decision in the case Obergefell v. Hodges, in which five of the nine judges “decided” that states do not have the right to refuse to issue marriage licenses to “couples” of the same sex. In other words, this Supreme Court decision “legalized” and imposed the unnatural aberration known as “gay marriage” in all 50 states.… READ MORE

Helping souls abandon sin is overrated…

‘Archbishop’ of Madrid offers Condolences to Sodomite Partner of deceased Socialist LGBT Activist

Pedro González Zerolo, pictured above, was a Socialist politician, city councilman, lawyer, and pervert (LGBT) activist in Madrid, Spain. In 2005, he “married” his grossly-misnamed sodomite partner, Jesús Santos. On June 9, 2015, Zerolo died of pancreatic cancer at the age of 55. (More here.)

What does the Novus Ordo “Catholic Archbishop” of Madrid, Carlos Osoro Sierra, do? Dumb question! Of course he calls Zerolo’s “husband” to offer his condolences for the passing of the Socialist advocate of unnatural vice. 


The Theology of the Bawdy…

Ghostwriter of Francis’ Ecology Encyclical wrote Book on “the Art of Kissing”

The ongoing freak show that is the Vatican II Church is getting more absurd by the day. It has now come to light that “the Pope’s theologian”, the man who wrote Francis’ forthcoming encyclical on ecology and the environment (reportedly to be called Laudato Sii), published a book twenty years ago entitled, “Heal me with your Mouth: The Art of Kissing.”

We’re not making this up. We couldn’t if we tried!

The author’s name is Victor Manuel Fernández, and Francis is very familiar with him as he is one of his closest advisers, going back to his days in Argentina.… READ MORE

A Novus Ordo Watch Exclusive

Video: Francis’ Appeal to Ireland to Vote NO on Same-Sex ‘Marriage’

In an internet exclusive, we present to you the heartfelt appeal issued by “Pope” Francis to the Catholic people of Ireland, and all men of good will, exhorting them to oppose the attempt to legalize same-sex “marriage.”

Come on, don’t be so hard on him. He’s busy writing a huge encyclical on the environment! You know, climate change, recycling, etc. Who’s got time for such backwards stuff as speaking out against perverts’ attempts to change a natural institution that is necessary for the survival of humanity?… READ MORE

You can’t make this stuff up…

March Madness: Francis to Lunch with 10 Transsexual and 80 other Prison Inmates on Saturday

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What do you know… Mr. Jorge Bergoglio (“Pope Francis”) is reportedly planning to meet and have lunch with 90 detainees in a prison in Naples on Saturday, March 21, ten of whom will be transsexuals. The following report is taken directly from the so-called National Catholic Reporter:

ROME — Pope Francis is reportedly to have lunch Saturday with ten transsexual persons, as part of a visit with prisoners in the southern Italian city of Naples.


That Francis Effect…

“All [Unrepentant Perverts] Are Welcome” at San Jose “Catholic” Church

When you see signs on Novus Ordo parish churches that say “all are welcome”, what they really mean is that unrepentant perverts are welcome, and they are being encouraged to stay just the way they are. Real Catholics would most certainly not be welcome, we can assure you of that — not that they would care to enter anyway.

In the Novus Ordo diocese of San Jose, California, this is exactly what’s happening. Watch this video:

A brief news article regarding this story can be found here.… READ MORE

Welcome to the peripheries…

Francis Receives Sex-Changed Woman & Her “Fiancée”

“He” is actually a she: Diego Neria Lejárraga (right) with “Pope” Francis and her girlfriend

If you want a special private audience with the “Pope” nowadays, what you need to do is undergo sex-change surgery — at least it worked for a Spanish woman who goes by the name of Diego Neria Lejárraga and presents herself as a man because she underwent a surgical operation that converted her biological appearance from female to male. The money for this operation would have been better spent on brain surgery instead, but oh well.… READ MORE

That “Francis Effect”…

Irish Novus Ordo Priest outs himself as a Sodomite during “Mass”, receives Standing Ovation

Homo-perverts in the Novus Ordo Sect are getting a lot bolder now that Mr. “Who am I to judge?” Bergoglio (aka “Pope Francis”) is in charge. The weekend of January 3 and 4, the Rev. Martin Dolan, the sole “priest” at St. Nicholas of Myra parish in Dublin, Ireland, encouraged his congregation to support the country’s upcoming referendum to legalize so-called “gay marriage.” While doing so, he mentioned that he is a homosexual himself.

What was the reaction? Instead of people being aghast and petrified or walking out at such a scandalous sermon and the presbyter’s revelation that he has an inclination to engage in a sin that cries to Heaven for vengeance, the congregation instead gave him a standing ovation.… READ MORE

Some are just more equal than others…

Charlie Hebdo vs. Kreuz.Net:
Secular Society’s Anti-Catholic Double Standard

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Now that a total of twelve people were killed — including two policemen — in Paris, France, at the editorial offices of the blasphemous and pornographic Charlie Hebdo cartoon newspaper, countless people across Europe are marching in favor of freedom of speech, holding signs that say “Je Suis Charlie” (“I am Charlie”), thus expressing their solidarity with the victims of the massacre and their determination to support and enforce people’s rights to believe and express in public whatever they please, regardless of how much it may offend another.… READ MORE

You can’t make this stuff up…

Mark Shea says Elton John’s Admiration for Francis shows he is “revisiting what the Gospel has to say”

The other day we reported on Elton John’s admiration for “Pope” Francis, Jorge Bergoglio. In a fundraising event to fight AIDS, the British sodomite said he wants the putative Pope to be declared a “saint now”, and that he considers him his “hero.” While anyone who isn’t yet completely brain-dead would, in the context of who Elton John is and what has transpired so far with regard to “Pope” Francis, see this for yet another confirmation of what utter shame and disaster Bergoglio has brought on the name “Catholic”, the one American blogger who can always be counted on to come down on the wrong side of an issue (with very few exceptions), Mark Shea, sees this as proof that Elton John is opening himself up to the Gospel!


Gushes over his “hero”…

Elton John on Francis:
“Make This Man a Saint now, okay!?”

Embed from Getty Images

Great Britain’s most famous “married”-with-kids sodomite, Reginald Kenneth Dwight, who goes by the stage name “Elton John”, has once again sung the praises of the head of the Vatican II Church, Jorge Bergoglio, who goes by the stage name “Pope Francis.” Echoing his words from earlier this year, Sir Elton John called Francis “my hero” at the annual fundraiser for his Elton John AIDS Foundation. He pleaded, “Make this man a saint now, OK?”, in reference to Bergoglio’s “new tone” of acceptance of unrepentant perverts in what the world believes to be the Catholic Church.

Vienna’s Homo-Heretic weighs in…

“Cardinal” Schönborn Lauds “Exemplary Behavior” of Homo-Couples who “Faithfully Care” for One Another

It’s the last thing we needed: Vienna’s pervert-endorser-in-chief, Mr. Christoph Schonborn, opened his mouth again in favor of sodomite couples. In the October 14 edition of Corriere della Sera, the “cardinal-archbishop” of Vienna praised the “human values” supposedly found in homosexual unions that are “based on lifelong fidelity and mutual caring.” He claimed that our Lord Jesus Christ opened Heaven even for tax collectors and prostitutes, without, however, mentioning the minor detail that Christ was referring to repentant sinners, rather than those who persist in mortal sin (“Go, and now sin no more” — Jn 8:11).… READ MORE

First Document causes Chaos…

A Nod to Sin at the Synod:

Gathering finds “Elements” of Holy Matrimony in Fornication & Adultery, wants to “Accept & Value” Homosexual “Orientation”

Vatican commentator John Thavis has called it a “pastoral earthquake”: The Extraordinary Synod on the Family currently underway in the Vatican has just released its first post-discussion document (relatio post disceptationem), an initial position paper, if you will, or draft of ideas and suggestions to be considered and discussed in the coming days at the synod itself and in the next 12 months before the final decisions are made at next year’s Ordinary Synod in October 2015.… READ MORE

Summing it up…

The Strange “Papacy” of Jorge Bergoglio
by Miles Christi

When on March 13, 2013, a largely unknown Argentinian stepped onto the balcony of St. Peter’s, dressed fully in white, his first words “Good Evening” were only the ominous beginning. Since then, utter chaos has been unfolding in the Novus Ordo Sect (Vatican II Church) under the new leadership of “Pope Francis.” Most people who have been trying to be good Catholics are getting restless, and the upcoming Synod on the Family promises to unleash another theological earthquake, quite possibly leading to a schism within the False Church itself.… READ MORE

Ciudad Del Este responds to Vatican Investigation


Paraguayan Diocese Under Investigation Fires Back: Priest Accused of Homosexual Conduct ‘Recommended by Cardinal Ratzinger’

You may have heard that the diocese of Ciudad del Este, Paraguay, is currently under investigation by the Vatican. Its vicar general, Fr. Carlos Urrutigoity, has a history of homosexual abuse allegations in the United States (Scranton, Pennsylvania), from where he was eventually transferred to Paraguay. A few days ago, “Cardinal” Santos Abril y Castello announced that priestly ordinations were suspended in the diocese until further notice. (A brief summary of the case can be found here.)

But now, the diocese has fired back: In a lengthy defense of its local ordinary, “Bishop” Rogelio Ricardo Livieres Plano, the diocese states flat-out that the accused predator priest, Fr.… READ MORE