Novus Ordo Watch NEWS DIGEST
July 16, 2014

What a Mess! “Youth Mass” in Brazil


He has a microphone, and he’s not afraid to use it…

Don Bruno Unleashed

His name is Bruno Maggioni. He’s a well-known and popular Novus Ordo priest in Italy who is famous for dancing, clapping, and singing secular songs during weddings he officiates. See the videos below — what a joke the Novus Ordo priesthood is, a parody of itself. Priceless!

Don Bruno unleashed: a John Wayne he ain’t

[Face palm]

Who is the center of attention in this “Mass”? Jesus Christ or Don Bruno?

Don Bruno sings “Mamma Maria” by Ricchi e Poveri…

…and ends it with a kiss for the bride — and TWO for the groom!


Sexual innuendo to drive sales…

New Low for “Fr.” Zuhl$dorf: “Use Protection!”

We’ve said it before, and, unfortunately, we have reason to say it again: The Rev. John Zuhlsdorf — “Father Z” — is apparently a full-time professional businessman using the “traditional Catholic priesthood” as a sales gimmick.

In case our previous posts and sample links didn’t convince you of our less-than-stellar view of this man…

…we now have even more confirmation that his morals are as questionable as the validity of his priesthood:

Using sexual innunedo (!)


Bergoglio talks tough — but is he credible?

Interview No. 10:

“I will use a Stick against Pedophile Priests”

So much for the vacation month of July being “quiet” as far as news from the Vatican and its Modernist-in-Chief, Jorge Bergoglio. After explicitly admitting he’s “not interested in converting Evangelicals to Catholicism” (no, really?!) and high-fiving Protestant televangelist James Robison, Francis has given yet another interview, once more to Eugenio Scalfari, the former-Catholic-turned-atheist editor of the Italian La Repubblica newspaper. This happened on July 10. In total, according to our reckoning, it is the tenth interview Francis has given, though we have left out some press conferences and a video message or two which others may also count as interviews (it’s simply too difficult to keep it all straight and keep up with it all — the man just can’t keep his jaws together).


Hey, thanks for clarifying…

Francis: “I’m Not Interested in Converting Evangelicals to Catholicism”

For all those neo-cons in the Novus Ordo Church who were still in denial over Francis’ repeated affirmations that he opposes converting non-Catholics to Catholicism, “Pope” Jorge Bergoglio reiterated his position once more, this time in a conversation he had with Evangelical Protestant Brian Stiller, who is the Global Ambassador of the World Evangelical Alliance.

Stiller visited Francis in the Vatican in June 2014 and published a blog post about his encounter, entitled “Lunch with the Pope”, on July 9. There are two salient passages in Stiller’s account worth quoting:

We talked about Christians marginalized, pressed under the weight of government power or the majority presence of other faiths.


“And then I told them, ‘I’m a faithful son of the Church!’”

High Five, Francis!

The following is an excerpt from an article brought to you by Religion News Service on the meeting “Pope” Francis had with American Protestant preachers Kenneth Copeland and James Robison at the Vatican. The story speaks for itself, but there’s one little correction we must offer: The author of the piece, Sarah Pulliam Bailey, is wrong in saying this was the “first-ever papal high-five.” Francis had actually done it before, as we reported in our post on December 21, 2013, which you can see here.


You can’t make this stuff up…

Show-Your-Tattoo “Mass”!

Just when you thought you’d seen it all, the Novus Ordo Sect finds yet another scandalous novelty to introduce into its “Mass” liturgy on the local parish level. At Saints Peter and Paul church in Obernburg, Germany, the pastor challenged a lay parishioner (in fact, the “chairman of the parochial council”) that he wouldn’t be able to get 29 people to show up at “Mass” who have — and would be willing to show to everyone — a tattoo on their body that has a “biblical theme.”

Guess what happened: The parishioner won the bet against the pastor.… READ MORE


Seal of Confession under Attack —
“Father Z” Cashes In

UPDATE 7/10/14: Hours after we blasted him for shamelessly cashing in on that seal of confession case, “Fr. Z” doubles down with another sales post. His blog must be a real cash cow! We can start spelling his name “Zuhl$dorf” from now on…

Never let a good Catholic crisis pass without cashing in on it: In the state of Louisiana, the Roman Catholic seal of confession is allegedly under attack, and the intrepid biretta-wearing blogging wonder Rev. John Zuhlsdorf (“Father Z”) has already found a way to make a profit from it.… READ MORE

Watchdog Group publishes Report


Jorge Bergoglio and Clergy Sexual Abuse in Argentina

The U.S.-based non-profit watchdog group has published a report on Novus Ordo clergy sexual abuse in Argentina, slamming Jorge Bergoglio — now “Pope” Francis — for his alleged silence during his tenure as “Archbishop” of Buenos Aires (1998-2013), the country’s largest diocese, and his time as president of the Argentine Bishops’ Conference (2005-2011).

The report was released ahead of Francis’ meeting with abuse victims in the Vatican on July 7:

In his 2010 interview book On Heaven and Earth, Bergoglio claims that priests guilty of sexual abuse were not found in his diocese: “In my diocese it never happened to me, but a bishop called me once by phone to ask me what to do in a situation like this.”


“I can’t believe it’s not Catholic!”

Carnival Liturgy!

We’ve all seen video clips of some of the most ridiculous liturgies the Novus Ordo Sect has to offer, but this Carnival Liturgy below deserves special mention. Perpetrated in Mombach, Germany, on January 11, 2014 at Sacred Heart of Jesus church, this pseudo-liturgical spectacle carried the official title of Narrenlob, or “Fools’ Praise Liturgy.” Foolish those indeed who would attend such an idiotic event, or consider this religion to be Roman Catholicism!

The officiating presbyter was Mr. Gottfried Keindl.

Fools’ Liturgy – Part 1

Fools’ Liturgy – Part 2

“But”, many will say, “if we just notify the bishop of the diocese about this, then he will forbid this from ever happening again and discipline the people who allowed this to happen.… READ MORE

A “Fun Church” Update…

Oh Joy! Meet the “Happy” Nuns

If video won’t play above, CLICK HERE to watch on YouTube

One of the things the head of the Vatican II Sect, Jorge Bergoglio (“Pope Francis”), has been prattling on about endlessly since his election in 2013 is for people to be “docile to the Holy Spirit” and embrace His alleged “unexpected newness” and constantly exude some unspecified “joy” that supposedly gives “witness”, while at the same time denouncing those evil doom-and-gloom Catholics who who allegedly only use their minds and not their “hearts” in religious matters (see, for example, Francis’ sermon of May 13, 2014).… READ MORE

A perplexed Novus Ordo struggles to understand…

The Vatican and the Muslims

This is a very informative video, produced by a decorated veteran and former intelligence analyst for the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff who is also an expert in Islamic law. He looks at “Pope” Francis’ recent “Interfaith Prayer for Peace” event that took place in the Vatican Gardens on Pentecost Sunday, June 8, 2014, at which a Muslim imam prayed in Arabic for “victory over the infidels.”

Evidently a Novus Ordo of good will, retired Maj. Stephen C. Coughlin, Esq., is someone who, unlike many of the Novus Ordo apologists and bloggers out there, is not refusing to use his God-given intellect to analyze what is coming out of the Modernist Vatican.… READ MORE

Bergoglio’s new admirer…

Elton John Endorses “Pope” Francis

Embed from Getty Images

That’s Mister Elton John to you

British pop singer Reginald Kenneth Dwight, better known by his stage name “Elton John”, has joined the growing chorus of disgraceful and/or non-Catholic celebrities singing the praises of “Pope” Francis:

The Argentine apostate Jorge Bergoglio (“Pope Francis”) has received ringing endorsements from a number of people who … how shall we put it … are not exactly known to be enthusiastic supporters of the Roman Catholic religion as it was known to the world from 33 AD to 1958 (the death of the last true Pope, Pius XII).… READ MORE

New interview published June 29…

Francis Denies/Mocks Sacred Scripture: “Woman was taken from a Rib… I’m kidding, that’s a Joke”

In less than 2 weeks, “Pope” Francis, too exhausted to attend to all of his scheduled obligations, has cranked out yet another interview, making it the ninth in total since his election on March 13, 2013, according to our reckoning.

Click here to read the interview in full in English:


(Italian Original here)

The professional blogger/ translator/ traveler/ cook/ businessman/ lecturer/ anything-but-a-real-priest “Father” John Zuhlsdorf has shared his translation of a few lines of text from this interview in which Francis confounds ultra-liberals waiting for “women priests”, and of course, this is something Zuhlsdorf loves to zero in on as it allows him to perpetuate the idea that Francis is somehow a Catholic or a conservative — as though all it took to be a Catholic was to affirm one Catholic thing every once in a while.… READ MORE