“And then I told them, ‘I’m a faithful son of the Church!’”
High Five, Francis!

Protestant pastor James Robison high-fiving Francis at the Vatican on June 24, 2014. During their meeting, they agreed all Catholics and Protestants need to come to know Jesus personally. Photo by LIFE Outreach International, via Religion News Service.
The following is an excerpt from an article brought to you by Religion News Service on the meeting “Pope” Francis had with American Protestant preachers Kenneth Copeland and James Robison at the Vatican. The story speaks for itself, but there’s one little correction we must offer: The author of the piece, Sarah Pulliam Bailey, is wrong in saying this was the “first-ever papal high-five.” Francis had actually done it before, as we reported in our post on December 21, 2013, which you can see here. Not that the Argentinian Modernist is actually a true Pope, but we’ll let that slide for the moment.
The non-sedevacantist blogger Mundabor has referred to Francis’ theological freakshow as the “Justin Bieber Papacy.” Let’s hope Mark Shea doesn’t find out….
[From Religion News Service]
Pope Francis meets US televangelists, and the first-ever ‘papal high-five’ follows
by Sarah Pulliam Bailey
July 9, 2014(RNS) What does it take to produce the first-ever papal high-five? A meeting with American televangelists, apparently.
The gesture came during a three-hour meeting of Pope Francis and Texas televangelists Kenneth Copeland and James Robison, just weeks after the pontiff met with televangelist Joel Osteen and other religious leaders. At the June 24 meeting, Robison said he was so moved by Pope Francis’ message of the gospel that he asked the translator to ask Francis for a high-five. The pope obliged, raised his arm and the two men smacked hands.
As unusual as it might seem for a pope meet with celebrity Protestant preachers, the potential awkwardness goes both ways. While some praised Robison for going to Rome, others said Protestants and Catholics have too many differences, on issues that include the role of the Bible, saints, the status of the Virgin Mary and the nature of salvation. “Very disappointed in you James and Betty. Never forget the Inquisition — Never forget!” one commenter wrote on Robison’s website.
But Robison said he and Francis found common ground in caring for the poor.
“I don’t see him as presenting himself as infallible,” Robison said of Pope Francis. “He’s been to confession. He asks for prayer. He’s anxious to apologize on (behalf) of Catholic leadership.”
The June 24 meeting leaned particularly toward charismatic Christianity. Other guests were Anthony Palmer, a bishop and international ecumenical officer with the independent Communion of Evangelical Episcopal Churches; Geoff Tunnicliffe, the outgoing head of the Worldwide Evangelical Alliance; and John and Carol Arnott of Catch the Fire Toronto, which grew out of a Pentecostal revival 20 years ago….

He’s done it before:
Francis high-fiving children at the Vatican in Dec. 2013
(more here)
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