The Apostasy of Jorge Bergoglio…

“No Catholic God”?
Dissecting the Francis-Scalfari Interview

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Another week, another ridiculous Bergoglio interview to dissect. Host Justin Soeder speaks with Bp. Donald Sanborn and Fr. Anthony Cekada to analyze and discuss the interview “Pope” Francis gave to former Catholic (now atheist) Eugenio Scalfari, which was published on October 1, 2013.

This 2-hour broadcast of the Restoration Radio Network is another very informative episode full of hard-hitting, no-nonsense Roman Catholic truth. Listen and see just how un-Catholic Jorge Bergoglio (“Pope Francis”) really is and how damaging to souls his errors are.… READ MORE

Two Thumbs Up from the Abortion-Worshipping Narcissist-in-Chief…

Barack Obama “Hugely Impressed” with Francis

This will make your gut turn. Barack Obama says he has been “hugely impressed with” Francis, the man the world believes to be the Pope of the Catholic Church. In an interview with CNBC, the American resident was asked to comment on Francis’ recent remarks regarding Catholics being supposedly “obsessed” with “gay rights” and abortion. Obama answered that he sees in Francis “somebody who lives out the teachings of Christ” (!!), possessing “incredible humility” with “an incredible sense of empathy to the least of these, the poor.” (Of course, we all know what Obama thinks of the least of all, the unborn — he wants them dead, even after birth, if the mother so “chooses”.)… READ MORE

Bergoglio the Apostate Speaks Again…

“There Is No Catholic God” – “Proselytism is Nonsense”:


“Pope” Francis gives Interview
to Italian La Repubblica

If you thought that the interview the Rev. Antonio Spadaro conducted with “Pope” Francis in August and published in September 2013 was a royal mess, get ready for more of the same, but this time, with a bit more bluntness and less diplomacy. On October 1, the Italian paper La Repubblica published yet another interview with His Phoniness (Francis’third in total, if you’re keeping track) under the title “The Pope: How the Church will Change”, and this one elaborates on Francis’ own aversion to the Catholic Faith and his plans to advance the Modernist apostasy at work in the Vatican since the election of “Pope” John XXIII in 1958.… READ MORE

Wake Up and Smell the Heresy…

First Major Novus Ordo Blog asks:
“Is Pope Francis a Modernist?”

[taken from Harvesting the Fruit]

“I have little doubt that the title to this piece pretty much guarantees that the majority of Cotton Candy Catholics won’t even bother to read it. You see, for those who prefer to dwell in that fairy tale version of Catholicland wherein nary a crisis endures, the very question alone is like a serial killer making a cameo appearance in a child’s bedtime story.

Even so, it is an important, and eminently fair question for well-grounded Catholics to ask nonetheless.


Restoration Radio Presents:


The New Springtime of Francis
Dissecting the ‘Chaos’ Interview

Listen on Demand any time:


On September 19, 2013, the Italian Jesuit publication La Civiltà Cattolica published a blockbuster interview conducted with “Pope” Francis by the Rev. Antonio Spadaro, S.J. It was vetted by Francis before publication and then translated from the Italian into various other languages and disseminated across the globe. The Modernist tripe spouted by Francis was so outlandish that it sent shockwaves throughout the Vatican II Church and had even many “conservative” Novus Ordo commentators and spin doctors scratching their heads.

In this two-and-a-half-hour radio broadcast, sedevacantist Roman Catholic Bishop Donald Sanborn and Father Anthony Cekada join host Stephen Heiner to analyze, discuss, and provide insightful Catholic commentary on the infamous interview, pointing out and refuting the Modernist heresies and other errors of Jorge Bergoglio, “Pope” Francis.

Commentary on the “Papal” Interview

A Big Mouth Open for Modernism:
The Bergoglio Manifesto

More Vatican II. Once you manage to get through all the Modernist drivel, that’s the essential message of the interview Jorge Mario Bergoglio, a.k.a. “Pope” Francis, gave to his fellow-Jesuit layman, the Rev. Antonio Spadaro, editor-in-chief of La Civilta Cattolica, published on September 19, 2013. (The full text of the interview, together with the most important quotes highlighted and links to sundry commentaries from various sources, can be accessed here: “Francis Makes a Mess”.)

Bergoglio is 100% a man of the Second Vatican Council, and in this 12,000-word interview he resuscitates all the old 1960’s liberal slogans and ideas to promote essentially a theological “flower-power” for his church. 


NARAL thanks “Pope” Francis

Good Job, Jorge…

NARAL Abortion Coalition posts
Thank-You to “Pope” Francis


[This image was taken from the Facebook page of NARAL, the National Abortion Rights Action League.]

There is no need for comments. This speaks for itself. Yes, there are the usual myriad articles, blog posts, and broadcasts from the (usually) well-paid Novus Ordo pundits about what Francis “really” said or meant, trying to spin Jorge Bergoglio’s words in whatever way suits their agenda best, but the bottom line is that, as before with Francis, this is what people hear, and it’s not always the listeners’ fault. Make sure you read the “Letter to a Baby about to be Aborted” for a powerful illustration of the damage done.… READ MORE

“Chaos Frank” Strikes Again…

Francis Makes a Mess:
12,000-Word Interview creates Chaos among Novus Ordos

It’s happened again. Jorge Bergoglio — the man the world calls “Pope” Francis — has opened his mouth once more and thereby created nothing short of chaos. The Rev. Antonio Spadaro, S.J., editor-in-chief of La Civilta Cattolica, conducted a lengthy interview with the Impostor Pope during the month of August (2013) in the Casa Santa Marta, where Francis resides.

Before we delving into some highlights — or lowlights — of what Francis said, we are providing first of all a link to the full text of the interview:

Full Text: THE INTERVIEW in English:
“A Big Heart Open to God”

Also Available: Download as PDF

Interview Highlights — the Most Important Quotes:

  • “Yes, perhaps I can say that I am a bit astute, that I can adapt to circumstances, but it is also true that I am a bit naïve.”

Don’t you hate it when that happens?


“Pope” Francis Embarrasses Michael Voris:

His Phoniness Directly Contradicts Vortex Host, says Church in Best Shape Ever as Voris Slams “Happy Chatter” Clerics who Pretend All is Well in the Church

In a recent post, we already told you that when Jorge Bergoglio (“Pope” Francis) opens his mouth, it’s anyone’s guess as to what will come out. It took only two days for Bergoglio to prove our point. On Sept. 16, 2013, the man the world believes to be the Pope of the Catholic Church said at a meeting with Roman priests: “The Church is not falling to pieces.… READ MORE

Bergoglio the Blasphemer…

“Pope” Francis: The Church is like Mary and has Flaws

Now that the long Roman summer recess is over, Francis’ daily homilies and weekly general audiences have resumed, and this means there is no predicting what he will say, for anything is possible when Mr. Bergoglio speaks freely.

In his Wednesday audience on September 11, 2013, the man the world believes to be the Pope of the Catholic Church gave a “catechesis” on the Church as Mother of all Christians — and managed to insult both the Church, who is the Immaculate Bride of Christ, and the Virgin Mary, Our Lord’s Immaculate Mother:

“The Church and the Virgin Mary are mothers, both of them; what is said of the Church can be said also of Our Lady and what is said of Our Lady can also be said of the Church”, Francis begins his instruction, before concluding the first paragraph thus:

“Do we love the Church as we love our mothers, also taking into account her defects?


Foxes in charge of the hen house…

Ricca and Chaouqui — Francis’ Scandal-Ridden “House Cleaning” Appointments

A sodomite and a blabbing harlot — so far, Francis’ “house cleaning” appointments are a little short on credibility. But what’s more interesting is that now that the whole world knows about these two miscreants, “Pope” Francis isn’t lifting a finger to do anything about it. Then again, neither of them is known to frequent the Traditional Latin Mass, object to Vatican II teachings, or deny the so-called Holocaust, any of which would have Francis’ immediate intervention as a result. Francis’ now-famous “Who am I to judge?”


Hypocrisy on stilts…

A Priceless Video:
The Voris Double Standard Illustrated

“Fighting Over Feet” – The Vortex of March 30, 2012

The Vortex, a news and commentary broadcast from a “conservative” Novus Ordo perspective, is the flagship program of ChurchMilitant.TV (an organization that was previously named RealCatholicTV).

We have long published severe criticisms of The Vortex and its host Michael Voris — not for being Novus Ordo, but for using a most hypocritical double standard when it comes to criticizing liberalism: Voris very happily trashes liberals and their anti-Christ agenda at every opportunity (and rightly so), yet he absolutely refuses to apply the same standard to the most powerful and dangerous liberal in the entire Vatican II Church: “Pope” Francis.… READ MORE

Condemned by Pope St. Pius X, endorsed by Bergoglio…

He Likes to Tango 
“Pope” Francis Loves Immoral Dance

The more you dig into the past of Jorge Mario Bergoglio – the man the world now calls “Pope Francis” – the more incredible things you find, things that make it very apparent that the man is not a Roman Catholic and has no Catholic sense for anything.

If you’ve wondered why the neo-conservative, faux-traditionalist apologists for the Vatican II Church, such as Michael Voris, Tim Haines, the Rev. John Zuhlsdorf, etc., haven’t exactly been volunteering loads and loads of raw information on just who the new “Pope” is – something you’d expect them to do for a newly-elected “Vicar of Christ” – it’s probably because the information to be found reveals a less-than-laudable picture of the man, a picture they wish to keep hidden from you.… READ MORE

Response to “Catholic Answers”

Rejoinder from the “Rad Trads”

Chances are you’ve heard of an organization called Catholic Answers in Southern California. This enterprise was founded in 1979 by Karl Keating and has effectively become the de facto bulwark of the Novus Ordo religion in the United States. They follow a policy of strictest adherence to the Novus Ordo Vatican in all things and so are Novus Ordo and modernistic to the core, yet with that “conservative” veneer that keeps many trapped inside the Conciliar Church.

On May 31, 2013, their Catholic Answers Live radio show featured a program entitled “Radical Traditionalism”, which was dedicated to refuting the errors of the Society of St.… READ MORE

“Sacrilege” is soo yesterday…


World Youth Day “Communion” Hosts Distributed in Disposable Plastic Cups

The following photos, taken at World Youth Day in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, in July 2013, speak for themselves. They were provided by journalist and Vatican insider Giuseppe Nardi at What you see here is really just the logical outcome of the New Mass and the abominable “Communion in the Hand” practice. Don’t jump to the conclusion that “these people don’t believe in the Real Presence”. No doubt, many don’t indeed; but what’s even worse is that many do and still treat (what they believe to be) the Second Person of the Most Holy Trinity with such grave irreverence and carelessness.… READ MORE