Tone-deaf new DDF prefect responds to critics…

Fernandez says his Book ‘Heal Me with Your Mouth’ was meant as a Catechesis for Teenagers!

Victor Manuel ‘Tucho’ Fernandez

The appointment of the new Prefect of the Dicastery for the Destruction of the Faith, Archlayman Victor Manuel Fernandez, has caused an uproar online among many of members of the Vatican II Church that are of a more conservative or traditionalist bent, and for good reason. Even the Modernist ‘Cardinal’ Gerhard Ludwig Müller, himself prefect of the Novus Ordo doctrine factory from 2012-17, is not thrilled with the choice.

There are various reasons to be upset, though not surprised, that Bergoglio should have selected the ghostwriter of Amoris Laetitia and other texts for the job of ‘top guardian of orthodoxy’, and they’re not all doctrinal.… READ MORE