Brave New Church…
Novus Ordo Priest praises Sodomite Couple’s “Pure Love”, baptizes “their” Triplets
The triplets with their “two daddies” and the two surrogacy enablers
Get your barf bags ready, folks; this is ugly. On February 2, 2016, the Italian Corriere della Sera reported the following nauseating story:
Triplet Sisters with Two Dads Baptized
Three baby girls have been born by surrogacy. The priest has blessed them in Rome: “Yours is a pure love, I do not fear it.”
by Viola Centi
Limite sull’Arno (Empoli) – Triplet sisters with two fathers. It seems like the script for a TV show, but it is the true story of Simon and Roberto, Viola, Melissa, and Sofia.