Hubris and Ineptitude meet Loquaciousness

Evangelii Gaudium Reloaded:
Francis’ Message to G20 Summit

One need not possess the charism of infallibility to be able to predict that no matter what happens in the world, Francis will have something to say about it. In fact, one can say that never before Francis did a single man who had so little to say, talk so much.

Thus it stood to reason that the “Pope” wasn’t going to let the world’s major economic powers meet for their annual G20 summit without butting in and gracing them with a few crumbs of his infinite wisdom: A few days ahead of the July 7-8 event in Hamburg, Germany, Francis had sent a message to the host nation’s chancellor, the Lutheran adulteress Angela Merkel.… READ MORE

Novus Ordo Watch NEWS DIGEST
July 10, 2017

Sun Worship: Summer Solstice with Immodest Dancers at Bari Cathedral


Fenton tells the inside story…

The Vatican II Diaries of Mgr. Joseph Fenton: “The End of the Catholic Religion as we have known it”

While countless blogs and web sites today will tragically celebrate the ten-year anniversary of Benedict XVI’s Summorum Pontificum (learn why there is nothing to celebrate, here), we will commemorate a different anniversary instead: It’s been 48 years since the passing of one of America’s finest Catholic theologians: Monsignor Joseph Clifford Fenton. Some of his many works have recently been reprinted and are available again:


Back to square one for the Lefebvrists

SSPX Bp. Fellay laments Vatican Turnabout:
“It’s like in the Game of the Goose”

Poor Bishop Bernard Fellay! The Superior General of the Society of St. Pius X had worked so hard to get his adherents all lined up to be led by the hand into the mouth of the wolf known as “full communion” with the Vatican II Sect, under “Pope” Francis no less.

To attain this goal, he had gone to great lengths:


Signatory to the Dubia…

“Cardinal” Joachim Meisner dies at 83

[UPDATE: Francis sends condolences — FULL TEXT]

The Novus Ordo Archdiocese of Cologne, Germany, is reporting that its former leader, “Cardinal” Joachim Meisner, has died. He was 83. According to a report posted on the web site of its Domradio radio station, Meisner died peacefully in his sleep while vacationing in the town of Bad Füssing.

In the Vatican II Sect, Meisner was widely viewed as a strict conservative. Along with Carlo Caffarra, Walter Brandmuller, and Raymond Burke, Meisner was one of the only four “cardinals” to challenge “Pope” Francis on his exhortation Amoris Laetitia, which effectively permits unrepentant public adulterers to receive the Novus Ordo sacraments.… READ MORE

Don’t try this at home!

A Dangerous Experiment:

Taking Francis’ Claim to the Papacy Seriously

Ladies and gentlemen, the following experiment is going to be extremely dangerous. Please put on your goggles, protective gloves, and a breathing mask to minimize the hazardous material you will be exposed to. We’re going to do the unthinkable: For a few minutes, we’re going to take Francis’ claim to being the Pope of the Catholic Church seriously! We will simply square the circle and pretend for a short while that the apostate Jesuit Jorge Bergoglio is actually the Vicar of Jesus Christ on earth! The purpose of this highly toxic experiment will be to demonstrate the consequences that would follow from this absurd supposition.… READ MORE

TRADCAST 018 is here

84 minutes of Catholicism at full throttle…

TRADCAST 018 Now Available

In this episode we respond to “Fr.” John Hunwicke, Steve Kellmeyer, John Salza, and others

TRADCAST — The Traditional Catholic Podcast


In case you missed our initial announcement on June 28: Our popular TRADCAST podcast program is back with a new, full-length episode! As always, it is loaded with real traditional Catholicism, hard-hitting refutations of various errors, razor-sharp analysis, and a touch of humor.

We cover a lot of ground in this latest epsiode, TRADCAST 018. Among other things, we take a look at the 50th anniversary of the “Catholic” Charismatic Movement, provide a refutation of John Salza’s latest Remnant blog post against Sedevacantism, and mop the floor with Novus Ordo apologist Steve Kellmeyer, destroying his outrageous argumentation that all religions lead to Catholicism and therefore to God.… READ MORE

Muller’s Farewell Gift…

“Cardinal” Müller throws Monkey Wrench into SSPX-Rome Reconciliation: Vatican now demands Full Acceptance of Vatican II and Novus Ordo “Mass”

(photo credit: Andreas Arnold/dpa/Alamy Live News)

Although he has just been relieved from his post as Prefect of the Congregation for the Destruction of the Faith and the Ecclesia Dei Commission, “Cardinal” Gerhard Ludwig Muller was certainly still in charge back in May of this year, when, as it has just been made known, the then-head of the CDF called a plenary session of his congregation to discuss once more the doctrinal declaration the Society of St. Pius X will be required to sign as a condition for full reconciliation with the Novus Ordo Sect.… READ MORE

Spanish Jesuit succeeds “Cardinal” Muller

Francis appoints “Abp.” Luis Ladaria Ferrer as new Head of CDF

Well, that didn’t take long: A day after an unconfirmed report made the rounds according to which Francis had dismissed “Cardinal” Gerhard Ludwig Muller from his post as head of the so-called Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (CDF), the Vatican not only confirmed the report but also immediately named a successor to Mr. Muller: It is “Archbishop” Luis Francisco Ladaria Ferrer — a Jesuit!

The formal announcement came in today’s bollettino of the Vatican Press Office (Italian original here). Strictly speaking, Muller was not “fired” by Francis but simply did not have his expiring 5-year appointment (which began on July 2, 2012) renewed.… READ MORE

The heretic is too orthodox for Francis…

Francis Fires “Cardinal” Müller

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[UPDATE 01-JUL-17 14:56 UTC: Francis names “Archbishop” Luis Francisco Ladaria Ferrer to succeed Muller as head of the Congregation for the Destruction of the Faith]

The Italian web site Corrispondenza Romana reports:

Cardinal Muller dismissed by Pope Francis

His Eminence, Cardinal Gerhard Ludwig Muller, Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith since July 2, 2012, has been dismissed by Pope Francis exactly 5 years after expiration of his term of office.

Cardinal Muller is one of the cardinals who have tried to interpret Amoris Laetitia using a hermeneutic of continuity with Church Tradition.


Teilhard would be proud…

Francis’ Cosmic Apostasy —
New Articles by Miles Christi

Before our Blessed Lord Jesus Christ ascended into Heaven, He warned His disciples: “For there will rise up false Christs and false prophets, and they shall shew signs and wonders, to seduce (if it were possible) even the elect” (Mk 13:22). These words have presumably never been fulfilled more concretely than in the person of Jorge Mario Bergoglio, the man the world knows by his stage name of “Pope Francis”.

Miles Christi (“Soldier of Christ”) is a prolific Catholic writer whose work we have featured on this web site several times before.… READ MORE

Does Vatican I disprove Sedevacantism?

The “Perpetual Successors” Objection

After the objection that “you guys are just a bunch of Protestants!!”, probably the most frequently-made argument against Sedevacantism is that our position contradicts the teaching of the First Vatican Council that St. Peter will have “perpetual successors”. If there hasn’t been a true Pope in decades, how then can we maintain that there is a perpetual succession of Popes?

We have addressed this argument on this site before, but a dedicated post on the issue is in order.

Our response will be twofold. We will demonstrate that (1) the objection from perpetual successors is actually based on a misunderstanding of the teaching of Vatican I; (2) even if the objection were not based on a misunderstanding, it would still not refute the sedevacantist position.… READ MORE

Great content needs great support…

A Candid Plea: If you Benefit from this Web Site, please Help Support It

This post will have to be a bit candid because the matter is serious and there is no time to waste.

It is June 23 today and unfortunately we are not going to make ends meet for the month if the current decline in donations continues.

Our apologies, first of all, to all those among you who are current donors or have made donations in the past. You have sacrificed so much, and your continued support is so appreciated and needed. The following words are not addressed to you, they are addressed to those who have been sitting idly by and not contributed at all, figuring they’ll simply let you all carry the burden for them:

Folks, compared to the other “Catholics” out there, we sedevacantists are not many.… READ MORE

To avoid confrontation over Dubia?

No Culture of Encounter: Francis apparently won’t hold Pre-Consistory Meeting with “Cardinals” again

As we learned in the last few months and especially in the past 2 days, although he constantly preaches about “dialogue”, “open doors”, and a “culture of encounter” Christians must supposedly practice, when it comes to four of his own “cardinals” humbly seeking to dialogue with him about their questions concerning the exhortation Amoris Laetitia, all of a sudden the leader of the Vatican II Sect isn’t all that into encounter anymore.

On June 19, it was revealed that Francis has been ignoring the request of “Cardinals” Caffarra, Brandmuller, Meisner, and Burke for a joint audience to resolve apparent contradictions between Francis’ exhortation Amoris Laetitia and the timeless Catholic teaching and practice regarding adultery, the state of grace, and reception of the sacraments.… READ MORE

“We do not … consider the Chair of Peter to be vacant“!

The Dubia Saga continues: Sandro Magister publishes “Cardinal” Caffarra’s Letter to Francis requesting Audience

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[UPDATE 20-JUN-17 00:22 UTC: Edward Pentin reports that this letter was delivered to Francis on May 6 of this year.]

[UPDATE 20-JUN-17 12:54 UTC: Sandro Magister publishes commentary.]

Today the veteran Vatican journalist Sandro Magister published a bombshell on his blog, Settimo Cielo.

It had been mentioned before in the press that the four “dubia cardinals” — Carlo Caffarra, Raymond Burke, Walter Brandmuller, and Joachim Meisner — had requested an audience with “Pope” Francis to discuss with him the concerns they had voiced in their dubia” (doubts or questions) concerning the “papal” exhortation Amoris Laetitia.… READ MORE