Francis at the Blue Mosque…

“Silent Adoration”:
Francis prays with Mufti at the Blue Mosque in Istanbul

Embed from Getty Images

Mr. Jorge Bergoglio (“Pope Francis”) is currently visiting Turkey. November 29 marks Day 2 of his trip, and, like his predecessor Benedict XVI, he went to Istanbul and, removing his shoes, stepped into the Mosque of the Sultan Ahmed, often referred to as the “Blue Mosque”. As is visible in the photo above and the video below, Francis prayed for several minutes to the same god as the Muslims:

After the prayer, Francis said to the Muslim leader, “I also want to ask you to pray for me” (source).… READ MORE

Last Show of the Year…

Bergoglio’s Theology of Surprises


Listen on Demand at any time:


Restoration Radio presents another episode of the “Francis Watch” series, a monthly show dedicated exclusively to discussing all things Bergoglio. Tune in live each month or listen on demand at your convenience for a truly Catholic perspective on Jorge Mario Bergoglio, the Anti-Catholic Modernist who falsely claims to be the Pope of the Catholic Church.

In the final Francis Watch episode of Season 3, His Excellency Bishop Donald Sanborn and Fr. Anthony Cekada begin by discussing some of the ongoing aftershocks of the October Synod — not just the “conservative” neo-Thermidorean reaction of people like Burke, Schneider, and Pell, but the musings of Vaticanistas like Roberto de Mattei and Sandro Magister.… READ MORE

All you need is loaves…

Aachen Cathedral used as Storage for Christmas Cakes

Since Catholic church buildings are no longer being used for Catholic worship, the Modernist authorities of the Novus Ordo Sect have decided that they might as well use them for something else — such as food storage. As the above video clip shows, 1,200 loaves of Stollen, a delectable Christmas cake of German tradition, are currently being stored in the Cathedral of Aachen, Germany, which is dedicated to the Mother of God. The loaves will remain there, right inside the St. Michael chapel, until they have aged a little and are ready for pre-Christmas sale.… READ MORE

Sound like Francis to you?

Letter to Cardinal Respighi:
Pope Leo XIII’s Condemnation of Protestantism in Rome

True Vicar of Christ: His Holiness, Pope Leo XIII (1878-1903)

As you know, the Novus Ordo Sect’s professional smart-alecks make a living reassuring everyone in their church that nothing has really changed since before Vatican II, that everything that is being taught today under the name of “Catholic” is actually substantially the same as it was before, just “developed”, or with merely a shift in emphasis adapted to current circumstances.

But is this really true? Let’s take as a case in point “Pope” Francis’ love of Protestantism that he has expressed on numerous occasions in one way or another.


Do They Know It’s Christmas?

Vatican Christmas Concert to Feature Suor Cristina and Blasphemous Punk Rocker Patti Smith

Chaos Frank has outdone himself once again. If you thought Tini Stoessel at the Soccer Match for Peace was bad, or that somehow the “Roman Pontiff” was not pleased with Sister Cristina’s shocking performances of secular rock songs, think again: For this year’s Christmas Concert, “Pope” Francis has invited the blasphemous infidel punk rocker Patti Smith and the scandalous Suor Cristina to perform at the Auditorium Conciliazione in Rome on December 13.

The following articles give important details on the matter:


“An Enemy hath done this…” (Mt 13:28)

“Electric Church”:
Desecration of St. Peter’s in Vienna

This is gorgeous St. Peter’s Catholic Church in Vienna — it was desecrated by an “Electric Church” performance on December 20, 2013 with the full permission of the city’s “Cardinal Archbishop”, Mr. Christoph Schonborn

When it comes to profaning the sacred, the Novus Ordo Sect never runs out of ideas. Case in point: “Electric Church”, a religious-themed audiovisual performance that blends classical music with pop/rock music and visual effects inside gorgeous traditional Catholic church buildings and sacred spaces.

A shocking 20-minute video clip of the 2013 performance at Vienna’s Peterskirche (St.… READ MORE

He’s baack!…

Silent No More: Benedict XVI Joins Debate over Communion for Adulterers

[UPDATE 03-DEC-2014Ratzinger’s revised text now available online (click here)]

Approximately four weeks after the close of part one of the infamous Synod on the Family, the retired “Pope” Benedict XVI now adds some fuel to the inferno. Though he once promised to withdraw completely from ecclesiastical affairs, he somehow always manages to make himself heard whenever he so chooses, even if usually in an indirect or even cryptic way.

This time, Joseph Ratzinger has chosen to weigh in on the debate over whether public adulterers (the “divorced-and-remarried”) should be allowed to receive the Novus Ordo sacraments, which is one of the core issues currently under discussion in the Novus Ordo Sect’s ongoing synod of bishops, part two of which is scheduled to take place in October 2015.


The “New Springtime” strikes again…

The Faithful Departed: New Statistics show the Novus Ordo Church is collapsing — despite Mark Shea’s Blog

There comes a point when all the New Church’s smarty-pants apologists, bloggers, and commentators have to face reality: Beyond all the polemics and the verbal gymnastics, there will always be, eventually, the cold hard facts.

On November 13, the Pew Research Center published the results of a survey conducted in Latin America to measure the growth — or decline — of (Novus Ordo) “Catholicism” in the region, also with a view to a possible “Francis Effect.” The results are in, and they are nothing short of devastating.… READ MORE

It’s a Francis idea, that explains it…

Shower Power: St. Peter’s Colonnades to get Showers for Homeless

What Bernini missed in his colonnades: Showers!

From our ever-expanding Believe It or Not stack, today comes this news from Vatican Insider and Crux:

It is, of course, a good and laudable thing to provide the homeless with food, clothing, shelter, and facilities for washing — such are corporal works of mercy. There is no doubt about that. But for goodness’ sake, showers inside the colonnades of St.READ MORE

News Digest November 12, 2014

Novus Ordo Watch NEWS DIGEST
November 12, 2014

Phonevergnügen: SmartPhone “Mass” in Germany!


Put on your Surprise Face…

Jorge Bergoglio is Honorary Member of Masonic Rotary Club in Buenos Aires

In 1999, the then-“Archbishop” of Buenos Aires, Jorge Mario Bergoglio, was named an Honorary Member of the Buenos Aires Rotary Club, a service organization that embraces the heretical ideals of Freemasonry, Naturalism, and Secularism. On July 26 of that year, “Archbishop” Bergoglio sent a warm thank-you note to the club’s president, which has been posted online at the Rotary Club’s web site and can still be accessed there:

What follows is an English translation of this letter:

Archbishopric of Buenos Aires


Response to “The Remnant”

Is Francis a Valid Pope?
—Why It Does Matter

In a blog post published on October 25, 2014 by The Remnant, pseudonymous author ‘Megaera Erinyes’ tries a new approach to the issue of Sedevacantism, the question of whether Francis is in fact a valid Pope or an illicit usurper: She says it doesn’t matter.

Now that’s just rich for a publication that has spent considerable amounts of ink opposing Sedevacantism over the decades. What is going on here?

In what follows, we will look at some salient points made in the Erinyes article and contrast them with traditional Catholic teaching to explain why it really does matter if Francis is the Pope.… READ MORE

“Madness” is right…

How Much Madness Is In You?
A Novus Ordo Altar Boy Advertisement

Whether it be tap-dancing priestsrocking nunshappy-clappy religiousmonks-gone-wild, outrageous “youth masses”liturgical absurdistan, stupid and effeminate liturgical choreography, sacrilegious harlem shakesshow-your-tattoo masses, or any other sort of ridiculous, impious, or blasphemous aberration under the label of “Catholic”, the Novus Ordo Sect offers it with glee and impunity.

The following video shows what is supposed to be an advertisement for being an altar boy in a Novus Ordo parish in Germany (parish web site here).… READ MORE

You can’t make this stuff up…

Mark Shea says Elton John’s Admiration for Francis shows he is “revisiting what the Gospel has to say”

The other day we reported on Elton John’s admiration for “Pope” Francis, Jorge Bergoglio. In a fundraising event to fight AIDS, the British sodomite said he wants the putative Pope to be declared a “saint now”, and that he considers him his “hero.” While anyone who isn’t yet completely brain-dead would, in the context of who Elton John is and what has transpired so far with regard to “Pope” Francis, see this for yet another confirmation of what utter shame and disaster Bergoglio has brought on the name “Catholic”, the one American blogger who can always be counted on to come down on the wrong side of an issue (with very few exceptions), Mark Shea, sees this as proof that Elton John is opening himself up to the Gospel!


Time to catch up on the latest madness…

Francis’ Dogma Death Squad Strikes Again!


Listen on Demand at any time:


Restoration Radio presents another episode of the “Francis Watch” series, a monthly show dedicated exclusively to all things Bergoglio. Tune in live each month or listen on demand at your convenience for a truly Catholic perspective on Jorge Mario Bergoglio, the Anti-Catholic Modernist who falsely claims to be the Pope of the Catholic Church.

In this month’s episode, host Justin Soeder covers the latest flood of Bergoglian errors, heresies, and impieties, with his guests Bp.