Very informative & challenging…
On the Sede Vacante Thesis:
Traditional Catholic Conference & Debate on Sedevacantism (2002)

The Chair of St. Peter at St. Peter’s Basilica, Vatican City
On July 6, 2002, a traditional Catholic conference and debate took place between Mr. John Daly of France, Mr. John Lane of Australia, and Mr. Gerry Matatics of the United States. The almost 4-hour-long conference took place at a hotel in Verona, New York, and was recorded in full.
We are pleased to be able to share with you the complete audio of this conference in the player below:
If you prefer to download the mp3 file for offline listening later, please do so through this DIRECT LINK.
As you listen to the audio, please keep in mind that it was recorded 13 years ago, during the “reign” of John Paul II. Mr. Daly and Mr. Lane argued the case for sedevacantism; Mr. Matatics, at the time not yet a sedevacantist, raised objections, which were then answered by Daly and Lane. The presentation given by Mr. Daly has since been transcribed and published in The Four Marks newspaper, available here:
- “The Impossible Crisis: Why John Paul II Cannot be Pope” (John S. Daly)
The introduction at this conference was given by Dr. Lance Tardugno. The “St. Thomas Aquinas” web site of John Lane mentioned at the beginning is now defunct. However, Mr. Lane still maintains a discussion forum at John Daly, a professional translator (French and Latin), is also a publisher and has reprinted a number of rare traditional Catholic books at He has a personal web site at
If you prefer to listen to the audio via YouTube, you can use the embedded player below or access it directly on YouTube at THIS LINK.
Total runtime is 3 hours 53 minutes.
It is still a great resource though, even though the forums are closed. You can use the search function to find what you are looking for. John Lane still posts articles on there from time to time, and insisted that when people were making comments on the active forum, that they provided their source, or he would delete them.