Sinister liturgies for a sinister religion…

Sound Effects “Mass”!
The Novus Ordo “Mass” in candlelight with only whispers and special sound effects — straight from hell!

The Novus Ordo Church in Austria has done it again! Just when you thought it can’t get any worse, that everything’s already been tried, that all the wickedness of hell has already been released, they come up with something new and even worse than before. “Clown Mass” is so last millennium! Here comes the Geräuschmesse — “Sound Effects Mass”!

Watch the above video in absolute shock and horror as the entire Novus Ordo liturgy is performed in near-total darkness, with the “priest” and lectors whispering, repeating various phrases, speaking and moving slowly.… READ MORE

More of that Vatican II “Joy”…

Party Time!
Suggestive Reggae Dancing in Church

It’s party time, everyone! Follow the “Laptop Priest”, “Fr.” Mario Salvadori of St. Joseph the Worker parish in Thornhill, Ontario, and engage in some cool, “joyful” dancing to music provided by Protestant reggae artist Christafari! Yeah, swing those hips, baby! Christ will love it! So Mary-like and edifying! Promotes purity, modesty, and virtue! Oooh, such jooooy! Make that “Fr.” Stan Fortuna jealous! YEAH! AWESOME! We all goin’ to Jamehhca!


This clip demonstrates, once more, that the Vatican II Religion has nothing to do with the Catholic religion founded by our Lord Jesus Christ and proclaimed faithfully by the true Catholic Church until the death of the last known true Pope, Pius XII (d.… READ MORE

Only in the Novus Ordo…

You Have Reached: Liturgical Absurdistan

There are some cases where comments are either not necessary or not possible. In this case, it is both:

This is some “liturgical performance” on Maundy Thursday at Maria-Geburt-Kirche (Nativity of Mary Church) in Aschaffenburg, Germany. The idiocy took place on Holy Thursday 2013 for the washing of the feet.

Led by a presbyter who celebrates the “Liturgy of the Bread”, Nativity of Mary Church is so Modernist that the demons themselves must be in disbelief over their success. The sacrament of confession there has been replaced by a psychological therapy session.… READ MORE

He parties like it’s 1984…

The Wedding Singer

It looks like Italy’s Suor Cristina has some serious competition, this time from Ireland: At a wedding ceremony on April 5, 2014, “Fr.” Ray Kelly of St. Brigid’s parish in Oldcastle gave an unexpected performance of an altered version of Leonard Cohen’s 1984 song Hallelujah. The BBC has a story on this incident:

According to this news report, the Novus Ordo presbyter is a “trained singer who is currently working on his third album.” He says it is not unusual for him to sing at weddings and funerals “or when I’m asked” (click here for another wedding song by “Fr.”… READ MORE

Novus Ordo traditionalists in shock…

“Bishop” of Ft. Worth, Texas, Forbids Traditional Latin Mass at Fisher-More College

UPDATE 3/7/14 13:37 GMT

UPDATES 3/6/14 23:20 GMT

UPDATES 3/5/14 00:24 GMT

UPDATE 3/4/14 02:25 GMT

UPDATES 3/4/14 01:09 GMT

Since Rorate Caeli first broke the story, a number of other bloggers have chimed in, and some of them have contributed substantial background information to the case at hand:


You can’t make this stuff up…

Bergoglio’s Rocker: Buenos Aires Rocker “Priest” has Endorsement from “Pope” Francis

Embed from Getty Images

Cesar Scicchitano is the name of a 49-year-old Argentinian Novus Ordo priest who is the frontman of the heavy-metal band Los Pecadores (“The Sinners”). While such is by no means an unusual occurrence in Novus Ordo Land, this one comes with an added twist: “Father” Cesar’s undertaking has the explicit blessing of Jorge Bergoglio, the man otherwise known as “Pope Francis.” And that’s just the beginning.

According to a report published by the The China Post, Scicchitano has been friends with Francis for nearly twenty years.… READ MORE

“No Rupture with the Past” Update

Novus Ordo Monster Altars!
14 Dreadful Pieces of Modernist Junk

The following is a collage of fourteen pitiful table-like constructs that are used in Novus Ordo churches as “altars” on which “Catholic” pseudo-clerics perform the Protestant-Masonic Novus Ordo Worship Service (which they sometimes still call “Mass” but usually refer to as their “Eucharistic celebration”).

Click on the collage for a larger view. Better yet, view each “altar” in greater detail at the German Nur ein Kreuzknappe blog, to which we are indebted for these images.


Click for larger view

Obviously, these “altars” are hideous by design.… READ MORE

Impure Dancing at Future “Pope’s” Liturgy…

Tango Mass!
With “Cardinal” Jorge Bergoglio

Tango begins at 26:38 mark

“Lift up thy hands against their pride unto the end;
see what things the enemy hath done wickedly in the sanctuary.”
(Psalm 73:3)

You can’t make this stuff up; you just can’t. The above video shows two people performing the Tango, an impure dance condemned by Pope St. Pius X, during a “Mass” offered by the then-“Archbishop” of Buenos Aires, “Cardinal” Jorge Bergoglio, the man who now claims to be the Pope of the Catholic Church (“Francis”).

Bergoglio is no stranger to liturgical aberrations and clearly has no care for the sacred nor for sound doctrine (just watch him distribute what he supposedly believes is Holy Communion in this video).… READ MORE

A Problem with Serious Consequences…

Why the Novus Ordo Rite of Episcopal Consecration is INVALID

A Catholic Priest Explains how the Paul VI Rite of
Episcopal Consecration is Invalid due to Defect of Form

The bishops ordained in the Vatican II Church’s Roman Rite since 1968 are invalid. This is the unsettling but certain conclusion one comes to when examining the sacramental form prescribed by “Pope” Paul VI in his 1968 revision to the rite of episcopal consecration. This means that the clergy who undergo the ceremony for the ordination of a bishop in the Novus Ordo Church do not actually become bishops.… READ MORE

Reading ICEL through Francis…

What Does the Prayer Really Say?
“Pope” Francis Praises ICEL Translations

Bad news for “Fr.” John Zuhlsdorf, the internet’s most famous biretta-wearing, Latin-loving Modernist: For years this defender of the Novus Ordo Antipopes has been answering the question “What Does the Prayer Really Say?” (WDTPRS) on his blog as a popular antidote to the deliberate junk translations provided by the International Commission on English in the Liturgy (ICEL) of the already-watered-down prayers of the “New Mass.” These asinine ICEL translations are what Novus Ordo adherents have been subjected to since the early 1970s in terms of the liturgical books used in the United States (things changed somewhat in 2011, when major improvements to the translations were finally implemented).… READ MORE

Straight Talk on Vatican II

The Modernist Errors of
the Second Vatican Council

Sermon Series by Bp. Donald Sanborn

The false pope Paul VI during Vatican II (1962-65)

Restoration Radio has launched a new radio program called “From the Pulpit”, in which are presented some of the finest sermons and conferences by traditional Catholic clergymen, specifically on the errors of the Novus Ordo Religion and the truth of the Catholic Faith.

The first five shows present a series of sermons given many years ago by Bp. Donald Sanborn on the modernism of Vatican II. Delivered in his incredibly powerful style, Sanborn’s presentation of the errors of the council and the new religion it engendered is refreshingly clear and easy to follow.… READ MORE

Condemned by Pope St. Pius X, endorsed by Bergoglio…

He Likes to Tango 
“Pope” Francis Loves Immoral Dance

The more you dig into the past of Jorge Mario Bergoglio – the man the world now calls “Pope Francis” – the more incredible things you find, things that make it very apparent that the man is not a Roman Catholic and has no Catholic sense for anything.

If you’ve wondered why the neo-conservative, faux-traditionalist apologists for the Vatican II Church, such as Michael Voris, Tim Haines, the Rev. John Zuhlsdorf, etc., haven’t exactly been volunteering loads and loads of raw information on just who the new “Pope” is – something you’d expect them to do for a newly-elected “Vicar of Christ” – it’s probably because the information to be found reveals a less-than-laudable picture of the man, a picture they wish to keep hidden from you.… READ MORE

Restoration Radio Presents:

The Wrath of Francis:
Bergoglio Moves Against the 1962 Missal

Listen on Demand any time:


On July 11, 2013, “Pope” Francis moved against the semi-traditionalist Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate by imposing on them Paul VI’s Novus Ordo “Mass” as obligatory for their use, restricting the concession given to all by Benedict XVI to allow the free use of the 1962 Missal (“Traditional Mass”). As of August 11, the Franciscan Friars are required to obtain special permission from the Vatican’s newly-appointed commissioner before being allowed to use the “Old Mass” again.

Sedevacantist priest Fr.… READ MORE

“Summorum Pontificum” Restricted…

“Anything to the Contrary Notwithstanding”:
Francis Forbids “Old Mass” for Franciscan Religious Order

UPDATE 12/8/13 20:38 GMT

The “Apostolic Commissioner” Volpi has now officially admitted that the real reason for the suppression of the 1962 Missal for the Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate is that they are “traditionalist” and perhaps even “crypto-Lefebvrian.” SEE STORY HERE.

UPDATE 8/1/13 00:35 GMT

According to Vaticanist Giuseppe Nardi, it was a mere 6 members of the Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate — out of a total of 800 — who accomplished the prohibition of the 1962 Missal for their order by the Vatican. … READ MORE

The Novus Ordo “Mass” exposed…

What Do All of the Following
Words and Phrases Have In Common?

  • sacrifice
  • reparation
  • hell
  • the gravity of sin
  • snares of wickedness
  • the burden of evil
  • adversities
  • enemies
  • evils
  • tribulations
  • afflictions
  • infirmities of soul
  • obstinacy of heart
  • concupiscence of the flesh and of the eyes
  • unworthiness
  • temptations
  • wicked thoughts
  • grave offenses
  • loss of heaven
  • everlasting death
  • eternal punishment
  • hidden fruits
  • guilt
  • eternal rest
  • true faith
  • merits
  • intercession
  • heavenly fellowship
  • fires of hell
  • etc.

What do these phrases and words all have in common? They are all found in the Traditional Roman Catholic (Latin) Mass and were systematically suppressed and eliminated from the “revised” Novus Ordo missal solemnly promulgated by the false “Pope” Paul VI in 1969.… READ MORE