Chaos Frank strikes again!

Motu Inapproprio: Francis allows local Bishops’ Conferences to Approve Liturgical Translations

In an oddly-timed move, while Francis is visiting Colombia and most journalists are busy covering that, the Vatican Press Office announced this morning the release of a new “Apostolic Letter” motu proprio, entitled Magnum Principium, in which the “Pope” makes a change to Canon 838 of Novus Ordo Canon Law, which pertains to the translation of liturgical texts. The modification has been decreed to take effect on Oct. 1, 2017.

Until then, Canon 838 reads as follows:

Can.  838

§1. The direction of the sacred liturgy depends solely on the authority of the Church which resides in the Apostolic See and, according to the norm of law, the diocesan bishop.


Is inequality really the root of social ills?

Social Inequality:
Popes Leo XIII and Pius X versus “Pope” Francis

“Pope” Francis is currently in Colombia, and, as always, he’s got a lot to say.

In yesterday’s meeting with authorities, the diplomatic corps, and representatives of civil society, Francis gave an address in which he said the following:

Just laws are needed, which can ensure harmony and which can help overcome the conflicts that have torn apart this nation for decades; laws are required which are not born from the pragmatic need to order society but rather arise from the desire to resolve the structural causes of poverty that lead to exclusion and violence.


Video, News, Transcripts, Commentary, Background

The Francis Show in Colombia:

His “Apostolic Journey” of Sep. 6-10, 2017

The long summer hiatus is over, and now he’s back with a vengeance: “Pope” Francis, who has been forced to keep his public blather to a minimum during the last ten weeks or so, hits the ground running today with an intense public relations tour “Apostolic Journey” to Colombia.

This page contains all the main links you will need to stay informed about the false pope’s visit to the South American nation. The local time in all Colombia cities Francis will visit is UTC-05:00.… READ MORE

Typically a sign of demonic possession…

September “Pope Video” Shows People Walking Backwards

Francis always likes to talk about “moving forward” (see examples here, here, here, and here). No matter whether you’re standing in the middle of a field, at the top of a mountain, or on the edge of a cliff, for Francis there is only one direction: forward!

It is no coincidence that “forward” is one of the chief mottos of Marxists. Add to that Francis’ repeated statements in favor of Communism (for example, see here and, more recently, here), the good time he had with Communist dictator Fidel Castro, the mentoring he received from Communist Esther Ballestrino de Careaga, and his delight in receiving a blasphemous hammer-and-sickle crucifix from Bolivian President Evo Morales, and a clear picture emerges.… READ MORE

“Abp.” Victor Manuel Fernandez

“Heal Me with your Mouth”: Amoris Laetitia Ghostwriter’s Book on the “Art of Kissing” now in English

You may recall that approximately two years ago we reported on a curiosity about “Abp.” Victor Manuel “Tucho” Fernandez of Argentina. In 1995, while a “priest” for the diocese of Villa de la Concepción del Río Cuarto, he wrote and published a book entitled Sáname con tu Boca: El Arte de Besar (“Heal Me with your Mouth: The Art of Kissing”).

No, this isn’t satire. You couldn’t make this up if you tried!

“Pope” Francis (Jorge Bergoglio) is very familiar with his compatriot Fernandez, who has been one of his closest advisers since his time in Buenos Aires.… READ MORE

More gems from Francis’ new book…

Francis Uncensored:

“The Communists are the Christians”, Refusing Communion to Adulterers is “Pharisaical”, “No War is Just”, and more!

When it rains, it pours.

Ladies and gentlemen, “Pope” Francis has struck again, and when he makes a mess, it’s a big one: As we reported in a separate post already, a whopping interview book of 423 pages is about to hit the shelves in France, entitled Pape François: Politique et Société (“Pope Francis: Politics and Society”). The work is an “unedited dialogue” between the French agnostic Dominique Wolton and the most talkative Jesuit on the planet, Jorge Bergoglio.… READ MORE

This explains a lot…

Analyze This:
In new Interview Book, Francis reveals he spent 6 Months in Therapy with Jewish Psychoanalyst

[UPDATE 01-SEP-2017 19:45 UTC: Psychoanalysis was condemned by the Catholic Church until “Pope” Paul VI]

The French-speaking world is going to be enriched tremendously this coming Wednesday, Sep. 6, for it is then that a new book will hit the shelves entitled, Pape François: Politique et Société (“Pope Francis: Politics and Society”). The work is an “unedited dialogue” between French sociologist Dominique Wolton and the head of the Vatican II Sect, “Pope” Francis.

In other words, it’s another interview book, and it’s long — very long.… READ MORE

This is getting old…

Two more Logos! For Francis’ Trips to Bangladesh and Myanmar

These days it’s hard to keep up just reporting on all the logos, slogans, and official songs released for the never-ending, excessively carbon-emitting “Apostolic Journeys” of “His Holiness” around the globe.

After the recent unveiling of the logos for Francis’ upcoming Chile and Peru visits scheduled for early next year, the Vatican has now released the official emblems for his trip to Bangladesh and Myanmar (Burma), which is to take place from Nov. 27 – Dec. 2, 2017.

The logos are displayed above (click image for a larger version). … READ MORE

After reversing 1000+ years of Catholic liturgy…

Francis and the “Irreversible” Novus Ordo Liturgy: A Commentary

This past Thursday, Aug. 24, “Pope” Francis raised not a few eyebrows when during a special audience for some Italian liturgical congress he suddenly invoked his supposed “magisterial authority” to declare “that the [Novus Ordo] liturgical reform is irreversible.”

We reported on this and included some initial reactions from the blogosphere in the following post:

It is now time to publish our own commentary on Francis’ musings about the Novus Ordo liturgical revolution.… READ MORE

Unlike Catholic moral norms, eh?

Francis declares “with Magisterial Authority” that Novus Ordo Liturgical Changes are “Irreversible”

Yesterday, Aug. 24, “Pope” Francis sent shockwaves throughout conservative and semi-traditionalist Novus Ordo Land as he declared “with magisterial authority that the [Novus Ordo] liturgical reform is irreversible”. Such are rather harsh and unmistakble words for someone who at other times — especially when it comes to irreversible moral norms given by God Himself — loves to speak ambiguously, use metaphors, and blast “rigid” black-and-white thinking under the guise of “mercy” and “compassion”.

At a special audience for participants in the 68th National Italian Liturgical Week, the Jesuit Antipope lauded the Modernist liturgical circus as the glorious fruit of a long process of reform begun roughly 100 years ago, while warning, of course, of “practices that disfigure it”.… READ MORE

CAUTION! Francis teaches…

Francis: “It’s not Christian to walk looking down, as Pigs do”

Today it was time for another General Audience, and Francis, pleased to be in the limelight once again, happily used the opportunity to instruct the world once more about what “isn’t Christian”. While in the past we had heard him clarify that it is “not Christian” to exclude, to take an either/or approach to anything, or to attempt to convert non-Catholics, today his hapless listeners were being warned not to have their eyes on the ground like pigs:

It’s not Christian to walk looking down — as pigs do: they always go like this — without raising our eyes to the horizon, as if all our journey ended here, in the span of a few meters of travel; as if there were no aim in our life and no landing, and we were constrained to an eternal wandering, without any reason for our many toils.


Another trip, another logo…

A Soiled Cross: Official Logo for Francis’ Chile Trip released

Another trip, another logo: After releasing the official logo for “Pope” Francis’ trip to Peru earlier this month, the Vatican has now unveiled the logo and motto for Jorge Bergoglio’s trip to Chile. You can see it above (click the image for a larger view).

This time, we really can’t accuse the designers of not adding a big-enough cross. A cross is indeed plenty visible. How it is displayed, however, is another matter: The cross itself looks unappealing, and its contours are deliberately fuzzy.

Not enough, on the Cross itself is superimposed a map of the country of Chile, which has the effect of making the Cross appear soiled or stained.… READ MORE

1461 days of Bergoglio in the Vatican…

Four Years with Francis

A Review by Miles Christi

Enough is enough! This is the subtitle to the new book, Four Years with Francis, authored by Miles Christi (“Soldier of Christ”), a prolific Catholic writer from Argentina whose work we have featured on this web site several times before. As with all of his monographs, Miles Christi is providing this book in sundry languages so that its contents can reach as many people as possible.

The full book can be ordered in hardcopy in each of these languages, from the following locations:


Another beauty…

Vatican releases Official Logo
for Francis’ Peru Visit in 2018

The Modernist Vatican has just released the official logo for “Pope” Francis’ blather tour “Apostolic Journey” to the South American nation of Peru, which is scheduled for January 18-21, 2018. It is displayed above.

Compared to some other “papal” logos we’ve seen — such as the ones for Colombia, Panama, Fatima, or the United States — this one is not so bad. It even includes a cross, if you can find it.

As usual, Mr. Bergoglio takes up the most space in the logo, and that’s only reasonable since the trip is all about him.… READ MORE

Quit talking and just do it already…

“Cardinal” Burke’s Latest on that “Formal Correction” of Francis

Great excitement is temporarily returning to conservative Novus Ordo Land as The Wanderer has just published its second installment of a three-part interview with “Cardinal” Raymond Burke. That “formal correction” of “Pope” Francis he first announced in November 2016 was one of the topics talked about.

Here is the full text of the interview as released so far:

Before we get to Mr.… READ MORE