The “New Springtime” strikes again…

The Faithful Departed: New Statistics show the Novus Ordo Church is collapsing — despite Mark Shea’s Blog

There comes a point when all the New Church’s smarty-pants apologists, bloggers, and commentators have to face reality: Beyond all the polemics and the verbal gymnastics, there will always be, eventually, the cold hard facts.

On November 13, the Pew Research Center published the results of a survey conducted in Latin America to measure the growth — or decline — of (Novus Ordo) “Catholicism” in the region, also with a view to a possible “Francis Effect.” The results are in, and they are nothing short of devastating.… READ MORE

It’s a Francis idea, that explains it…

Shower Power: St. Peter’s Colonnades to get Showers for Homeless

What Bernini missed in his colonnades: Showers!

From our ever-expanding Believe It or Not stack, today comes this news from Vatican Insider and Crux:

It is, of course, a good and laudable thing to provide the homeless with food, clothing, shelter, and facilities for washing — such are corporal works of mercy. There is no doubt about that. But for goodness’ sake, showers inside the colonnades of St.READ MORE

News Digest November 12, 2014

Novus Ordo Watch NEWS DIGEST
November 12, 2014

Phonevergnügen: SmartPhone “Mass” in Germany!


Put on your Surprise Face…

Jorge Bergoglio is Honorary Member of Masonic Rotary Club in Buenos Aires

In 1999, the then-“Archbishop” of Buenos Aires, Jorge Mario Bergoglio, was named an Honorary Member of the Buenos Aires Rotary Club, a service organization that embraces the heretical ideals of Freemasonry, Naturalism, and Secularism. On July 26 of that year, “Archbishop” Bergoglio sent a warm thank-you note to the club’s president, which has been posted online at the Rotary Club’s web site and can still be accessed there:

What follows is an English translation of this letter:

Archbishopric of Buenos Aires


Response to “The Remnant”

Is Francis a Valid Pope?
—Why It Does Matter

In a blog post published on October 25, 2014 by The Remnant, pseudonymous author ‘Megaera Erinyes’ tries a new approach to the issue of Sedevacantism, the question of whether Francis is in fact a valid Pope or an illicit usurper: She says it doesn’t matter.

Now that’s just rich for a publication that has spent considerable amounts of ink opposing Sedevacantism over the decades. What is going on here?

In what follows, we will look at some salient points made in the Erinyes article and contrast them with traditional Catholic teaching to explain why it really does matter if Francis is the Pope.… READ MORE

“Madness” is right…

How Much Madness Is In You?
A Novus Ordo Altar Boy Advertisement

Whether it be tap-dancing priestsrocking nunshappy-clappy religiousmonks-gone-wild, outrageous “youth masses”liturgical absurdistan, stupid and effeminate liturgical choreography, sacrilegious harlem shakesshow-your-tattoo masses, or any other sort of ridiculous, impious, or blasphemous aberration under the label of “Catholic”, the Novus Ordo Sect offers it with glee and impunity.

The following video shows what is supposed to be an advertisement for being an altar boy in a Novus Ordo parish in Germany (parish web site here).… READ MORE

You can’t make this stuff up…

Mark Shea says Elton John’s Admiration for Francis shows he is “revisiting what the Gospel has to say”

The other day we reported on Elton John’s admiration for “Pope” Francis, Jorge Bergoglio. In a fundraising event to fight AIDS, the British sodomite said he wants the putative Pope to be declared a “saint now”, and that he considers him his “hero.” While anyone who isn’t yet completely brain-dead would, in the context of who Elton John is and what has transpired so far with regard to “Pope” Francis, see this for yet another confirmation of what utter shame and disaster Bergoglio has brought on the name “Catholic”, the one American blogger who can always be counted on to come down on the wrong side of an issue (with very few exceptions), Mark Shea, sees this as proof that Elton John is opening himself up to the Gospel!


Time to catch up on the latest madness…

Francis’ Dogma Death Squad Strikes Again!


Listen on Demand at any time:


Restoration Radio presents another episode of the “Francis Watch” series, a monthly show dedicated exclusively to all things Bergoglio. Tune in live each month or listen on demand at your convenience for a truly Catholic perspective on Jorge Mario Bergoglio, the Anti-Catholic Modernist who falsely claims to be the Pope of the Catholic Church.

In this month’s episode, host Justin Soeder covers the latest flood of Bergoglian errors, heresies, and impieties, with his guests Bp.


Gushes over his “hero”…

Elton John on Francis:
“Make This Man a Saint now, okay!?”

Embed from Getty Images

Great Britain’s most famous “married”-with-kids sodomite, Reginald Kenneth Dwight, who goes by the stage name “Elton John”, has once again sung the praises of the head of the Vatican II Church, Jorge Bergoglio, who goes by the stage name “Pope Francis.” Echoing his words from earlier this year, Sir Elton John called Francis “my hero” at the annual fundraiser for his Elton John AIDS Foundation. He pleaded, “Make this man a saint now, OK?”, in reference to Bergoglio’s “new tone” of acceptance of unrepentant perverts in what the world believes to be the Catholic Church.

“Heresy” is soo yesterday…

Francis tells Protestants:
“We all have the Holy Spirit within us”

Earlier this month, the head of the Vatican II Sect, “Pope” Francis, met with members of the Ark Community, co-founded by the recently deceased Evangelical-Anglican “Bishop” Tony Palmer. A video clip (above) of some of the conversations has now been released. The following link has the background story:

In addition, there is now a transcript available, as well as lots of photos, at the Call Me Jorge blog here. Remember, this is the same Francis who doesn’t care what religion you are and adheres to the heresy that faith without works is not true faith.… READ MORE

News Digest October 28, 2014

Novus Ordo Watch NEWS DIGEST
October 28, 2014

The world is laughing: Klemen Slakonja parodies Francis in “Modern Pope”


He who has eyes to see, let him see…

The Great Comparison: The Traditional Latin Mass vs. the New “Mass” of Paul VI (1969)

The following video provides a sobering audio-visual comparison between the Holy Catholic Mass of the ages — aka the “Traditional Latin Mass” — and the 1969 Novus Ordo Missae promulgated by the False Pope Paul VI, a rite that even then-“Cardinal” Ratzinger admitted was a “banal on-the-spot product” yet which he claimed later as “Pope” Benedict XVI was “one and the same rite” with its Traditional Latin counterpart.

Not only does Paul VI’s Novus Ordo Missae (“New Order of Mass”) represent a substantial change in Catholic belief and practice, it is also definitely invalid in most vernacular tongues, specifically in English, as was proved as early as 1968 — even one year before it was imposed as an official rite — by the late Patrick Henry Omlor (+2013).… READ MORE

Since everyone is talking about it…

The Tap-Dancing “Priests”
in the Church of Joy

Bergoglio’s ‘Church of Joy’ is back in the news, loaded with various contributions from that “god of surprises” Francis likes to talk about. We were going to mention the “tap-dancing priests” only in a News Digest, but since everyone is apparently now talking about this, and it’s going viral, we might as well put up a brief post on the matter with the relevant videos.

The background story to these clips can be found here.

The Novus Ordo Sect is full of celebrity presbyters and religious who dance (see above and don’t forget the “bishops” in Brazil), sing (Suor Cristina“Fr.”


Concluding Commentary

Oh, the Drama!
The Synod is Over — For Now

Thank goodness, the Synod in Rome is finally over: Two weeks of speculation, intrigue, accusations and denials, and pseudo-theological hysteria that culminated in the blasphemous and sacrilegious “beatification” of the False Pope Paul VI (Giovanni Battista Montini) are finally at an end. What was supposed to be an episcopal discussion group on theological matters turned out to be a wild soap opera of Hollywood proportions — and it’s far from over.

This assembly in Rome was merely the first, “extraordinary” part of a larger, two-synod event which will conclude in October 2015 with an “ordinary” synod at which the attendant Novus Ordo bishops will submit final recommendations to Francis with regard to the topics under discussion, after which the “Pope” will then release a so-called “post-synodal apostolic exhortation” as he did in 2013 with the heretical and turgid Evangelii Gaudium.… READ MORE

Now it’s “Madonna”…

She’s Baaaaack!!!
Suor Cristina returns with “Like a Virgin”

Novus Ordo lunacy knows no bounds. You may remember that during Lent of this year, a wanna-be-singer Novus Ordo nun participated in the Italian secular singing contest Voice of Italy. She ended up winning the thing, though this victory can reasonably be ascribed to her “singing nun” stardom more than to her singing talent. This was in June.

Well, guess what: It’s October now, and she’s back. Her first album, quite appropriately named after her only (“Sister Cristina”), will be available in the United States on November 10 and can already be pre-ordered on Amazon (no, we won’t link it — “Fr.”… READ MORE