Chaos Frank lets it rip…

Bergoglian Poppycock by the Truckload:

Francis’ Christmas Address to the Roman Curia

The Jesuit apostate from Buenos Aires currently occupying Vatican City, Jorge Bergoglio, has once again outdone himself. In a 3500-word “Christmas address” to the Roman Curia, the 83-year-old man who presents himself to the world under the pseudonym “Pope Francis” delivered yet another Modernist manifesto, with the clear aim of getting his sheeple in line to accept the next tidal wave of doctrinal and disciplinary change.

The Vatican has provided a full transcript and English translation of the talk, as well as the video footage:

An interesting backstory to this speech was supposed to remain secret but has been revealed by Sandro Magister.… READ MORE

Bergoglio claims calling Mary “Co-Redemptrix” is “foolishness”…

Francis denies the Co-Redemption of the Blessed Virgin Mary — but is it Catholic Doctrine?

“At the Cross her station keeping…”

Although he loves to feign a great devotion to the Most Holy Mother of God, in actual fact Jorge Bergoglio (“Pope” Francis) has as much hatred and contempt for her as he does for her Divine Son, our Blessed Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Just last week, on Dec. 9, we published a blog post giving several concrete examples of how the apostate from Buenos Aires blasphemes the Blessed Virgin Mary.… READ MORE

Novus Ordo Watch for your ears…

Francis and his False Opposition:
TRADCAST 026 now available

TRADCAST — The Traditional Catholic Podcast


In case you missed our initial announcement on December 7: We have published another full-length episode of our popular TRADCAST podcast program. As always, it is loaded with real traditional Catholicism, hard-hitting refutations of various errors, and razor-sharp analysis. Our content is typically challenging but is always delivered with a relieving touch of humor.

The general topic of TRADCAST 026 is Francis and his false opposition. The episode consists of two separate segments.… READ MORE

How Francis has trashed the Mother of God…

Bergoglio blasphemes the Immaculate:
A Review of Sundry Examples

Yesterday, Dec. 8, Vatican News published a story entitled: “Pope entrusts sinners to Mary in prayer for Immaculate Conception”.

Clearly, it was time for Jorge Bergoglio (aka “Pope Francis”) to put on his Marian face again, for every so often this blaspheming apostate has to feign pious devotion to the Mother of God and other saints in order to help him keep the charade of being the Pope of the Catholic Church alive.

Are these words too harsh? By no means. The Feast of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary is a good opportunity to review some instances where Francis has publicly attacked, denied, or otherwise dishonored the Immaculate Mother of God.… READ MORE

TRADCAST 026 (7 DEC 2019)


  • Segment 1: Francis and his false opposition: how to avoid being deceived; Ratzinger to the rescue?; “Abp.” Carlo Viganò and the changing of the Catholic religion; SSPX U.S. District Superior Fr. Jürgen Wegner and the “struck” shepherd; “Fr.” Thomas Weinandy on an “internal papal schism”; Dr. Peter Kwasniewski’s argument that following the Pope can lead one to hell
  • Segment 2: A dangerous tweet by Steve Skojec; Francis on the Light of Christ and man’s “covenant” with inanimate matter; Michael Voris and liberal Vaticanist John Allen: opponents or buddies?
  • Total run time: 58 mins

You can listen to the show by clicking the big play button in the embedded player above.… READ MORE

What accepting Bergoglio gets you…

OnePeterFive: “We all have to face this fear above all fears: that Catholicism may be wrong”

The web site One Peter Five is a popular destination for recognize-and-resist traditionalists and conservative Novus Ordos who prefer the Traditional Latin Mass, are uneasy with Vatican II, and can’t take Francis’ theological junk anymore — and who, of course, want to find reassurance that they should not be sedevacantists.

The site brands itself as “rebuilding Catholic culture” and “restoring Catholic Tradition”, which makes for a great tagline across its masthead. Unfortunately, One Peter Five’s executive director and editor Steve Skojec apparently thinks he can do either while kicking traditional Catholic theology to the curb.… READ MORE

Introducing “ecocide”…

Pacha Papa: Francis announces he may update Catechism to include ‘Ecological Sins’

Will the cover of the next edition of the Novus Ordo Catechism look like this?

After leaving the so-called Catechism of the Catholic Church untouched for over a whole year, it looks like it’s time for another major update. At least that’s an idea Francis is entertaining these days, and he’s not afraid to say so out loud.

As more and more real sins are becoming obsolete under the false Francis magisterium, new “sins” have to be made up to fill the void. The last update to the Novus Ordo Catechism made the state’s use of the death penalty into a mortal sin; the next addition could introduce the concept of “ecocide” — the killing of the environment.… READ MORE

Another online tempest in a tea pot…

“Against Recent Sacrileges”: 100 Novus Ordo Clerics & Scholars protest Francis’ Pachamama Idolatry

“An international group of 100 priests and lay scholars published a statement today to protest the pagan worship of Pachamama that took place last month during the Amazon Synod in Rome with Pope Francis’ active participation and apparent support”, Maike Hickson reports for Life Site in a report released today, Nov. 12.

The statement, dated Nov. 9, 2019, is posted at a web site put up specifically for this cause, where other clergy and scholars can request their own names to be appended to the document to express their support.… READ MORE

Response to theological sophistry…

Is Francis the Pope?
A Devastating Refutation of Eric Sammons

Is Francis the Pope?

That is the question Eric Sammons asks in a recent article on the One Peter Five web site. Of course even without reading it you already know what his conclusion is; for were it anything other than affirmative, One Peter Five wouldn’t have published it to begin with. To test the merits of the author’s arguments is the purpose of this post.

Sammons’ essay “Is Francis the Pope?”, released on Oct. 29, 2019, follows a common pattern among writers of the recognize-and-resist (aka semi-traditionalist) camp: It’s got plenty to say but is woefully short on documenting assertions made from traditional Catholic teaching.… READ MORE

Walking together – towards hell…

Apostasy Rising: Vatican boldly promotes Evolution of Dogma in wake of Amazon Synod

After a turbulent Pan-Amazon Synod that included open idolatry in addition to the usual errors and heresies, the occupied Vatican clearly feels emboldened to take the next step in its relentless pursuit of apostasy and snuffing out the last remaining vestiges of Catholicism from souls haplessly caught up in its tentacles.

On Oct. 29, two days after the official close of the synod, Vatican Media published an article by Sergio Centofanti, entitled “Development of doctrine is a people that walks together”. As the idiotic title suggests, the content is anything but Catholic; in fact, it is openly Modernist.… READ MORE

Six minutes of insufferable drivel…

Psychobabble on Steroids:
Reflecting on Death, Francis blabbers Inanities at Young


Although he loves to talk about “preaching the Gospel”, the Argentinian apostate Jorge Bergoglio, currently occupying Vatican City under the pseudonym “Pope Francis”, refuses to do precisely that whenever the opportunity presents itself.

The latest case in point is his video message to participants of the 4th World Meeting of Young People sponsored by Scholas Occurrentes, a beloved pet project of his going back to his days in Buenos Aires.

On Oct. 31, the Vatican released the 6-minute clip, in which Francis supposedly “reflects on the meaning of death”.… READ MORE

Pachamama’s revenge…

Francis says controversial statues have been recovered, will be used at Synod Closing in St. Peter’s Basilica [UPDATED]

[UPDATE 26-OCT-2019 00:03 UTC: Vatican Media releases Francis’ statement — find full text and links with more coverage and updated details at end of post]

Breaking news from the Rorate Caeli blog, everyone. The following was just posted on the popular recognize-and-resist blog, which, despite its faulty theological position, is nevertheless highly reliable in terms of reporting news:

At the end of Synod works this Friday, Francis spoke on the pagan idols that were being displayed at various Synod events and permanently at various altars at the church of Santa Maria in Traspontina, near the Vatican.


The Eco-Religion advances…

Francis publishes Book on “Our Mother Earth”

While there is a perpetual debate raging on the precise identity of the bizarre carved image that was worshipped in the Vatican Gardens under Francis’ nose on Oct. 4 and keeps appearing at outrageous events (caution!) connected with the Amazon Synod in Rome, the Vatican has announced the release of a new book by their Dear Leader, the Jesuit apostate Jorge Bergoglio, also known by his stage name, “Pope Francis.”

The title of the book is: Our Mother Earth: A Christian Approach to the Environmental Challenge (original: Nostra Madre Terra: Una Lettura Cristiana della Sfide dell’Ambiente).… READ MORE

Francis’ favorite journalist speaks…

Eugenio Scalfari says Francis told him Jesus Christ is Not God — Vatican reacts evasively

[UPDATE 10-OCT-2019 15:19 UTC: Vatican spokesman Paolo Ruffini:“The Holy Father never said what Scalfari wrote”]

[UPDATE 09-OCT-2019 22:52 UTC: Revised post to include complete English translation of Scalfari’s article]

Forget the Amazon Synod for a minute, folks. Right now all hell is breaking loose over something that happened apart from the synod: Francis’ favorite journalist, the apostate (former Catholic turned atheist) Eugenio Scalfari, published an article in today’s edition of La Repubblica (pp. 1, 33) that is causing an earthquake around the globe.… READ MORE

Three weeks of rainforest theology…

Welcome to the Jungle:
Chronicling the AMAZON SYNOD

Your One-Stop Resource for All Things Pan-Amazon Synod
(October 6-27, 2019)

Official Vatican Sites

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