Can’t lose what you never had…

Bergoglio Has Nothing to Lose
…Like the Papacy, for Example

by Rev. Anthony Cekada

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That skullcap was never his anyway!

SINCE JORGE MARIO BERGOGLIO’S election in March 2013, I’ve heard from more and more traditional Catholics who are starting to wonder whether sedevacantism might now be the only coherent way to explain the state of affairs in the post-Vatican II church. As I noted in a post late last year:

“After all, how can you reconcile the countless outrageous public statements that Bergoglio has made (no Catholic God, who am I to judge, doctrinal security is not possible, proselytism is nonsense, etc.)


Reality Check for delusional “Conservatives”…

Kasper: ‘Francis shrugged off Cardinal’s Warning about Heresies in my Book’

Just as the usual “conservative” Novus Ordo pundits are having a field day with the CDF’s Modernist “Cardinal” Gerhard Muller thundering against the even-more-Modernist American Leadership Conference of Women Religious (LCWR), one of Francis’ star theologians, the apostate “Cardinal” Walter Kasper, comes out swinging:

In many ways, Kasper may better reflect Francis’ outlook than the crackdown on U.S. nuns launched by the Vatican’s doctrinal office. Just as Francis has downplayed the focus on rule-following and hot-button issues in an effort to widen the church’s appeal, Kasper has pushed the importance of pastoral flexibility and realism in walking with Catholics throughout their imperfect lives.


John 7:13 all over again…

“For Fear of the Jews”:
The Novus Ordo Good Friday Prayer

The Roman Catholic Church, in her loving kindness and care, having been entrusted by the Son of God with the mission to preach the Gospel and convert all men to the true Faith (see Mk 16:15-16), greatly desires the salvation of all people. Knowing that man was not made for this world, but for eternal beatitude in Heaven, she lovingly seeks to detach him from the state of sin he finds himself in and lift him up to the life of Faith and virtue through the grace merited by our Lord Jesus Christ, who declared: “I am the way, and the truth, and the life.… READ MORE

Make popcorn, folks…

Comedy Hour with John Salza:

A Critical Review of his Interview on Papal Authority on Voice of Catholic Radio 

It is really scary to see what is marketed as “traditional Catholicism” by the false traditionalist “Recognize-and-Resist” camp these days. Their stubborn unwillingness to concede that the Vatican II Church cannot be the Catholic Church of our Lord Jesus Christ, and that its “popes” cannot be true Catholic Popes, is driving them to twist and distort genuine traditional Catholic doctrine regarding the nature, authority, and infallibility of the papacy and the Church’s Magisterium.

On March 30, 2014, the Long-Island-based program Voice of Catholic Radio featured a 40-minute interview with “Resistance” apologist John Salza, conducted by host Joe Bagnoli (click here to listen or download).


The Party is over…

Pope Leo XIII Quashes “Recognize-and-Resist” Position

Just as the various Semi-Traditionalist “Recognize-and-Resist” camps are revving up their engines to collectively oppose the impending “canonization” of the apostate bishop Karol Wojtyla, otherwise known by his pseudonym “Pope John Paul II”, Novus Ordo Watch has bent over backwards to unearth and present two little-known papal documents by Pope Leo XIII that absolutely demolish their comfortable position of “having your Pope and beating him too.”

The two documents we present are two Apostolic Letters written by His Holiness in the 1880s, one addressed to the Cardinal-Archbishop of Paris, the other to the Archbishop of Tours.… READ MORE

‘Chaos Frank’ interviewed by Belgian Youngsters…

Interview No. 7:
“Believers and Non-Believers, We’re All Brothers and Sisters”


Another day, another “papal” interview. This time, Francis allowed three Belgian young adults to interview him at the Vatican, with a video camera recording the entire talk. The video is available at this link here (the interview proper begins at the 11:29 mark). The interviewers asked their questions in English, while the papal pretender answered in Italian. The subtitles in the video are in Dutch.

So far, the only English translation has been published by Vatican Radio:

We will leave you with this brief but powerful Reality Check from Holy Scripture regarding Bergoglio’s disingenuous claim, “Believers and unbelievers, we are all brothers and sisters”:

Bear not the yoke with unbelievers.


In “Full Communion” with the Novus Ordo Sect…

The Roaring Modernism of “Fr.” Richard Rohr

“Father” Richard Rohr, OFM

One of the most infamous Modernist apostates the Vatican II Sect in the United States has to offer under the label of “Catholic” is Mr. Richard Rohr, a Franciscan Novus Ordo priest notorious for his dissent even from official Novus Ordo doctrine on faith and morals, not to mention his rejection of traditional Roman Catholic teaching.

Rohr is a genuine Modernist and a very popular speaker and author in the U.S. He is the founder of the Rohr Institute and its so-called “Center for Action and Contemplation”, located in Albuquerque, New Mexico.… READ MORE

Divorce Bergoglio Style

If only St. Thomas More had known about this…

Divorce Bergoglio Style:

Francis Applauds Kasper’s “Profound Theology” that Blesses Adultery

[from Fr. Cekada’s blog]

JUST ABOUT anyone who claims to be a Catholic can tell you that the Church teaches that divorce and remarriage are forbidden. He might even be able to tell you that the teaching is not just a “Church” law, but one that comes from Our Lord Himself: ”Whom God hath joined together, let no man put asunder.” And he might even add that if you remarry while your first spouse is alive, you commit adultery.

Until now that is. 


We ask, you decide!

365 Days of FRANCIS:
What Was the Worst?

It’s been a full year since March 13, 2013, that fateful day when “Cardinal” Jean-Louis Tauran stepped out on the balcony of St. Peter’s and announced the election of Jorge Mario Bergoglio as “Pope Francis.” The moment the Argentine apostate appeared, the mayhem began, and we have chronicled the highlights — or lowlights, to be more precise — every step of the way. To review the facts about Rev. Bergoglio, please access our “Pope Francis” Page here; a review of our Novus Ordo Wire blog posts will provide additional insights.… READ MORE

Hell-Denier elected…

Germans Choose Marx: “Archbishop” of Munich Succeeds Robert Zollitsch as Head of German Bishops’ Conference

The long-awaited successor to Fr. Robert Zollitsch, the Christ-denying Modernist apostate former “Archbishop” of Freiburg, has been chosen: Reinhard Marx, the current “Archbishop” of Munich and Freising, is the new head of the super-Modernist German Conference of Non-Catholic Bishops.

Appointed a “cardinal” by Benedict XVI in 2010, Mr. Marx has distinguished himself as a firm and faithful enemy of the Catholic Faith. Where his predecessor Zollitsch denied that Christ died to atone for our sins, Marx denies the Catholic dogmas of hell and purgatory — and has said that Christians believe that “God’s existence is possible.”

But haven’t we always had “bad Popes”?

The “Bad Popes” Argument

A very common objection one hears when discussing Sedevacantism with those unfortunate souls who still believe Jorge Bergoglio (“Francis”) is the Pope of the Catholic Church, is, “But there have always been bad Popes!” They are either not familiar with, or incapable of grasping, the difference between, on the one hand, Catholics who lead immoral lives, and, on the other hand, heretics.

Francis isn’t a bad Catholic. He’s a Non-Catholic. That’s the crux. Therefore, saying that we’ve had bad Popes in the past and they were still valid Popes, is totally beside the point.


Like a good neighbor, Francis is there…

“My Brother Bishop!”

Few things are a better advertisement for the falsity of the Vatican II religion and the truth of the Sedevacantist position than Jorge Mario Bergoglio (“Pope Francis”) speaking his mind freely — “from the heart”, you know.

And in this seven-minute screed to Anglican-Pentecostal “Bishop” Tony Palmer, recorded on a smartphone, that’s exactly what Francis did. He addressed the Protestant layman as his “brother bishop”, called the the fake “speaking in tongues” at Pentecostal assemblies a sign of the “Spirit” working throughout the world, outrageously denied the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary, offered “tears of love”, asked for the heretical layman’s “blessing”, and much more.… READ MORE

Disagreeing with the Jews did the trick…


The National [Non-]Catholic Reporter blogs about Novus Ordo Watch

The American Über-Modernist newspaper that deceptively calls itself the National Catholic Reporter has published a blog post in which the author, Robert McClory, mentions Novus Ordo Watch and Sedevacantism.

Entitled “Pope Francis and His Really Hostile Critics”, McClory correctly notes that we identify Francis “as a heretic [and] deceiver.” In particular, he takes issue with our post of November 3, 2013, in which we accuse Antipope Francis of heresy for saying that today’s Jews are the Chosen People of God and that the Old Covenant is still valid.… READ MORE

CAUTION! Francis speaks!

Francis says Faith without Works “Is Not [True] Faith”

When a man who does not possess true Faith presumes to lecture the world on what constitutes true Faith, it is not exactly surprising that he should get it wrong. In his “stream of consciousness” homily of Feb. 21, 2014, at the daily Novus Ordo worship service at the Vatican guest house, “Pope” Francis uttered a verbatim denial of Catholic dogma as defined by the Council of Trent in the 16th century.

The Argentinian antipope said: “A faith that does not bear fruit in works is not faith” (source).


No kidding…

CDF Prefect Müller says “Door Still Open” for SSPX to rejoin Rome

The prefect of the Vatican’s Congregation for the Destruction of the Faith, the German “Archbishop” Gerhard Ludwig Müller, has quite a sense of humor. After 11 months of chaos under Jorge Bergoglio, he is reminding the traditionalist Society of St. Pius X (SSPX) that the “door is still open” for them to officially rejoin the Vatican II Sect (which the SSPX believes to be the Catholic Church). The Rorate Caeli blog put up a translation of the relevant excerpt of an Austrian news magazine’s interview with Archheretic Muller:

[T]he prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith maintains that a reconciliation with the Society of Saint Pius X is possible.