Sunday morning quake rocks Italy…

Earthquake in Norcia:
Basilica of St. Benedict Destroyed

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Around 7:40 am local time, a 6.6 magnitude earthquake hit just north of Norcia in central Italy. The quake was so powerful that the centuries-old Basilica of St. Benedict and the co-cathedral nearby were destroyed. The following is a note posted by the monks living there:

Around 7:40 AM, a powerful earthquake struck close to Norcia….

The Basilica of St. Benedict, the historic church built atop the birthplace of St. Benedict, was flattened by this most recent quake.


Eight pages of Modernist bilge…

Crazy New Interview:

Francis denounces “Idolatry of Space greater than Time”, says “the True Religions are the Development of the Capacity that Humanity has to Transcend Itself towards the Absolute”

October 31 is almost upon us — officially “Reformation Day” in Martin Luther’s Germany — and the Novus Ordo Antipope Jorge Bergoglio will use the occasion to travel to Lund, Sweden, to celebrate the 499th anniversary of the Protestant Reformation with his fellow-non-Catholics there in the Lutheran Church of Sweden — a “Christian” denomination that is pro-abortion, pro-contraception, pro-sodomy, and has a woman “Archbishop” as its head.… READ MORE

Bergoglio attacks the Great Commission…

Francis: “It is not right to convince others of your Faith”

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From the man who does away with sins such as adultery and fornication as belonging to a hopelessly outdated and rigid past, now comes the introduction of entirely new “sins”, such as supporting the death penalty, failing to recycle, or — the latest now — the “sin” of converting others.

We saw it a few weeks ago in Georgia, where Jorge Bergoglio — “Pope” Francis — denounced converting the Eastern Orthodox as a “great sin against ecumenism”, and we saw it again on October 13 of this year, the 99th anniversary of the Miracle of the Sun at Fatima, when Francis received in audience roughly 1,000 ecumenical (mostly Lutheran) “pilgrims” from Germany (photos here).… READ MORE

What’s one more at this point…

HERESY: Francis directly contradicts Council of Trent again

Francis with a statue of Martin Luther in the Vatican on Oct. 13, 2016
(WENN US / Alamy Stock Photo)

One of the wonderful things about Francis is that compared to his five predecessors of unhappy memory, he is fairly direct and much more open in his denial of dogma, thus making it easier to convict him of heresy. Here’s a recent example.

On October 13, 2016, the 99th anniversary of the Miracle of the Sun at Fatima, “Pope” Francis addressed a number of Lutheran “pilgrims” from Germany at the Vatican. … READ MORE

Francis, Rabbi of Reference

Bergoglio and the Jews…

Francis, Rabbi of Reference
by Miles Christi

Catholic writer Miles Christi (“Soldier of Christ”) returns with a new study summarizing the heresies, errors, scandals, blasphemies, and impious practices of Jorge Bergoglio insofar as they relate to apostate Judaism. Miles Christi‘s monograph is entitled Francis, Rabbi of Reference and available in multiple languages, free of charge, through the links below. All files are in PDF format:

Like Miles Christi‘s earlier works, this new document is another handy collection of evidence for the case against Francis.… READ MORE

Jumping through Hoopes…

Pathetic Damage Control Effort:


New Book aims to clarify “What Pope Francis Really Said”

We predicted it early on, and it didn’t require a special gift of prophecy: Before long there was bound to be a big Novus Ordo book or media presentation about “What Francis Really Said/Meant”. It took them roughly 3 years, but now it’s finally coming to pass: On October 21, 2016, Servant Books will release a book entitled What Pope Francis Really Said, authored by National Catholic Register columnist Tom Hoopes.

The book comes with raving reviews by some of the usual Novus Ordo cheerleaders, such as Dwight Longenecker, Raymond Arroyo, and Elizabeth Scalia.… READ MORE

Francis stacks the deck…

Surprise! Francis names Blase Cupich a “Cardinal” — and 16 Others

Look, we told you this would happen, but it’s not like this required any special predicting abilities: On October 9, 2016, “Pope” Francis announced that Archlayman Blase Cupich of Chicago — “The Dirtbag” — would become a “cardinal”. Mr. Cupich will receive the red hat on November 19 at an extraordinary consistory in the Vatican. Apparently Francis couldn’t wait until February rolls around, which is the typical month for the creation of new cardinals, around the feast of the Chair of St. Peter at Antioch (Feb.… READ MORE

“Amoris Laetitia” in action…

“Forbidden Love”: Diocese of Rottenburg-Stuttgart calls for Marriage Rite for Homosexuals



This is where the Novus Ordo Sect is at in Germany: The diocese of Rottenburg-Stuttgart — the emphasis is clearly on rotten — has posted a video commentary by one of its diocesan “theologians”, one Eckhard Raabe, which provides a brief commentary on the recent story of two Novus Ordo nuns who quit the cloister and “got married” — to each other.

Instead of denouncing the perversion of these two women, who were obviously entirely unfit for the religious life, the diocesan master theologian echoed the two perverts’ call for acceptance of homosexual “love” by the Catholic Church, going so far as even to ask for a liturgical marriage rite for gays and lesbians and a nuptial blessing for them!… READ MORE

In-Flight Entertainment…

Transgenders? Case by Case!
“Welcome, accompany, study, discern, integrate”!

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One day after blasphemously declaring that seeking the conversion of non-Catholics is a “great sin against ecumenism”, “Pope” Francis has now weighed in on how to provide pastoral care to people who are not sure whether they are male or female or something else entirely (so-called “transgender” people).

In the much-anticipated in-flight “papal” interview aboard the plane taking him back to Rome from Azerbaijan, where the number of Francis adherents can fit in an elevator, the Argentinian Jesuit was asked by a journalist what he would “say to those who are suffering and feel that their sexual identity does not correspond to their biological one”.… READ MORE

Remember when Ecumenism was the sin?

Francis denounces Converting the Orthodox as “Great Sin Against Ecumenism”

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As you may have heard, Antipope Francis is currently doing mischief in Georgia — no, not the U.S. state of Georgia but the country of Georgia in Eastern Europe, which has a Novus Ordo population of approximately 2%. He traveled there on Friday and will stay until Sunday morning, when he flies to neighboring Azerbaijan before returning to Rome on Sunday night.

This being his 16th (!) “Apostolic Journey” in 3.5 years, the otherwise carbon-emission-conscious pretend-pope has been burning a lot of jet fuel for… well, for what exactly?… READ MORE

The Spirit of Assisi is not the Holy Spirit

Seeking Peace in all the Wrong Ways:
Interreligious Hug Fest in Assisi


And so it happened again: For the fifth time since 1986, the “great religions of the world” descended upon Assisi, Italy, gathering from Sep. 18-20, 2016, at the basilica of St. Francis and the surrounding area in order to come together and deliver endless Naturalistic platitudes about luv, encounter, dialogue, mutual respect, and human dignity — nothing you wouldn’t also find on a Hallmark card –, all as supposed “keys” to peace. Oh, and prayer of course. Not orthodox prayer to the only true God, mind you, but just any sort of lifting of the soul to someone or something one considers to be divine, each in accordance with his own beliefs, preferences, and ideas.… READ MORE

When petitions just don’t cut it…

“We accuse Pope Francis”: Semi-Traditionalist Trio publishes Book of Accusation against Jorge Bergoglio

Michael Matt, Christopher Ferrara, and John Vennari have had enough. After three-and-a-half-years of open apostasy by Jorge Bergoglio (“Pope Francis”), the semi-traditionalist newspaper trio have decided to upgrade their resistance from merely providing critical commentary and launching petitions, to issuing a Liber Accusationis (“Book of Accusation”) against the man they believe is the Vicar of Jesus Christ on earth. The charge in a nutshell: He just ain’t a Catholic. (This is something we actually pointed out from the very beginning, while Matt and Ferrara were still trying to spin Francis into a Catholic, but okay.)… READ MORE

Music against Modernism!

The World’s First Anti-Vatican II Song!

“Vatican II — What the Heck are You?!”

It took over 50 years, but it was worth the wait: The world’s first-ever Catholic song against the Novus Ordo Sect’s disastrous Second Vatican Council (Vatican II) has been released! “Vatican 2! What the Heck Are You?” is sung and performed by Damo of True Restoration, and it’s a song you don’t want to miss!

A catchy tune, hilarious lyrics, and a noticeable Australian accent make Damo’s ditty a real keeper!

So… are you curious? Listen free to the entire song right here:

The single was produced by True Restoration and is available with full lyrics from their web site, where you can also purchase a copy of the song through iTunes, Amazon, Spotify, and other popular music services:



Francis confirms:

Permission for Adulterers to receive “Communion” is Only Authentic Interpretation of Amoris Laetitia

[UDPATE 29-AUG-17: Francis’ Letter to the Buenos Aires clergy has now been published on the Vatican web site in the original Spanish.]

[UDPATE 12-SEP-16: The Vatican has confirmed the authenticity of the leaked documents and their controversial contents. The matter has now been reported by Vatican Radio, by, and by Osservatore Romano.]

[UPDATE 10-SEP-16: InfoCató has removed the posts referenced below; according to journalist Jeanne Smits, the information was apparently not meant for public consumption. Novus Ordo Watch has saved copies of the originals posted.READ MORE

The gospel of man, continued…

“Man at the Center”:
September 2016 “Pope Video” Fails to Surprise

Screenshot from September 2016 “Pope Video”

It’s time again for the monthly Bergoglian prayer intention video that the Novus Ordo Sect markets as “The Pope Video”.

After August’s attempt to obtain world peace through contention in sports (which we covered here), the September 2016 intention is: “That each may contribute to the common good and to the building of a society that places the human person at the center” (source).

The video, which is only 1:22 in length, can be viewed here:

Not surprisingly, Francis once again promotes the false gospel of man, as he has been doing for decades.… READ MORE