We ask, you decide!

365 Days of FRANCIS:
What Was the Worst?

It’s been a full year since March 13, 2013, that fateful day when “Cardinal” Jean-Louis Tauran stepped out on the balcony of St. Peter’s and announced the election of Jorge Mario Bergoglio as “Pope Francis.” The moment the Argentine apostate appeared, the mayhem began, and we have chronicled the highlights — or lowlights, to be more precise — every step of the way. To review the facts about Rev. Bergoglio, please access our “Pope Francis” Page here; a review of our Novus Ordo Wire blog posts will provide additional insights.… READ MORE

Hell-Denier elected…

Germans Choose Marx: “Archbishop” of Munich Succeeds Robert Zollitsch as Head of German Bishops’ Conference

The long-awaited successor to Fr. Robert Zollitsch, the Christ-denying Modernist apostate former “Archbishop” of Freiburg, has been chosen: Reinhard Marx, the current “Archbishop” of Munich and Freising, is the new head of the super-Modernist German Conference of Non-Catholic Bishops.

Appointed a “cardinal” by Benedict XVI in 2010, Mr. Marx has distinguished himself as a firm and faithful enemy of the Catholic Faith. Where his predecessor Zollitsch denied that Christ died to atone for our sins, Marx denies the Catholic dogmas of hell and purgatory — and has said that Christians believe that “God’s existence is possible.”


Nothing left to criticize…

Hans Küng No Longer “Pope” Critic, Endorses Francis

Hell’s Apostle is back with yet another interview, almost like Francis. Earlier this year he had told the German leftist DER SPIEGEL magazine “I am not a heretic”; this time he once more endorses the chaos caused by “Pope” Francis, head of the Modernist Vatican II Sect.

In an interview with Südwestpresse (full German original here), the Swiss apostate “theologian”, who believes he will be going to Heaven despite his apostasy and even after committing his pre-announced suicide, declared: “I am overjoyed at not having to be a Pope critic any longer.”… READ MORE

Absolutely devastating…

Did Vatican II Teach Infallibly?
The Ordinary and Universal Magisterium

Album / Alamy Stock Photo

by John S. Daly

Most traditional Catholics know that the Second Vatican Council taught heresies and other errors. They rightly refuse to accept this false teaching. But when asked how it can be right to reject the teaching of a General Council of the Catholic Church, they reply that Vatican II was a special kind of council; it was non-dogmatic and non-infallible. As such it could err, and did err, and Catholics may reject its errors without doubting the legitimacy of the authority that promulgated those errors.


Christ’s Sacrifice as the Punch Line of a Joke…

Bergoglio Jokes about Our Lord’s Crucifixion

In 2010, authors Sergio Rubin and Francesca Ambrogetti published the book El Jesuita: Conversaciones con el Cardenal Jorge Bergoglio, SJ [“The Jesuit: Conversations with Cardinal Jorge Bergoglio, SJ”], in which the then-“Archbishop” of Buenos Aires speaks about his life, his work, and his spirituality, and answers questions presented by the authors.

After Bergoglio’s election as “Pope” of the “Catholic Church,” that is, as head of the Modernist Vatican II Sect, an English translation of the book appeared under the title Pope Francis: His Life in His Own Words.


And no sign of remorse…

Francis Reveals He Stole His Late Confessor’s Cross, still has it in his possession

“Thou shalt not steal” (Ex 20:15). It appears that this rather clear commandment — not suggestion — from Almighty God isn’t that big of a deal for Jorge Bergoglio.

According to a report from the Associated Press, on March 6 Francis revealed in a meeting with Novus Ordo priests from the diocese of Rome that many years ago, when he went to pray at the open casket of his confessor in Buenos Aires, he forcibly removed the little cross from the Rosary with which the priest was to be buried, and walked away with it.… READ MORE

Papacy? Nothing special…

Interview No. 5

Francis: “The Pope is a Normal Person”

The morning of Ash Wednesday 2014, the Italian Corriere della Sera published the latest interview with “Pope” Francis (it is the fifth interview in total for Bergoglio), conducted by the paper’s editor-in-chief, Ferruccio de Bortoli:

“Pope” Francis Interview with Corriere della Sera
March 5, 2014
(Full Transcript – English)

The Italian original of the interview is available from Corriere della Sera at this link (click).

Here are some links to news coverage and summaries of the salient points of the interview:

But haven’t we always had “bad Popes”?

The “Bad Popes” Argument

A very common objection one hears when discussing Sedevacantism with those unfortunate souls who still believe Jorge Bergoglio (“Francis”) is the Pope of the Catholic Church, is, “But there have always been bad Popes!” They are either not familiar with, or incapable of grasping, the difference between, on the one hand, Catholics who lead immoral lives, and, on the other hand, heretics.

Francis isn’t a bad Catholic. He’s a Non-Catholic. That’s the crux. Therefore, saying that we’ve had bad Popes in the past and they were still valid Popes, is totally beside the point.


Like a good neighbor, Francis is there…

“My Brother Bishop!”

Few things are a better advertisement for the falsity of the Vatican II religion and the truth of the Sedevacantist position than Jorge Mario Bergoglio (“Pope Francis”) speaking his mind freely — “from the heart”, you know.

And in this seven-minute screed to Anglican-Pentecostal “Bishop” Tony Palmer, recorded on a smartphone, that’s exactly what Francis did. He addressed the Protestant layman as his “brother bishop”, called the the fake “speaking in tongues” at Pentecostal assemblies a sign of the “Spirit” working throughout the world, outrageously denied the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary, offered “tears of love”, asked for the heretical layman’s “blessing”, and much more.… READ MORE

Novus Ordo traditionalists in shock…

“Bishop” of Ft. Worth, Texas, Forbids Traditional Latin Mass at Fisher-More College

UPDATE 3/7/14 13:37 GMT

UPDATES 3/6/14 23:20 GMT

UPDATES 3/5/14 00:24 GMT

UPDATE 3/4/14 02:25 GMT

UPDATES 3/4/14 01:09 GMT

Since Rorate Caeli first broke the story, a number of other bloggers have chimed in, and some of them have contributed substantial background information to the case at hand:


News Digest Mar. 3, 2014

Novus Ordo Watch NEWS DIGEST
March 3, 2014


An Inconvenient Document…

Ratzinger 1972:
Communion for ‘Divorced-and-Remarried’ Possible

Fr. Joseph Ratzinger, left, with fellow-Modernist Fr. Yves Congar, OP (undated)
Congar is said to have urinated at the Holy Office building in the Vatican
to express his disgust at the strict demands of Catholic orthodoxy (see here)

[UPDATE: Did Ratzinger retract his essay in 2014? Not Quite — the facts here: Benedict XVI weighs in on Communion Debate]

At a time when everyone is talking about the German apostate “Cardinal” Kasper’s address to the consistory in Rome on February 21, 2014, outlining ways in which he thinks public adulterers can be admitted again to the Novus Ordo “sacraments”, specifically that of “Holy Communion”, we thought it most appropriate to let people in on the fact that in 1972, Fr.… READ MORE

Resignationism Continued…

Now “Abp.” Ganswein Weighs In:
Benedict’s Emeritus Status 
“Corresponds to Reality”

“Archbishop” Georg Ganswein, Secretary to Benedict XVI

Italian journalist and author Antonio Socci is back with more on the neverending drama surrounding what we have termed the Resignationist thesis, the idea that the resignation of Benedict XVI (Joseph Ratzinger) was invalid and he is therefore still the legitimate Pope of the Catholic Church, Francis being an impostor. (For those who don’t know, the position of Novus Ordo Watch is that all “Popes” after Pius XII have been impostors. More on that here.)

In his latest contribution, published March 2, 2014 for the Italian El Libero, Socci reveals the “serious answer” Benedict XVI’s private secretary, “Abp.”… READ MORE

He wants to tolerate the intolerable…

Leaked: Kasper’s Address to Francis & “Cardinals” on Sacraments for Public Adulterers

UPDATE 3/1/14 21:07 GMT: Substantial Excerpts of Kasper Speech in English HERE (click)

This morning the Rorate Caeli blog is reporting that Walter Kasper’s secret discourse on the topic of “Communion for the Divorced-and-Remarried” (as it is euphemistically called, rather than “Communion for Public Adulterers”), which he gave to “Pope” Francis and his fellow-bogus “cardinals” assembled in consistory at the Vatican on Feb. 21, 2014, has been leaked to the press.

The Italian paper Il Foglio has published the text exclusively and has also printed a response by Prof.READ MORE

Resignationism Reloaded

Socci: “The Plot Thickens”

“Greater Mystery” seen in
Ratzinger Response to Tornielli

Just as we predicted yesterday, not all who give credence to the idea that Benedict XVI’s resignation may have been invalid are convinced by Ratzinger’s reported reaffirmation of its validity to Italian journalist Andrea Tornielli.

“The plot thickens,” Socci says in a Feb. 26, 2014 article posted on his web site:

Socci claims that the questions he raised earlier this month have not been answered but instead the mystery surrounding Benedict’s abdication is deepening.

Socci, author of the book The Fourth Secret of Fatima, criticizes Andrea Tornielli of the Italian daily La Stampa for not releasing the full text of the alleged letter the “Pope emeritus” wrote him, saying that for a story of such magnitude, it would have been appropriate to at least reproduce the letter in its entirety, or better yet, a scanned facsimile copy showing Ratzinger’s signature and letterhead.… READ MORE