December 7, 1965

Paul VI’s Closing Speech at Fourth General Assembly of the Second Vatican Council

“It was the final session of the Council, the most essential, in which the Pope [Paul VI] was to bestow upon all humanity the teachings of the Council. He announced this to me on that day with these words, ‘I am about to blow the seven trumpets of the Apocalypse.’”

—Jean Guitton, ‘Nel Segno dei Dodici,’ interview with Maurizio Blondet, Avvenire, October 11, 1992; qtd. in Atila Sinke Guimarães, Animus Delendi I (Los Angeles, CA: Tradition in Action, 2000), p. 57

Today we are concluding the Second Vatican Council.… READ MORE


Fr. Trytek explains why he left the Society of St. Pius X

Polish Original:

Rev. Raphael Trytek

Cracow, February 2nd, 2006

raphael-trytekFor nearly half a century since, Christian life remains eclipsed under the propagation of what the Church has infallibly condemned over centuries as Modernistic errors and heresies, such as: 1) Religious freedom, essentially leading to the acceptance of state atheism; 2) falsely conceived Ecumenism — whether equalization of false religious doctrines to the One True Catholic Church, or acknowledgment of other religions, including even Judaism, Islam, and Paganism, as means leading to salvation; 3) the erroneous conception of the Church of Christ as not identical with the Catholic Church, but as a wider entity that includes the Catholic Church without being limited to it; 4) the advancement of one global syncretistic religion; 5) adherence to Masonic ideas, such as the propagation of alleged “natural” rights of man, which essentially becomes an expression of anthropocentrism.… READ MORE

Exclusive Internet Reprint

John Paul II’s Pilgrimage to India


by John Kenneth Weiskittel

This article originally appeared in Catholic Restoration and Sacerdotium magazines in the early 1990s. It has been scanned and automatically converted into text. Therefore, the original formatting has been lost, the illustrations and pictures have been deleted, and words that originally appear in italics are reproduced in regular print. Footnotes will be found at the end of the document. This essay is being reproduced with the express permission of the author and publisher.

In the years since the Second Vatican Council, a common practice among the more traditionally-minded members of the Conciliar Church is to show their support for some aspect of Catholic life (e.g.,… READ MORE

Mgr. Fulton J. Sheen
Communism and the Conscience of the West (1948)

“[Satan] will set up a counterchurch which will be the ape of the [Catholic] Church. . . . It will have all the notes and characteristics of the Church, but in reverse and emptied of its divine content.”

The Antichrist will not be so called; otherwise he would have no followers. He will not wear red tights, nor vomit sulphur, nor carry a trident nor wave an arrowed tail as Mephistopheles in Faust. This masquerade has helped the Devil convince men that he does not exist. When no man recognizes, the more power he exercises.


His Holiness, Pope Leo XIII
Apostolic Letter to Cardinal Pietro Respighi, Vicar General of Rome

On Protestant Proselytism in Rome (1900)

Apostolic Letter of His Holiness Pope Leo XIII, in which he laments and condemns the preaching and proselytism of Protestants in the city of Rome, Italy.

To M. Pietro Cardinal Respighi, our Vicar General,

Lord Cardinal,

Already, from the first moments of Our Pontificate, We had to indicate, as one of the most deplorable harm that is the change in the order of things in this capital of the Catholic world, the ardent proselytism of heresy and, consequently, the peril which the Faith of Our people was exposed to.


His Holiness Pope Pius XI
Supreme Sacred Congregation of the Holy Office

Cum Supremae (1928)

Decree on the Abolishment of the Association
commonly called “Amici Israel”

When this Supreme Congregation of the Holy Office formally considered the nature and aim of the association known as “Amici Israel” [“Friends of Israel”] as well as the booklet titled Pax super Israel [Peace upon Israel], which had been published and distributed far and wide so that the association’s mission and mode of proceeding might become known to the general public, the Most Eminent Fathers, who are charged with safeguarding faith and morals, acknowledged before all else its praiseworthy intention of urging the faithful to pray to God and to toil on behalf of the Israelites’ conversion to the Kingdom of Christ.


His Holiness Pope Pius XII
Supreme Sacred Congregation of the Holy Office

Cum Compertum (1948)

Canonical Warning on Catholics attending Ecumenical Gatherings

Editorial Comment: Novus Ordo Watch is pleased to provide the first English translation of this rare, hard-to-find document issued by the Sacred Congregation of the Holy Office of the Roman Catholic Church, dated June 5, 1948, entitled Cum Compertum. It is a canonical warning, a so-called Monitum, issued by the Church’s highest authority against Catholic involved in ecumenical gatherings with non-Catholics, very much the kind now fully endorsed and promoted by the Novus Ordo Church and its bogus “Second Vatican Council”.… READ MORE

The Alleged Fall of Pope Liberius, His Alleged Excommunication of St. Athanasius, and other Anti-Papal Libels


by John S. Daly

Taken from Chapter 10 of
Michael Davies – An Evaluation
New Edition (2015)

used with permission

Chapter Ten: The Alleged Fall of Pope Liberius, His Alleged Excommunication of St. Athanasius, and other Anti-Papal Libels

“Glory not in the dishonour of thy father: for his shame is no glory to thee.”
(Ecclesiasticus 3:12)

Davies’s Comments on Liberius

The following extracts from Michael Davies’s writings all concern the same subject. They all say much the same thing. Indeed some readers will find them unbearably repetitive.… READ MORE

De Romano Pontifice, Book IV, Chapters 6 & 7

Whether a Pope can fall into Heresy as a Private Person?

by Saint Robert Cardinal Bellarmine, S.J.

Bishop, Confessor, Doctor of the Church
Canonized by Pope Pius XI in 1930
Declared a Doctor of the Church by Pope Pius XI in 1931
Feast Day: May 13

Translated from the original Latin by Mr. Ryan Grant
used with permission

Chapter VI: On the Pope as a Particular Person

The fourth proposition. It is probable and may piously be believed that not only as ‘Pope’ can the Supreme Pontiff not err, but he cannot be a heretic even as a particular person by pertinaciously believing something false against the faith.… READ MORE

De Romano Pontifice, Book II, Chapter 30

Whether a Heretical Pope Can Be Deposed?

by Saint Robert Cardinal Bellarmine, S.J.

Bishop, Confessor, Doctor of the Church
Canonized by Pope Pius XI in 1930
Declared a Doctor of the Church by Pope Pius XI in 1931
Feast Day: May 13

Translated from the original Latin by Mr. Ryan Grant
used with permission

Chapter XXX: The Last Argument is Answered, Wherein the Argument is Taken up, Whether a Heretical Pope can be Deposed

The tenth argument. A Pope can be judged and deposed by the Church in the case of heresy; as is clear from Dist.… READ MORE

The Death Knell of Vatican II

Introductory Text of Pope Pius VI’s Apostolic Constitution Auctorem Fidei against the Errors of the Synod of Pistoia

Auctorem Fidei

August 28, 1794


The papal bull Auctorem Fidei was a forceful condemnation of the errors of the robber synod of Pistoia which had taken place in 1786 in Pistoia (Tuscany), Italy. Like the modernist Second Vatican Council (1962-65) of the Novus Ordo Church, the synod of Pistoia introduced novelties under a veil of ambiguity, thus injecting the poison of error all the more cunningly into unwary souls. Pope Pius VI (1775-99) fired back with this apostolic constitution.… READ MORE

Clarity on a much-misunderstood issue…

The Question of Authority:
“Who are YOU to say who is a Heretic?”

It happens all the time when discussing Sedevacantism or related topics, especially with people in the recognize-and-resist camp, like adherents of the Society of St. Pius X or the Fraternity of St. Peter: Whenever the other side is out of arguments, the objection will be made that the sedevacantist has no authority to say what he is saying — for example, to determine who is a heretic, or to say whether a particular theological conclusion is indeed correct — as though it required an act of authority to discern whether a man is a Catholic or a heretic, or as though Catholic teaching were only to be held in theory but never allowed to be applied in practice to a concrete situation.… READ MORE

“Theology of the Body” 1.0

Modernist Yves Congar Urinated on Wall of Holy Office in early 1960s

Fr. Yves Congar, O.P.

The following report comes from Robert Blair Kaiser (1931-2015), a Jesuit-trained liberal who became a journalist instead of — thank heavens! — a “Catholic” priest. Normally we would just provide a quote or an excerpt and then link to the full article; however, as Kaiser is now deceased and his web site is likewise defunct, we are reproducing it below in its entirety.

In a nutshell: The Modernist lowlife known as Fr. Yves Congar, O.P. (1904-95), urinated at the walls of the Holy Office in the early 1960s to show his contempt for Roman Catholic orthodoxy and in particular for Cardinal Alfredo Ottaviani, who was then functioning as the secretary of the Holy Office.… READ MORE

New Chaos Homily denounces All-Or-Nothing Morality as “heretical”…

No More Black and White:
Francis’ Fifty Shades of Grey

image: (CC BY 2.0)

This is the day Michael Voris must have been waiting for: Francis finally condemns heretics! Quick, everyone: Fire up the Vortex cameras and get everything ready on the web site to report on this breaking news!

On second thought, maybe not… Unfortunately for Mr. Voris and his Church Militant crew, Francis condemns as heretical precisely the kind of Catholic Michael Voris considers himself to be. Ouch! (Tim Haines, he means you too!)

On Thursday, June 9, Francis once again outdid himself in the sermon he gave at the daily “Mass” at Casa Santa Marta, this time on the Gospel of St.… READ MORE

The blind still leading the blind…

On Christopher Ferrara’s “Undertaker Pope”

Embed from Getty Images

Almost finished…

On June 6, The Remnant published a blog post written by its chief rhetorician, Christopher Ferrara, with the amusing title, “The Undertaker Pope: A Brief Study of an Infallibly Politically Correct Pontificate”. The retired American lawyer takes Francis to the woodshed for his most recent outrageous, erroneous, and sometimes downright ridiculous statements and actions, of which Ferrara provides the following summary:

  • Francis’s warm relations with socialist dictators;
  • his lauding of pro-abortion and pro-“gay” politicians;
  • his abuse of the papal office as a platform for globalist enviornmentalism (thus advantaging the same transnational corporations he professes to deplore);
  • his refusal to intervene in opposition to the legalization of “gay marriage” because “the Pope belongs to everybody, he cannot enter the concrete, domestic politics of a country.