A phony river for a phony Pope…

The Francis Show at the River Jordan


“Pope” Francis is dipping his hand into the River Jordan — or is he?

The “Francis Show” is currently in full swing, ladies and gentlemen. When Jorge Bergoglio — commonly referred to by his official stage name “Pope Francis” — visited the Holy Land last month, he also paid a visit to King Abdullah of Jordan and stopped by the eponymous river in which our Lord Jesus Christ was baptized.

Or at least that’s what you were supposed to think.

The photo above shows Francis visiting in Bethany beyond the Jordan the site of Christ’s Baptism, dipping his hand in what looks to be the waters of the Jordan river, standing there recollected as he is supposedly beholding the very water in which our Blessed Lord was baptized (see Mt 3:13-17).… READ MORE

He’s baack!…

Francis Interview No. 8

“Violence in the Name of God does not correspond to our Time”; “Very concerned about Unemployment Rate of Young People”; “My Prayer is Jewish [first], then I take the Eucharist, which is Christian”

After a 2-month hiatus, “Pope” Francis has returned with yet another interview. According to our reckoning, it is the eighth of its kind since the Argentinian layman Jorge Bergoglio usurped the papal office on March 13, 2013.

Speaking to Enrique Simmerman of the Spanish daily La Vanguardia, Francis answered sundry questions posed to him about war, the economy, society, fundamentalism, his relations with the Jews, Pius XII, Benedict XVI’s resignation, and more.

WDTPRS – What does the Prayer Really Say?…


Muslim Imam at Vatican’s Prayer for Peace Event prayed for “Victory over the Infidels”!

UPDATE 15-JUN-2014 19:26 GMT: The official recording of the Interfaith “Prayer for Peace” event has now been published, and the part where the Muslim imam prays for “victory over the unbelievers” has been cut out. The Gates of Vienna blog has the details:

UPDATE 13-JUN-2014 02:34 GMT: The Gates of Vienna blog has weighed in on the matter with several interesting posts (make sure you read the comments!):


The “Operation of Error” in Full Swing…

The Interreligious “Prayer for Peace” from the Vatican Gardens: Jewish, Muslim, “Catholic”

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Francis’ Naturalist idea of obtaining peace involves planting an olive tree

“Chaos Frank” has done it again. On Pentecost Sunday 2014, he hosted an interreligious “Invocation for Peace” event at the Vatican Gardens. The main attendees were Patriarch Bartholomew I (Eastern Schismatic), Israeli President Shimon Peres (Jewish), and Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas (Muslim).

Two videos of the event, the first a summary, the other the entire spectacle at full length, are available here:

The Vatican web site has made available the full text of the prayers offered to what is claimed to be the same true God, which of course is a lie.… READ MORE

Full Text of Prayers linked below…

Apostasy in the Vatican:
Shekinah & Allah to be worshipped alongside Most Holy Trinity in Interreligious “Prayer for Peace” Meeting

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One big happy family: All the same god, eh?

The professional defenders of the Novus Ordo Sect are going to have a tough time “explaining” this one: On Pentecost Sunday, “Pope” Francis will be conducting a prayer service for peace together with Israeli President Shimon Peres (Jewish) and Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas (Muslim). The Eastern Orthodox (Heterodox, really) Patriarch Bartholomew I will also be in attendance.… READ MORE

A “Siri Thesis” for Ratzinger Fans…

Resignationism 2.0:
Enter “Cardinal” Scola

© Superbass / CC-BY-SA-4.0 (via Wikimedia Commons)

Things are topsy-turvy in Novus Ordo Land. Now they even have their very own “Siri Thesis.”

After the initial appearance in late 2013 of the position we have termed “Resignationism” — the idea that Benedict XVI’s resignation was invalid and therefore he is still Pope, and Francis a usurper — there followed a few rounds of additional theorizing by adherents of the thesis, especially after Ratzinger explicitly affirmed to a journalist that his resignation was valid indeed. At the time, we predicted that Benedict’s affirmation would still not put an end to the speculations, and we were proven right when Antonio Socci wrote his follow-up article “The Plot Thickens.”READ MORE

Facts and Rumors…

A Third Council of Nicea in 2025?
Do Francis & Bartholomew want a new Ecumenical Council?

Rumors are making the rounds in the blogosphere today as AsiaNews.it released a story according to which the Eastern Schismatic (“Orthodox”) Patriarch Bartholomew I revealed that “Pope” Francis and he “agreed to leave as a legacy to ourselves and our successors a gathering in Nicaea in 2025, to celebrate together, after 17 centuries, the first truly ecumenical synod, where the Creed was first promulgated.”

The full story can be read here:


“Chaos Frank” strikes again…

Fire breaks out at Nativity Church shortly after Francis visits Bethlehem


The Grotto of the Nativity damaged by the fire
Click image to enlarge – more below

UPDATE 28-MAY-2014 10:48 GMT:

[The following is for all those who are not yet completely brain-dead and willing to at least entertain the idea that maybe, just maybe, a man who refuses to adhere to Catholic teaching, constantly professes heresy, commits public acts of apostasy, scoffs at Catholic Tradition, and loves to make friends with the enemies of Christ, might not in fact be a valid Pope of the Catholic Church. … READ MORE

Symbolism that speaks volumes…

Hiding Christ from the Jews? Francis’ Pectoral Cross is covered during part of Meeting with Chief Rabbis

One of the many stops during Francis’ brief visit to the Holy Land was a meeting with the two Chief Rabbis of Israel. The Vatican posted the text of Francis’ address to the two rabbis here, and also made available this video.

In keeping with his program of refusing to ever actually evangelize the Jews (or any other non-Catholics, for that matter), and of mocking Christ our Lord, the false “Pope” Francis wore his pectoral cross behind his sash, so that it was at various times either covered partially or not visible at all.… READ MORE

The Antipope in Israel & Jordan

Theological Chaos:
Francis in the Holy Land

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From May 24-26, 2014, Antipope Francis visited Jordan and Israel. The Vatican web site has posted the complete program and schedule at this link.

The following are the Transcripts of Francis’ Speeches:

Official Vatican Videos of Francis in the Holy Land:

Various other important Links relating to this Trip:


To Francis, it’s all the same god anyway…

Francis, the Muslims & the Jews

The Call Me Jorge blog has just put up another really interesting post on Francis’ Modernist apostasy. In the video below, you see Jorge Bergoglio speaking to representatives of the Muslim and Jewish religions, in addition to his own, telling them they all believe in and adore the same god:

The majority of us know how to coexist, it’s easier for us, and that’s a clear message. It’s a message that we have the same Father, up in Heaven, and the same Father down on earth, we adore him… What you have done, visiting these towns, the synagogues, mosques and Christian churches, is an act of brotherhood and a seed.


After a brief hiatus, it’s baack!…


“John XXIII – Patron Saint of Modernism”

To listen to the recorded broadcast, click the title above

Restoration Radio returns with another episode of the “Francis Watch” series, a monthly show dedicated exclusively to all things Bergoglio. Tune in live each month or listen on demand at your convenience for a truly Catholic perspective on Jorge Mario Bergoglio, the Anti-Catholic Modernist who falsely claims to be the Pope of the Catholic Church.

In this month’s episode, host Justin Soeder discusses the following topics with his guests Bp. Donald Sanborn and Fr. Anthony Cekada:

  • The Modernism of “Pope Saint” John XXIII
  • Pope Pius XII’s investigation of Roncalli for Heresy
  • Neither “good” nor “Pope”: Why the “good Pope” is not a Saint
  • Can one accept Francis as Pope but reject the canonization of John XXIII and John Paul II?

Chagall’s ‘White Crucifixion’…

“May His Name Be Blotted Out”:
Francis’ Favorite Painting contains Jewish Blasphemy against Jesus Christ

In the interview book El Jesuita, the then-“Cardinal” Jorge Bergoglio, now “Pope” Francis, revealed that his favorite painting is the White Crucifixion by Jewish artist Marc Chagall. A closer look has now revealed that this work contains in Hebrew the blasphemous words “May his name and his memory be blotted out”.

The Call Me Jorge blog has the story here.

For further analysis of this anti-Christ, anti-Catholic painting, so beloved by Francis, see Marian Horvat’s Jesus on the Cross by Chagall and Maurice Pinay’s Pope Francis’ Favorite Painting.… READ MORE

Satire that hits home…

Sedevacantism For Dummies!



We had said before that “Pope” Francis is a walking copy of Sedevacantism for Dummies, so we decided to create this spoofed cover. For all of those who are terribly offended at this, please keep in mind the nature and purpose of satire: to draw attention to something that is wrong or evil by the use of humor, irony, or exaggeration.

In this case, there is not too much exaggeration actually. In fact — and this is what makes this spoofed cover so funny — every single item mentioned is grounded in fact, in something that has actually happened.… READ MORE

Can’t lose what you never had…

Bergoglio Has Nothing to Lose
…Like the Papacy, for Example

by Rev. Anthony Cekada

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That skullcap was never his anyway!

SINCE JORGE MARIO BERGOGLIO’S election in March 2013, I’ve heard from more and more traditional Catholics who are starting to wonder whether sedevacantism might now be the only coherent way to explain the state of affairs in the post-Vatican II church. As I noted in a post late last year:

“After all, how can you reconcile the countless outrageous public statements that Bergoglio has made (no Catholic God, who am I to judge, doctrinal security is not possible, proselytism is nonsense, etc.)