Surprise, Surprise…
“The Voice of Italy”: Suor Cristina Wins Contest

Just put on your surprise face and act like you didn’t see it coming — the rocking Novus Ordo nun Suor Cristina(“Sister Cristina”) has won the song contest The Voice of Italy, in which she had been competing since March. You can watch the rock’n’roll song she performed here:
The same night (June 5, 2014), she also sang a duet with her “coach”, the atheist rapper J-Ax, which you can watch here:
We’ve already said all that needs to be said about this. See our prior blog posts, linked below, for the full story with commentary that is uncompromisingly and authentically Catholic regarding this sad, infuriating, sacrilegious, and blasphemous spectacle.
One of the forseeable consequences of a putative religious participating in such a profane show is that it doesn’t take long before people start to make fun of the whole matter, and thereby, by extension, also the Catholic Church, which the religious represents (or, in this case, is believed to represent). So, for example, see this video of two Italian comedians in a parody of Suor Cristina interacting with J-Ax.
After Cristina dancing to and singing songs such as Girls Just Want to Have Fun, Livin’ on a Prayer, Flashdance, The Time of My Life, and others, it is no wonder that people see the need to make fun of her. Instead of some great boon to evangelization, things like this always end up with one net result: a further erosion of respect for holy things, and more loss of Faith. People and things that do not demand respect will not receive any.
There is a reason why St. James wrote: “Religion clean and undefiled before God and the Father, is this: to visit the fatherless and widows in their tribulation: and to keep one’s self unspotted from this world” (Jas 1:27). Suor Cristina has not only failed to keep herself unspotted from this world, but sullied all of Catholicism as well. The fact that she asked everyone at the end to pray an Our Father doesn’t undo the great scandal she has caused.
We hope that after her totally predictable victory in this contest today, this whole “Dancing Nun” thing is finally over. However, we won’t fool ourselves. A more realistic guess is: She’s just getting started.
See also the Call Me Jorge blog’s post “Is Suor Cristina’s Sister Act Finally Over?” Loads of additional information there.
All Other Suor Cristina Posts:
- Suor Cristina: Novus Ordo Nun’s Got Talent
- Rocking Nun Suor Cristina: A Follow-Up
- Nuns just want to have Fun
- Sr. Cristina sings Hero
- Sr. Cristina sings Flashdance & Can’t Get You out of My Head
- “Livin’ on a Prayer”: Sr. Cristina rocks Bon Jovi Hit
- Dirty Dancing: Suor Cristina with The Time of My Life
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