Requiescat in Pace

The Editor of The Daily Catholic has died:
Michael Cain, R.I.P.

With great sorrow we announce the passing of Mr. Michael Cain, the founder and long-time editor of the Daily Catholic web site. He died at the age of 75 on Thursday, the feast of the Divine Maternity of the Blessed Mother, Oct. 11, 2018.

An initial announcement posted on the Daily Catholic by the new editor reads as follows:

Michael Cain, the founder of Daily Catholic, passed away yesterday morning, on the Feast of the Divine Maternity of Mary, October 11th. May his beautiful soul rest in peace!


Sede vacante since Oct. 9, 1958…

Sixty Years since the Death of Pope Pius XII

The body of Pope Pius XII is blessed with holy water by Cardinal Eugene Tisserant on Oct. 9, 1958
(Keystone Pictures USA / Alamy Stock Photo)

Pope Pius XII, R.I.P.

Mar. 2, 1876 – Oct. 9, 1958
elected Pope Mar. 2, 1939

It has now been 60 years since the death of the last known true Pope, His Holiness Pius XII, born Eugenio Pacelli, reigned 1939-1958. To honor and remember him, we are sharing with our readers the following select videos and some photos of the pontificate of Pius XII.… READ MORE

Rejoinder to recent arguments…

The Limits to Invoking “Papal Lapses” as a Justification for the Recognize-and-Resist Position:

A Response to Dr. Peter Kwasniewski

by Francis del Sarto

“Lessons from Church History: A Brief Review of Papal Lapses” is an article by Dr. Peter Kwasniewski that was published on August 6, 2018, by the OnePeterFive website. An editor’s note informs the reader that it is an update of an article that first appeared in October 2015. The author is identified as “a Thomistic theologian, liturgical scholar, and choral composer…”, who has taught at Novus Ordo colleges in Austria and the United States, written six books, and is a regular contributor on “Catholic blogs”.… READ MORE

Everything in the Vatican II Church is false – except the “Pope”?

The Absurdity of the Recognize-and-Resist Position demonstrated in two easy-to-understand Memes

Some things are easier to grasp in simple memes than in pages upon pages of text. We have produced the following two memes to illustrate the folly of the pseudo-traditionalist “recognize-and-resist” position, according to which one must recognize the papal claimants after Pius XII as valid Popes but resist them in whatever they teach, legislate, etc., that appears to one contrary to the pre-Vatican II Magisterium.

Depsite its inherent absurdity and anti-Catholic nature, this position is very popular, perhaps because it promises “the best of both worlds”, so to speak: One gets all the comfort and convenience of having a Pope and a hierarchy, all the while being exempt from the pesky problems associated with submitting to Modernists.… READ MORE

The Catholic Teaching on the Papacy

A Collection of Quotes from Magisterial Documents

In our day there are a lot of people who call themselves, and mean to be, traditional Roman Catholics. Yet a great many of them do not hold to the traditional Catholic understanding of the Papacy, either because they do not know it or because they unhappily accept the “Popes” after Pius XII as valid and legitimate but know that they cannot submit to them without abandoning the traditional Catholic Faith. The tragic irony in the latter case is that by denying the Catholic teaching on the Papacy, they are abandoning the Faith just as much.… READ MORE

A papal reality check…

A Conspiracy against the Catholic Church?

The True Popes Speak

When discussing the issue of Sedevacantism with Novus Ordos, it is not uncommon that someone will dismiss it on the grounds that it involves a “conspiracy”; and of course nothing is more absurd to contemporary man than giving credence to a position that differs from what most others hold to be the obvious truth.

Two thousand years ago, our Blessed Lord taught: “…the truth shall make you free” (Jn 8:32). People who love and seek the truth ought to be concerned about, not whether something involves a conspiracy, but whether it is true.… READ MORE

We Had Been Warned:

Father E. Sylvester Berry on the Persecution of the Church in the Last Days (Part 3):

A False Pope and a Vacant Holy See

We cannot emphasize often enough that the terrible afflictions Holy Mother Church has had to endure since the death of Pope Pius XII were predicted and prophesied in Catholic Tradition, in one way or another. We have had numerous posts on this topic in the past, and today we would like to call to mind a particular prediction made by Fr. Elwood Sylvester Berry (1879-1954), professor of apologetics at Mt. Saint Mary’s seminary in Maryland, as part of his interpretation of Chapter 13 of the book of the Apocalypse (a.k.a.… READ MORE

The debate continues…

Novus Ordo vs. Sedevacantist Discussion, Part 2

The Catholic vs. podcast is a Novus Ordo podcast produced and hosted by David Mary Andrew Ross. The host, who is a convert to the Vatican II Church from atheism (2009), interviews guests who have a religious position different from his own. The format is informal and conversational, and the idea is to generate light rather than heat.

On Sep. 30, 2017, in an episode entitled Catholic vs. Catholic, the host interviewed sedevacantist Stephen Heiner, an episode we featured on this blog. The audio is still available and can be listened to here.… READ MORE

The case of Galatians 2:11-14…

The “St. Paul resisted St. Peter to his Face” Objection

Time and again we hear from those we call Semi-Traditionalists the argument that a Pope can lead the faithful astray into errors against the Faith through the exercise of his non-infallible Magisterium; and when that happens, it is then the right and the duty of the victim faithful to resist him, clinging to “Tradition”.

Those who defend this position often point to an incident that occurred between St. Paul and St. Peter recorded in Galatians 2:11-14, as supposed historical precedent for an error-teaching Pope being corrected and resisted by his inferiors.… READ MORE

“Judge not according to the appearance…” (Jn 7:24)

Why Eastern Orthodoxy is Not the True Religion:
A Brief Overview

Beautiful externals belie the essence of this false religion:
The “Orthodox” are not orthodox — good intentions notwithstanding

The main objective of Novus Ordo Watch is to allow, first and foremost, those people who unhappily find themselves in the Novus Ordo Sect (Vatican II Church) to come to understand that the religion they are adhering to is not, contrary to what is generally supposed, the Roman Catholic Church founded by Jesus Christ in 33 AD but in fact a Modernist-Masonic counterfeit that God has permitted to eclipse the true Catholic Church for a time before Christ returns: “Therefore God shall send them the operation of error, to believe lying: that all may be judged who have not believed the truth, but have consented to iniquity” (2 Thess 2:10-11).… READ MORE

Some additional considerations…

The Catholic Church after Pope Pius XII: A Postscript to Fr. Ringrose’s Repudiation of Recognize-and-Resist

As expected, our post of May 3 regarding Fr. Ronald Ringrose’s repudiation of the recognize-and-resist position has engendered lots of debate about resistance theology, Sedevacantism, and the Guerardian material-formal thesis (aka the Cassiciacum Thesis or Sedeprivationism).

We offer the following lines as some additional material for reflection and to help those who have been wedded, as it were, to the recognize-and-resist (R&R) position for a long time to realize how seriously it is contrary to the Roman Catholic Faith, which all who call themselves Catholics have an obligation to defend and uphold.… READ MORE

Change of position in favor of Sedeprivationism…

Theological Earthquake at Virginia Trad Chapel: Fr. Ronald Ringrose abandons Recognize-and-Resist Position

St. Athanasius Church in Vienna, Virginia, established in 1968

Let’s cut right to the chase: Fr. Ronald Ringrose, the pastor of St. Athanasius Church in Vienna, Virginia, has publicly repudiated his long-time theological position of recognizing the papal claimants since Vatican II as valid but resisting them in their magisterium and their government of the church (commonly known as the “recognize-and-resist” position).

Realizing that the position is plainly contrary to the traditional teaching of the Catholic Church, Fr. Ringrose began to disavow it publicly in three of his parish bulletins in January 2018.… READ MORE

A much-misused quotation explained…

St. Robert Bellarmine’s Teaching on Resisting a Pope

For decades the proponents of the recognize-and-resist position have been using a quotation from St. Robert Bellarmine, the celebrated Doctor of the Church canonized by Pope Pius XI, in defense of their position and in apparent contradiction to Sedevacantism. The quote in question is the following (the precise wording varies a bit depending on which translation is used):

Just as it is licit to resist a Pontiff who attacks the body, so also is it licit to resist him who attacks souls or destroys the civil order or above all, tries to destroy the Church.


Another R&R error goes down in flames… 

The “St. Peter Denied Christ Three Times” Objection:

St. Robert Bellarmine Refutes another Recognize-and-Resist Error

Time and again we hear the objection, typically made by those who try to justify their pathological refusal to countenance Sedevacantism, that St. Peter denied Christ three times (see Mt 26:69-75) and didn’t thereby cease to be Pope. Ergo, so we are asked to believe, it is absurd to say that Francis is not the Pope just because he is not a Catholic and continually disseminates heresy.

To demonstrate that this objection is untenable, three main points must be kept in mind:

  1. The incident concerns St.

TRADCAST 021 is here

Novus Ordo Watch for your ears…

TRADCAST 021 Now Available

TRADCAST — The Traditional Catholic Podcast


In case you missed our initial announcement on March 31: We have just published another full-length episode of our popular TRADCAST podcast program. As always, it is loaded with real traditional Catholicism, hard-hitting refutations of various errors, and razor-sharp analysis. Our content is typically challenging but is always delivered with a relieving touch of humor.

TRADCAST 021 consists of two separate segments. In the first, we take a critical look at some recent news headlines, comment on Francis’ curious indult granted to the Fraternity of St.… READ MORE