Get the Popcorn ready…

How Long Until Schism?
The Vatican II Sect on the Brink of Chaos

The Synod on the Family had not even started yet, and already all hell was breaking loose: Francis’ endless tyranny against the Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate over their slight drift towards traditionalism; The Remnant’s much-hyped Petition to Stop the Synod’s embarrassing failure to get even 1,400 unverified signatures; Novus Ordo cardinals being at each other’s throats over what the Synod is and isn’t permitted to change; Francis’ invitation of Belgium’s scandal-ridden “Cardinal” Daneels to participate in the synod while showing conservative-minded “bishops” the door (he did once work as a bouncer, you know); and on top of all this, a respected Italian journalist’s well-timed release of a book making the case that Francis isn’t even a valid Pope!… READ MORE

“I can’t believe it’s not Catholic!”

Blasphemy in Concrete:
Holy Family Church in Salerno, Italy


A “church” building that cries to Heaven for vengeance

In the Catholic Church, religious doctrine is not only expressed in words but also communicated through liturgical rites and sacred architecture. When the Novus Ordo religion was introduced at Vatican II in the 1960s to gradually replace Catholicism, it was a given that this new theology needed not only a New Mass but also new church buildings to go along with it:

And nobody putteth a piece of raw cloth unto an old garment. For it taketh away the fullness thereof from the garment, and there is made a greater rent.


A much-needed Reality Check…

“One and the Same Rite”?
How Benedict XVI’s Motu Proprio Summorum Pontificum Aims to Destroy the Traditional Latin Mass

[Originally published Oct. 12, 2007; last revised April 11, 2017]

image: (Papist) / CC BY-NC 2.0

After about a year of rumors, on July 7, 2007, Fr. Joseph Ratzinger (“Pope Benedict XVI”) finally released an “Apostolic Letter motu proprio,” entitled Summorum Pontificum, on the use of the Roman Missal of 1962, the liturgical rite that is referred to by many as the “Traditional Latin Mass.” This document grants a fairly wide permission to priests in the Novus Ordo Church to use the 1962 Missal (of John XXIII) instead of the 1970 Missal (of Paul VI) for their celebration of Mass, though it does not do away with all conditions and restrictions, as we will see below.… READ MORE

Hey, what’s one more at this point…

Another Heresy from Richard Rohr

Consider yourself blessed if you’ve never come across the name or theology of “Fr.” Richard Rohr, one of the Novus Ordo Sect’s most dangerous Modernists in the United States. Officially a “Franciscan priest”, Mr. Rohr — ordained in 1970 in the doubtfully valid Novus Ordo rite of Paul VI — is a master of syncretism, mixing traces of Catholicism with lots of New Age and Modernist “spirituality” that he administers to people at his “Center for Action and Contemplation” in Albuquerque, New Mexico.

We have exposed Rohr and the dangers of his false theology and false spirituality before in the following post:

Rohr’s satanic New Age agenda also includes “retreats” in the desert where, so he boasts, oftentimes men will strip naked and jump over a fire.


New interview published June 29…

Francis Denies/Mocks Sacred Scripture: “Woman was taken from a Rib… I’m kidding, that’s a Joke”

In less than 2 weeks, “Pope” Francis, too exhausted to attend to all of his scheduled obligations, has cranked out yet another interview, making it the ninth in total since his election on March 13, 2013, according to our reckoning.

Click here to read the interview in full in English:


(Italian Original here)

The professional blogger/ translator/ traveler/ cook/ businessman/ lecturer/ anything-but-a-real-priest “Father” John Zuhlsdorf has shared his translation of a few lines of text from this interview in which Francis confounds ultra-liberals waiting for “women priests”, and of course, this is something Zuhlsdorf loves to zero in on as it allows him to perpetuate the idea that Francis is somehow a Catholic or a conservative — as though all it took to be a Catholic was to affirm one Catholic thing every once in a while.… READ MORE

The Antipope in Israel & Jordan

Theological Chaos:
Francis in the Holy Land

Embed from Getty Images

From May 24-26, 2014, Antipope Francis visited Jordan and Israel. The Vatican web site has posted the complete program and schedule at this link.

The following are the Transcripts of Francis’ Speeches:

Official Vatican Videos of Francis in the Holy Land:

Various other important Links relating to this Trip:


John 7:13 all over again…

“For Fear of the Jews”:
The Novus Ordo Good Friday Prayer

The Roman Catholic Church, in her loving kindness and care, having been entrusted by the Son of God with the mission to preach the Gospel and convert all men to the true Faith (see Mk 16:15-16), greatly desires the salvation of all people. Knowing that man was not made for this world, but for eternal beatitude in Heaven, she lovingly seeks to detach him from the state of sin he finds himself in and lift him up to the life of Faith and virtue through the grace merited by our Lord Jesus Christ, who declared: “I am the way, and the truth, and the life.… READ MORE

Make popcorn, folks…

Comedy Hour with John Salza:

A Critical Review of his Interview on Papal Authority on Voice of Catholic Radio 

It is really scary to see what is marketed as “traditional Catholicism” by the false traditionalist “Recognize-and-Resist” camp these days. Their stubborn unwillingness to concede that the Vatican II Church cannot be the Catholic Church of our Lord Jesus Christ, and that its “popes” cannot be true Catholic Popes, is driving them to twist and distort genuine traditional Catholic doctrine regarding the nature, authority, and infallibility of the papacy and the Church’s Magisterium.

On March 30, 2014, the Long-Island-based program Voice of Catholic Radio featured a 40-minute interview with “Resistance” apologist John Salza, conducted by host Joe Bagnoli (click here to listen or download).

Answering a Straw Man Argument

Do Popes Have To Be Perfect?

Pope Saint Pius X (1835-1914)

“The Most Misused Catholic Words.” That’s the title of a blog post at the National Catholic Register by Pat Archbold of Creative Minority Report. The author intends to clarify three terms he says are being used in the wrong way by many in his church, one of them being “Sedevacantist.”

Unfortunately, Archbold does such a poor job “clarifying” the term that it will surely now continue to be misused, though perhaps in a different way than before. Here is an excerpt from the post:

Sedevacantists hold that, because modern (recent) Pope’s have said or done things that seem to be in contradiction to the Tradition of the Church AND that Popes, by virtue of their infallibility, must be perfect [sic] in such matters, therefore these Popes must not really be Popes.


We ask, you decide!

365 Days of FRANCIS:
What Was the Worst?

It’s been a full year since March 13, 2013, that fateful day when “Cardinal” Jean-Louis Tauran stepped out on the balcony of St. Peter’s and announced the election of Jorge Mario Bergoglio as “Pope Francis.” The moment the Argentine apostate appeared, the mayhem began, and we have chronicled the highlights — or lowlights, to be more precise — every step of the way. To review the facts about Rev. Bergoglio, please access our “Pope Francis” Page here; a review of our Novus Ordo Wire blog posts will provide additional insights.… READ MORE

Just Brilliant…

Dead on Arrival:
The Remnant
‘s New Strategy on “Pope” Francis

The Remnant Underground: “Pope Francis and the Three Amigos”

Being a Semi-Traditionalist is pretty difficult these days: You have to somehow try to reconcile authentic, traditional Catholic teaching with the idea that the world’s most notorious Modernist, Jorge Bergoglio, is the Pope of the Catholic Church. Squaring the circle will prove easier than this, so it is not surprising that all the various attempts at making Francis into a Catholic cannot but end in failure. The problem is that so much damage is being done in the process, damage to Catholic truth and to a proper understanding of Catholic teaching on the Pope and the Church.… READ MORE

That “Anxiety”…

Bp. Williamson and Sedevacantism

A Response to Bp. Richard Williamson’s Arguments
against Sedevacantism in his Eleison Comments of 2014
(Part 1)

On Jan. 25, 2014, Bp. Richard Williamson, formerly with the Society of St. Pius X, released issue no. 341 of his Eleison Comments, which are sent out on a weekly basis to subscribers by email. In this particular installment, His Excellency once again returns to the topic of sedevacantism. He writes:

The words and deeds of Pope Francis since his election earlier last year have been so little Catholic and so outrageous, that the idea that recent popes have not really been Popes (”sedevacantism”) has been given a new lease of life.


Reality Check for Novus Ordos…

Conspiracy! Meet Six High-Profile Traditional Catholic Conspiracy Nuts

A favorite tactic among Novus Ordo apologists when trying to argue against sedevacantism is to discredit it by making the position look foolish; and what better way to do that than to label it a conspiracy theory! Nowadays, few words are more effective in making people turn a blind eye to disturbing facts than that infamous and dreaded ‘C’ word: conspiracy, or, better yet, conspiracy theory.

“I don’t believe in conspiracy theories,” many people, often good-willed, are quick to point out, conveniently allowing them to ignore evidence put before them.… READ MORE

So humble, he’s proud of it…

“Humility” on Display:
The Francis Show

It is amazing to see how many people are falling for the show of the “humble” Francis, Jorge Bergoglio. People should know that there is nothing humble about a man who, in the presence of countless cameras and journalists, constantly tries to show off how wonderful of a person he is (one is reminded of the words of the proud Pharisee, “I am not as the rest of men” [Lk 18:11]). Besides, you definitely know something is wrong when the liberal-secular media veritably swoons over “the Pope” as he gets approval ratings as high as 88% and receives one “Person of the Year” award after another.… READ MORE

Catholic Hero or Anti-Catholic Miscreant?

Friend or Foe?
The Mysterious Malachi Martin

“Beware of false prophets, who come to you in the clothing of sheep, but inwardly they are ravening wolves. By their fruits you shall know them” (Mt 7:15-16). This stern warning came from our Blessed Lord Jesus Christ within no less serious of a context than our very salvation.

Our times are terrible and frightening, and many there are who prop themselves up as guiding lights and prophets, as it were, to lead us through the apostasy perpetrated upon the world by the Modernist Vatican II Church.

Anyone who investigates the disaster that has befallen the Catholic world since the death of Pope Pius XII in 1958, is bound to stumble upon one name before long: Malachi Martin. … READ MORE