Louie Verrecchio hits a home run!

Is Jorge Bergoglio’s Claim to the Papacy Legitimate?

A 60-minute reality check with Louie Verrecchio…

Louie Verrecchio was once a big defender and ‘explainer’ of the Second Vatican Council (1962-65). Under the title “Harvesting the Fruit of Vatican II”, he published a “faith formation series” and used to give lectures on the “authentic teachings” of the council, in a spirit of that fabled “hermeneutic of continuity and reform”. An archived snapshot of his web site as it looked in 2011 can be accessed here.

At some point, however, Mr. Verrecchio found himself confronted with more and more evidence from the pre-Vatican II magisterium and the undeniable facts of recent Church history so that he became convinced that his “conservative Novus Ordo” position was simply unsustainable.… READ MORE