Days before the “Canonization” of John Paul II – an omen?

Man Crushed to Death by Distorted Crucifix Dedicated to John Paul II

image: Luca Giarelli / CC-BY-SA 3.0


The British paper The Telegraph is reporting that a 21-year-old hiker by the name of Marco Gusmini has died after a large distorted crucifix suddenly snapped and crushed him as he was enjoying a picnic with friends right underneath it. The Modernist crucifix had been created for the 1998 visit of the false “Pope” John Paul II to Brescia in Northern Italy, but has since been transferred to the nearby village of Cevo.… READ MORE

Reality Check for Novus Ordos…

Conspiracy! Meet Six High-Profile Traditional Catholic Conspiracy Nuts

A favorite tactic among Novus Ordo apologists when trying to argue against sedevacantism is to discredit it by making the position look foolish; and what better way to do that than to label it a conspiracy theory! Nowadays, few words are more effective in making people turn a blind eye to disturbing facts than that infamous and dreaded ‘C’ word: conspiracy, or, better yet, conspiracy theory.

“I don’t believe in conspiracy theories,” many people, often good-willed, are quick to point out, conveniently allowing them to ignore evidence put before them.… READ MORE

It’s been 55 years now…

A Bizarre Anniversary:
White Smoke, Still No Pope on Oct. 26, 1958


The Mysterious Conclave of 1958
Was someone else elected before John XXIII?

It’s where all the official trouble began, it’s the one event that started it all: the conclave of October 1958, which met to elect a successor to Pope Pius XII, and, after a great many ballots and some curious shenanigans, presented Cardinal Angelo Roncalli as “Pope” John XXIII on Oct. 28. What many people don’t know is that two days prior to Roncalli’s appearance as “Pope”, namely, on Oct. 26, white smoke rose from the chimney of the Sistine Chapel already.… READ MORE

Beware of False Apparitions & Suspect Devotions…

Why did the 1959 Holy Office Condemn the “Divine Mercy” Devotion?

Only few people have never heard of the so-called “Divine Mercy” devotion. It has its origin in the alleged visions of a Polish nun by the name of Sr. Faustina Kowalska (1905-1938), a member of the Sisters of Our Lady of Mercy. The “Divine Mercy” devotion is extremely popular in the Vatican II Church, owing for the most part to the efforts of the apostate bishop Karol Wojtyla, first as the “Archbishop” of Cracow, then as “Pope” John Paul II.

A great number of traditional Catholics, as well, have been led to accept this devotion, which, unfortunately, is sometimes confused with the most noble and laudable devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, which is based chiefly on the revelations of Our Lord to St.


We Had Been Warned:

Rev. Sylvester Berry in The Apocalypse of St. John:


“The Papacy will be Attacked by all the Powers of Hell… the Church will suffer great Trials … in securing a Successor upon the Throne of Peter… The Church [will be] deprived of her Chief Pastor…”

In 1921, Fr. E. Sylvester Berry (1879-1954) published a wonderful commentary on the scriptural book of the Apocalypse (also known as the book of Revelation). With careful analysis and gifted insight, Fr. Berry comments on every passage found in the last book of the Bible.

In view of what has transpired in the 20th century in the Roman Catholic Church, and the counterfeit “Catholic” church that was set up after the death of Pope Pius XII in 1958 (which the same Fr.… READ MORE

Hell-Bent on Canonizing the Council…

“Pope” Francis to “Canonize” John Paul II and John XXIII

The photo on the left was allegedly taken at Beskid Zywiecki in Poland when John Paul II died on April 2, 2005. Novus Ordo adherents, no longer believing in the fires of hell, have hailed it as an “apparition” of their beloved John Paul II, apparently forgetting that someone appearing as being consumed by a fire is a sign of damnation more than anything else.

On July 5, 2013, His Phoniness “Pope” Francis announced that he had approved the second “miracle” allegedly worked by Karol Wojtyla (“Bl.”… READ MORE

June 3, 1963 – June 3, 2013

On the 50th Anniversary of the Death of Antipope John XXIII

image credit: colaimages / Alamy Stock Photo

It’s hard to believe, but the Novus Ordo religion has only existed for some 50+ years. It officially began after the death of Pope Pius XII with the usurpation of the papal throne by Cardinal Angelo Roncalli (1881-1963) on October 28, 1958. Roncalli’s false pontificate was relatively short but long enough for him to prepare the way for the systematic destruction of Catholicism: the appointment of Giovanni Battista Montini (“Paul VI”) as a “cardinal” in 1958 (thus realistically enabling him to become his successor, which is exactly what happened), the establishment of the “Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity”, the Vatican body dealing with ecumenical affairs and relations with Jews (1960), the introduction of the name of St.


SEDE VACANTE 1958 – 2008

Reflections on a 50-Year Vacancy of the Apostolic See

Fifty years ago, around 3:50 am local time on October 9, 1958, His Holiness Pope Pius XII drew his last breath in Rome. At that time, most Catholics surely viewed this as simply an ordinary death of yet another Pope, and though lamentable, a new Pope would surely follow soon, and all would be well.

The last 50 years have proven beyond the shadow of a doubt that such was not the case. At first, everything seemed to go the usual way. The deceased Pope received a solemn funeral, and a conclave to elect his successor was scheduled for October 25.… READ MORE