A lawyer and a journalist walk into a bar…

More Catholic than the Pope?
The Remnant versus Francis

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What, even MORE Catholic??

Granted, we are a bit late in covering this, but this should not detract from its importance, which is not at all tied to the time it was first published.

On March 30, 2014, the Semi-Traditionalist biweekly publication The Remnant released another video of a chit-chat between its editor, Minneapolis-based Michael J. Matt, and Virginia-based contributor Christopher A. Ferrara. In this episode of the so-called “Remnant Forum”, the two discuss the latest (at the time) theological chaos in the institution they still believe to be the Immaculate Bride of Christ.… READ MORE

The Doctor of the Papacy refutes the Neo-Trads…

Papal Error?

St. Robert Bellarmine’s Defense of Popes said to have Erred in Faith

The folks at Mediatrix Press have released another gem of St. Robert Bellarmine, the great 17th-century Jesuit cardinal who is the Church’s foremost single theologian on the papacy. For the first time now available in English, Papal Error? A Defense of Popes said to have Erred in Faith is an excerpt from Cardinal Bellarmine’s larger treatise De Romano Pontifice (“On the Roman Pontiff”), Book IV. The translator is Mr. Ryan Grant, and the English-speaking world owes him a tremendous amount of gratitude.… READ MORE

Another charlatan goes down…

The Eagle has Crashed:
Eric Gajewski’s TradCatKnight Deception Exposed

We really try our best not to link to any content promoting the Dimond brothers because of their denial of baptism of blood and desire (among other things), but the video one of their adherents just produced exposing Eric Gajewski’s TradCatKnight deception is too important to pass up.

Take a good look at what is going on with the man who claims to be the “Great Monarch” of Catholic prophecy, who is the commander of the “Order of the Eagle” you probably never heard about, and who incessantly brags about being the (allegedly) “most viewed and followed traditional Catholic apostolate on the internet,” to the point of belittling those who do not have as many followers or views as he does.… READ MORE

It’s the shoes, stupid!

Francis speaks on Antipope and Antichrist

One bit of news that was totally drowned out by Francis’ visit to the United States was the in-flight press conference he gave on leaving Cuba on September 22. A reporter from the Italian Corriere della Sera confronted Francis with the fact that more and more people, even secularists, are starting to ask themselves “if the Pope is a Catholic.” Instead of blushing for shame at such an embarrassing yet revealing phenomenon, Francis again showed his contempt for people who are beginning to detect that maybe he is not what he claims to be.… READ MORE

Time to take a stand…

Are You Catholic?

It’s only a few more weeks, nay days, before Jorge Bergoglio (“Pope” Francis) visits the United States. He will arrive on Tuesday, Sept. 22 and stay until Sunday, Sept. 27. Here is the official schedule:

With the arrival of Francis, a great many secular people will turn their attention to “things Catholic”, and this means that for those of us who live in the United States, we may very well be asked whether we are Catholic, what we think of Francis, and whether we are excited about the “papal” visit.… READ MORE

Another blow to Bp. Williamson…

Against Mente-Vacantism:
Refuting the Idea that the Vatican II “Popes” Cannot Be Guilty of Heresy because they have no Grasp of Immutable Truth

Bishop Donald Sanborn, rector of the sedevacantist Most Holy Trinity Seminary in Brooksville, Florida, has produced another excellent post in which he refutes one of the main errors of the ‘Resistance’ movement, that which has come to be known as “mente-vacantism” — “empty-mindedness” —, according to which Francis and his manifestly heretical predecessors cannot be considered heretics because they are allegedly incapable of understanding the concept of the changelessness (“immutability”) of truth.

As Bp.


The True Meaning of the Vincentian Canon

Deflating Another ‘Resistance’ Myth: Can we reject Magisterial Teaching if it wasn’t believed “always, everywhere, and by all”?

“Cafeteria Catholicism” is a fitting label often used to describe the position taken by overt Modernists and other pseudo-Catholic liberals (such as Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi, or John Kerry) who like to pick and choose which Church teachings to accept and which ones to reject. Usually what is accepted is those things perceived as politically correct, expedient, or simply non-offensive (for example, the existence of God, the importance and power of prayer, the reality of Heaven, or the importance of loving of neighbor), whereas what is rejected is those teachings that are politically incorrect, offensive to modern man, or somehow inconvenient or burdensome (for example, the necessity of the Catholic Church for salvation, the prohibition against worship with non-Catholics, the reality of hell, or the indissolubility of marriage or most other sins against the Sixth and Ninth Commandments).… READ MORE

Listen Free Online…

Sermon Series:
“Satan will Try to Deceive Even the Elect”
Part 3

Most Rev. Mark A. Pivarunas

As part of their ongoing broadcast series “From the Pulpit,” our friends at The Restoration Radio Network are making available a very informative 3-part presentation by His Excellency, Bishop Mark Pivarunas, CMRI, on the ways in which Satan is trying to deceive even the elect, as warned by our Blessed Lord Jesus Christ in Matthew 24:24: “For there shall arise false Christs and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders, insomuch as to deceive (if possible) even the elect.”… READ MORE

Williamson spouts Protestant ideas…

Christ or Belial?
Bp. Sanborn refutes Bp. Williamson on the “New Mass”

Just recently we took Bp. Richard Williamson to task for his ludicrous argumentation that the “New Mass” of the Vatican II Sect can licitly be attended by Catholics under certain restrictive circumstances. As we demonstrated in our post and video, the former SSPX bishop’s argumentation was lacking in consistency and, most of all, in traditional Catholic theological principles. Williamson based his entire argumentation on the Modernist, Subjectivist, and Protestant idea that licit attendance at Holy Mass is determined by what it does for the believer, rather than whether it is the true worship of God by the Catholic Church.… READ MORE

Very informative & challenging…

On the Sede Vacante Thesis:
Traditional Catholic Conference & Debate on Sedevacantism (2002)

The Chair of St. Peter at St. Peter’s Basilica, Vatican City
(image: shutterstock.com)

On July 6, 2002, a traditional Catholic conference and debate took place between Mr. John Daly of France, Mr. John Lane of Australia, and Mr. Gerry Matatics of the United States. The almost 4-hour-long conference took place at a hotel in Verona, New York, and was recorded in full.

We are pleased to be able to share with you the complete audio of this conference in the player below:

If you prefer to download the mp3 file for offline listening later, please do so through this DIRECT LINK.… READ MORE

Listen Free Online…

Sermon Series:
“Satan will Try to Deceive Even the Elect”
Part 2


Most Rev. Mark A. Pivarunas

[UPDATE: The final part, Part 3, is now available here]

As part of their ongoing broadcast series “From the Pulpit,” our friends at The Restoration Radio Network are making available a very informative multi-part presentation by His Excellency, Bishop Mark Pivarunas, CMRI, on the ways in which Satan is trying to deceive even the elect, as warned by our Blessed Lord Jesus Christ in Matthew 24:24: “For there shall arise false Christs and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders, insomuch as to deceive (if possible) even the elect.”… READ MORE

The Party is over…

Stuck in a Rut:
Anti-Sedevacantism in the Age of Bergoglio

Over the past two years or so, a veritable barrage of anti-sedevacantist articles has appeared in online and offline publications of the recognize-and-resist camp, penned mostly by lay authors who have dabbled in various pieces of Catholic theological and canonical literature but who have no genuine grasp of the subject matter they are pontificating about. Their approach to the question of whether Francis is a valid Pope is often not deductive — applying Catholic principles to the evidence before us and then drawing the conclusion that follows — but inductive instead, beginning with the desired conclusion that Francis is a valid Pope and then attempting to come up with “evidence” that seems to necessitate this conclusion.… READ MORE

A Doctor of the Church weighs in…

Can a Heretical Pope Be Deposed?

St. Robert Bellarmine Refutes the Anti-Sedevacantists

As we had announced in one of our News Digests recently, the monumental theological work De Romano Pontifice(“On the Roman Pontiff”) of Cardinal St. Robert Bellarmine, S.J., has now been translated into English, for the first time ever. The translator is Mr. Ryan Grant of Mediatrix Press, and the English-speaking world owes him a tremendous amount of gratitude.

The English On the Roman Pontiff is being published in two volumes, with the first volume containing Books I and II, and the second volume containing Books III, IV, and V.


Listen Free Online…

Sermon Series:
“Satan will Try to Deceive Even the Elect”
Part 1


Most Rev. Mark A. Pivarunas

As part of their ongoing broadcast series “From the Pulpit,” our friends at The Restoration Radio Network are making available a very informative multi-part presentation by His Excellency, Bishop Mark Pivarunas, CMRI, on the ways in which Satan is trying to deceive even the elect, as warned by our Blessed Lord Jesus Christ in Matthew 24:24: “For there shall arise false Christs and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders, insomuch as to deceive (if possible) even the elect.”… READ MORE

New Book now available…

The Anti-Modernist Reader: 
Studies on the New Religion of Vatican II


Volume 1: The Papacy

Edited by Rev. Anthony Cekada

The Anti-Modernist Reader is a multi-volume anthology of articles written by several sedevacantist clerics since the 1990s, many of which have been published at TraditionalMass.org. The essays are arranged topically, with each volume being dedicated to a particular topic. This first volume, now published, deals with the divinely-established office of the papacy. Future volumes will include material on the Holy Mass, on the Sacraments, on Sedevacantism, and more.

To give you an introduction to this series and provide some of the background of how the idea for this anthology came about, our friends at Restoration Radio have put together a short broadcast, free of charge, discussing The Anti-Modernist Reader with its editor and co-author: CLICK HERE TO LISTEN.… READ MORE