Novus Ordo Watch NEWS DIGEST
June 15, 2015

“Father Pontifex” has a song for you…


This is what it’s come to…

The Encyclical:
Brazilian Climate Group promotes Francis’ Environmental Encyclical in Mock Movie Trailer

Click to play video

Nothing needs to be said here. It is a blasphemous and sacrilegious clip. Francis is running a pseudo-theological freak show, and the secular world is noticing — and loving it. This video trailer was produced by the Brazilian group Observatório do Clima. The encyclical on the environment, to be named Laudato Si, is scheduled to be relased on Thursday, June 18.

In May, Francis had signed a petition addressed to “world leaders” to contain global warming:

Welcome to Absurdistan.… READ MORE

Modernist drivel at its finest…

What a Modernist Sounds Like:
The “Cardinal” Kasper Interview

(click to play video)

As the saying goes: If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, it’s a duck. It is no different with heretics, especially Modernists. Pope St. Pius X wrote in his 1907 landmark encyclical Pascendi Dominici Gregis that Modernists can be identified as such by looking at what they do, what they believe, and how they express themselves. Let’s have a look at the opening paragraphs of this great papal document and see if this doesn’t sound eerily familiar:

One of the primary obligations assigned by Christ to the office divinely committed to Us of feeding the Lord’s flock is that of guarding with the greatest vigilance the deposit of the faith delivered to the saints, rejecting the profane novelties of words and the gainsaying of knowledge falsely so called.


The Party is over…

Stuck in a Rut:
Anti-Sedevacantism in the Age of Bergoglio

Over the past two years or so, a veritable barrage of anti-sedevacantist articles has appeared in online and offline publications of the recognize-and-resist camp, penned mostly by lay authors who have dabbled in various pieces of Catholic theological and canonical literature but who have no genuine grasp of the subject matter they are pontificating about. Their approach to the question of whether Francis is a valid Pope is often not deductive — applying Catholic principles to the evidence before us and then drawing the conclusion that follows — but inductive instead, beginning with the desired conclusion that Francis is a valid Pope and then attempting to come up with “evidence” that seems to necessitate this conclusion.… READ MORE

A Doctor of the Church weighs in…

Can a Heretical Pope Be Deposed?

St. Robert Bellarmine Refutes the Anti-Sedevacantists

As we had announced in one of our News Digests recently, the monumental theological work De Romano Pontifice(“On the Roman Pontiff”) of Cardinal St. Robert Bellarmine, S.J., has now been translated into English, for the first time ever. The translator is Mr. Ryan Grant of Mediatrix Press, and the English-speaking world owes him a tremendous amount of gratitude.

The English On the Roman Pontiff is being published in two volumes, with the first volume containing Books I and II, and the second volume containing Books III, IV, and V.


Francis’ beloved henchman dies…

Francis’ “Apostolic” Commissioner over the Franciscans of the Immaculate, Fidenzio Volpi, is Dead

The Province of St. Charles of the Capuchin Friars Minor in Lombardy has announced the passing away of “Fr.” Fidenzio Volpi, the “Apostolic” Commissioner who had been tyrannizing the Novus Ordo Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate for suspicion of Catholicism due to their traditional bent in liturgical matters and some writings mildly critical of the Second Vatican Council.

Mr. Volpi had recently been hospitalized after suffering a stroke. He died reportedly on June 7, 2015, at 11:00 am. He was 75.

Here are some posts with more details:


New Interview…

“Bishop” Schneider: “After Francis’ Pontificate there could be Judgments about his Behavior,” denounces “Cardinal” Kasper for “Lying to Souls”

For months now we’ve been predicting that if things continue as they have been going, there will eventually be a schism within the Novus Ordo Sect — essentially a division of the conservative Ratzinger Modernists versus the progressive Bergoglio Modernists. In an exclusive interview with French journalist and blogger Jeanne Smits, Athanasius Schneider, a “conservative” Novus Ordo auxiliary “bishop” in Kazakhstan, sounds off on Francis, Kasper, and the controversial Synod in Rome.

Below we present an unauthorized translation of several highlights of this interview, which was released on June 5, 2015.… READ MORE

The Theology of the Bawdy…

Ghostwriter of Francis’ Ecology Encyclical wrote Book on “the Art of Kissing”

The ongoing freak show that is the Vatican II Church is getting more absurd by the day. It has now come to light that “the Pope’s theologian”, the man who wrote Francis’ forthcoming encyclical on ecology and the environment (reportedly to be called Laudato Sii), published a book twenty years ago entitled, “Heal me with your Mouth: The Art of Kissing.”

We’re not making this up. We couldn’t if we tried!

The author’s name is Victor Manuel Fernández, and Francis is very familiar with him as he is one of his closest advisers, going back to his days in Argentina.… READ MORE

Novus Ordo Watch for your Ears…

Episode 005 Now Available

The Traditional Catholic Podcast


In TRADCAST 005, released on May 31, 2015, we take you inside the Novus Ordo Twilight Zone: We examine Francis’ bombshell admission that the “Ecumenism of Blood” he has been teaching “may perhaps be a heresy”! We give a good spanking to Jimmy Akin of Catholic Answers for his carefree attempt to spin even Francis’ own admission of heresy into a harmless, orthodox statement, and we explain that all who seek to be genuine Roman Catholics must finally abandon the false Vatican II Church and adhere instead to the Catholic Church of the ages.… READ MORE

SSPX Superior drops a bombshell…

Bp. Bernard Fellay: “I was appointed by Rome to make Canonical Church Judgements on SSPX Priests”

[UPDATE 04-JUN-2015: Vatican confirms appointment of Bp. Fellay to judge SSPX priests]

The Superior General of the Society of St. Pius X, Bp. Bernard Fellay, gave a sermon at Our Lady of the Angels church in Arcadia, California, on May 10, 2015. The video of the entire 1-hour sermon is given below. At 27:10 into the talk, he starts speaking about the SSPX’s situation with Rome. At the 34:36 mark, the juicy part begins: Fellay speaks about how “Rome” (by that he means the entity he believes to be the Holy See) is treating the SSPX in contradictory fashion.… READ MORE

005 TRADCAST (31 MAY 2015)


  • Analysis of and commentary on Francis’ Latest Bombshell: His admission that his Ecumenism of Blood “may perhaps be a heresy, I don’t know” — The eclipse of the Church and where to go from here
  • [no further segments]

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Two things to know and share…

Akin vs. Akin: Let’s get Technical!


Which Jimmy Akin will you read today?

It’s funny how things work in Novus Ordo Land, where the main focus is not on defending the truth but on defending the increasingly absurd idea that Jorge Bergoglio is the Pope of the Catholic Church (“Francis”).

Jimmy Akin is a senior apologist at so-called Catholic Answers in California, and he is notorious for coming quickly to Francis’ defense whenever the latter opens his Modernist mouth and says what he really thinks, which is usually at odds with Catholic doctrine and dogma.… READ MORE

A Follow-Up on Francis’ Candid Remark…

Spanish Original shows Francis admitted his Teaching is “perhaps a Heresy, I don’t know”

Heresy in a “Pontifical” Message? Who cares? Certainly not Francis!

The times we live in are so absurd, they make the television show Twilight Zone look like reality TV by comparison. Two days ago we reported on “Pope” Francis’ video message to the ecumenical John 17 Movement in the United States, which he released on May 23, 2015. As the full video had not yet been released at the time of our posting, nor a full transcript in the original Spanish, we relied on the English translation provided by Vatican Radio.… READ MORE

“Chaos Frank” strikes again…

Francis in Message to Ecumenical Event: “I want to say something that may perhaps be a Heresy, I don’t know” —UPDATED

UPDATE 28-MAY-2015 03:05 UTC: Now that the full message in the original Spanish has become available, we have published a follow-up post that examines Francis’ actual words and responds to attempts to render them harmless:

UPDATE 26-MAY-2015 22:45 UTC: The Vatican web site has released a transcript of Francis’ actual words in Spanish, which reveals that what he actually said is even worse than the initial translation from Vatican Radio suggests:

We will soon publish a follow-up post on this matter right here at the Novus Ordo Wire, and our next TRADCAST podcast will be dedicated entirely to this story.… READ MORE

A Novus Ordo Watch Exclusive

Video: Francis’ Appeal to Ireland to Vote NO on Same-Sex ‘Marriage’

In an internet exclusive, we present to you the heartfelt appeal issued by “Pope” Francis to the Catholic people of Ireland, and all men of good will, exhorting them to oppose the attempt to legalize same-sex “marriage.”

Come on, don’t be so hard on him. He’s busy writing a huge encyclical on the environment! You know, climate change, recycling, etc. Who’s got time for such backwards stuff as speaking out against perverts’ attempts to change a natural institution that is necessary for the survival of humanity?… READ MORE