‘Chaos Frank’ interviewed by Belgian Youngsters…
Interview No. 7:
“Believers and Non-Believers, We’re All Brothers and Sisters”

Another day, another “papal” interview. This time, Francis allowed three Belgian young adults to interview him at the Vatican, with a video camera recording the entire talk. The video is available at this link here (the interview proper begins at the 11:29 mark). The interviewers asked their questions in English, while the papal pretender answered in Italian. The subtitles in the video are in Dutch.
So far, the only English translation has been published by Vatican Radio:
- “Pope Francis Interview: ‘Believers and Non-Believers, we’re all Brothers and Sisters'” (Vatican Radio)
We will leave you with this brief but powerful Reality Check from Holy Scripture regarding Bergoglio’s disingenuous claim, “Believers and unbelievers, we are all brothers and sisters”:
Bear not the yoke with unbelievers.