Explosive Background on Vatican II

The Personal Diaries of
Mgr. Joseph Clifford Fenton

Then-Fr. Fenton (right) in 1948 with Fr. James E. Rea (left),
Fr. Gerard Yelle (center), and Fr. Francis J. Connell (seated)

Monsignor Joseph Clifford Fenton was a priest of the diocese of Springfield, Massachusetts, ordained in 1930. He taught at the Catholic University of America and served as editor of the American Ecclesiastical Review from 1943-1963. In 1931, he received his doctorate degree in Sacred Theology from the Angelicum in Rome. His dissertation was written under the direction of Fr. Reginald Garrigou-Lagrange, O.P. (d. 1964) and was published in expanded form ten years later as The Concept of Sacred Theology (Bruce Publishing).… READ MORE

“Chaos Frank” strikes again…

“Pope” Francis advised Tony Palmer NOT to Convert, ordered him buried as a Catholic Bishop!

The absurd circus that is the Jorge Bergoglio “Papacy” continues unabated. A very interesting article published by Austen Ivereigh in the Boston Globe on August 7, 2014, gives a lot of background information on the friendship between “Pope” Francis and the Anglican-Evangelical “Bishop” Tony Palmer, and casts the latter’s deadly motorcycle accident in an even more significant light:

[The church communion Palmer was “ordained” in sees itself] as part of a “convergence” movement, seeking to combine evangelical Christianity with the liturgy and sacraments typical of Catholicism.


“Apologetics” Francis-Style…

The “Pope” Apologizes to Evangelical Pentecostals in Caserta, Italy

Embed from Getty Images

Another day, another Bergoglio horror story. On Monday, June 28, 2014, “Pope” Francis visited his Protestant friend “Pastor” Giovanni Traettino in Caserta, Italy, to engage in another heretical “let’s all just get along” pep talk and to apologize for Catholics who allegedly “persecuted” and “condemned” Pentecostals in the past, which, so the Argentine apostate claimed, was the result of being “tempted by the devil.”

News coverage of the event itself, with plenty of quotes and other information, can be found in the following articles and posts:


Bergoglio’s 11th Interview

“One-On-One with the Pope” —
Francis’ 10 Tips for a Happy Life include
“Live and Let Live” and “No Proselytism”


It seems that “Pope” Francis is interested in letting each and every publication in the world have its own special interview with him, and this time (July 27, 2014), it’s for the Argentine Viva, a Sunday supplement to the Clarín newspaper.

At this point, details are still spotty, as almost nothing has yet been published online about the content of the 77-minute interview, which was recorded on video. Entitled “Mano a Mano con el Papa” — “One-On-One with the Pope” — it is an account of journalist Pablo Calvo’s conversation with the Argentine papal pretender.… READ MORE

The guy that finds “virtue” in stable homo relationships…

Francis appoints Berlin’s Homo-Friendly “Cardinal” Woelki as new “Archbishop” of Cologne

On July 11, 2014, the Vatican issued a press release announcing that Berlin’s “Cardinal” Rainer Maria Woelki had been appointed by the Modernist-in-Chief Jorge Bergoglio (“Pope Francis”) as the new archbishop of Cologne to fill the vacancy left by the conservative (by Novus Ordo standards) “Cardinal” Joachim Meisner, who had resigned in February of this year. Woelki’s appointment is significant for two reasons: (1) Cologne is Germany’s largest diocese; (2) Woelki is soft on the homosexual agenda. Here are the relevant news stories:


Stacking the Deck with more Heretics…

Francis appoints Über-Modernist Enzo Bianchi to Vatican’s Council for Ecumenism

“Pope” Francis is once again causing chaos. On July 22, 2014, “His Holiness” appointed the Modernist layman Enzo Bianchi of the Bose Monastic Community as an advisor to the Vatican’s so-called Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity.

As Vaticanist Giuseppe Nardi reports:

On Tuesday [July 22] Pope Francis appointed new members and consultants to the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity. While no one seriously expected the Argentinian Pope to appoint Tradition-minded Catholics to this important body, nevertheless the Pope’s choice of Enzo Bianchi, the lay prior and founder of the ecumenical monastic community of Bose is still surprising.


Hey, what’s one more at this point…

Another Heresy from Richard Rohr

Consider yourself blessed if you’ve never come across the name or theology of “Fr.” Richard Rohr, one of the Novus Ordo Sect’s most dangerous Modernists in the United States. Officially a “Franciscan priest”, Mr. Rohr — ordained in 1970 in the doubtfully valid Novus Ordo rite of Paul VI — is a master of syncretism, mixing traces of Catholicism with lots of New Age and Modernist “spirituality” that he administers to people at his “Center for Action and Contemplation” in Albuquerque, New Mexico.

We have exposed Rohr and the dangers of his false theology and false spirituality before in the following post:

Rohr’s satanic New Age agenda also includes “retreats” in the desert where, so he boasts, oftentimes men will strip naked and jump over a fire.


Hey, thanks for clarifying…

Francis: “I’m Not Interested in Converting Evangelicals to Catholicism”

For all those neo-cons in the Novus Ordo Church who were still in denial over Francis’ repeated affirmations that he opposes converting non-Catholics to Catholicism, “Pope” Jorge Bergoglio reiterated his position once more, this time in a conversation he had with Evangelical Protestant Brian Stiller, who is the Global Ambassador of the World Evangelical Alliance.

Stiller visited Francis in the Vatican in June 2014 and published a blog post about his encounter, entitled “Lunch with the Pope”, on July 9. There are two salient passages in Stiller’s account worth quoting:

We talked about Christians marginalized, pressed under the weight of government power or the majority presence of other faiths.


“And then I told them, ‘I’m a faithful son of the Church!’”

High Five, Francis!

The following is an excerpt from an article brought to you by Religion News Service on the meeting “Pope” Francis had with American Protestant preachers Kenneth Copeland and James Robison at the Vatican. The story speaks for itself, but there’s one little correction we must offer: The author of the piece, Sarah Pulliam Bailey, is wrong in saying this was the “first-ever papal high-five.” Francis had actually done it before, as we reported in our post on December 21, 2013, which you can see here.


New interview published June 29…

Francis Denies/Mocks Sacred Scripture: “Woman was taken from a Rib… I’m kidding, that’s a Joke”

In less than 2 weeks, “Pope” Francis, too exhausted to attend to all of his scheduled obligations, has cranked out yet another interview, making it the ninth in total since his election on March 13, 2013, according to our reckoning.

Click here to read the interview in full in English:


(Italian Original here)

The professional blogger/ translator/ traveler/ cook/ businessman/ lecturer/ anything-but-a-real-priest “Father” John Zuhlsdorf has shared his translation of a few lines of text from this interview in which Francis confounds ultra-liberals waiting for “women priests”, and of course, this is something Zuhlsdorf loves to zero in on as it allows him to perpetuate the idea that Francis is somehow a Catholic or a conservative — as though all it took to be a Catholic was to affirm one Catholic thing every once in a while.… READ MORE

Two peas in a pod…

Francis Receives “Blessing” from Archlayman of Canterbury

Mr. Welby “blesses” Mr. Bergoglio on June 16, 2014
(image credit: Servizio Fotografico Vaticano / used with permission)

On Monday, June 16, Jorge Bergoglio (aka “Pope Francis”) had his friend Justin Welby over, the so-called “Archbishop of Canterbury,” and decided to receive a “blessing” from the imaginary clergyman. As Pope Leo XIII definitively decreed in 1896, the holy orders possessed by Anglican clergy are invalid, “absolutely null and utterly void”:

Then, considering that this matter, although already decided, had been by certain persons for whatever reason recalled into discussion, and that thence it might follow that a pernicious error would be fostered in the minds of many who might suppose that they possessed the Sacrament and effects of Orders, where these are nowise to be found, it seemed good to Us in the Lord to pronounce our judgment.


Powerful & incisive…

The Catholic Church and the “Conciliar” Church: Two Churches in One?

Bp. Donald Sanborn dismantles a Linchpin Doctrine of Recognize-and-Resist Theology

In his June 2014 newsletter, Bp. Donald Sanborn, rector of the sedevacantist Most Holy Trinity Seminary in Brooksville, Florida, provides an insightful perspective on the ontological status of what we like to call the “Novus Ordo Sect”, “Vatican II Church” or “Conciliar Church” and the panacean role this concept, in modified form, plays in the ever-convenient but thoroughly erroneous “recognize-and-resist” position, which acknowledges Francis as Pope but rejects his teachings, disciplines, and canonizations. The recognize-and-resisters effectively believe that there are two churches in one — the true one and a false one — and it is their task to figure out when the true Church is speaking and when the false one rears its ugly head.… READ MORE

He’s baack!…

Francis Interview No. 8

“Violence in the Name of God does not correspond to our Time”; “Very concerned about Unemployment Rate of Young People”; “My Prayer is Jewish [first], then I take the Eucharist, which is Christian”

After a 2-month hiatus, “Pope” Francis has returned with yet another interview. According to our reckoning, it is the eighth of its kind since the Argentinian layman Jorge Bergoglio usurped the papal office on March 13, 2013.

Speaking to Enrique Simmerman of the Spanish daily La Vanguardia, Francis answered sundry questions posed to him about war, the economy, society, fundamentalism, his relations with the Jews, Pius XII, Benedict XVI’s resignation, and more.

WDTPRS – What does the Prayer Really Say?…


Muslim Imam at Vatican’s Prayer for Peace Event prayed for “Victory over the Infidels”!

UPDATE 15-JUN-2014 19:26 GMT: The official recording of the Interfaith “Prayer for Peace” event has now been published, and the part where the Muslim imam prays for “victory over the unbelievers” has been cut out. The Gates of Vienna blog has the details:

UPDATE 13-JUN-2014 02:34 GMT: The Gates of Vienna blog has weighed in on the matter with several interesting posts (make sure you read the comments!):


The “Operation of Error” in Full Swing…

The Interreligious “Prayer for Peace” from the Vatican Gardens: Jewish, Muslim, “Catholic”

Embed from Getty Images

Francis’ Naturalist idea of obtaining peace involves planting an olive tree

“Chaos Frank” has done it again. On Pentecost Sunday 2014, he hosted an interreligious “Invocation for Peace” event at the Vatican Gardens. The main attendees were Patriarch Bartholomew I (Eastern Schismatic), Israeli President Shimon Peres (Jewish), and Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas (Muslim).

Two videos of the event, the first a summary, the other the entire spectacle at full length, are available here:

The Vatican web site has made available the full text of the prayers offered to what is claimed to be the same true God, which of course is a lie.… READ MORE