New Mass vs. True Mass

New Eucharistic Prayers:
False History, Hippie Theology

See Also:

New Mass vs. True Mass:

New Eucharistic Prayers:
False History, Hippie Theology

See Also:


Highlights & Lowlights…

More Interviews:
3 with Francis, 1 with Benedict

The barrage of words from the Vatican will not let up: In the past few days, a total of four major interviews hit the news, three that were conducted with the “Pope”, Francis, and one with the “Pope Emeritus”, Benedict XVI. Let’s take a look at the actual texts and some highlights, in chronological order:

Interview with Francis by Henrique Cymerman for Israeli Media (Nov. 28):

  • Full Text in English here
  • Francis says he harshly condemns any kind of violence in the name of God
  • On Jerusalem: It “should be the capital of the three religions” — not exactly what our Lord thought when He wept over the city’s rejection of Him as the Messiah (see Mt 23:37)
  • On the afterlife: “What awaits us [is] Heaven on earth”
  • On interreligious prayer and events: “God … likes to surprise, and now we are waiting to see how he will surprise us”
  • On Talmudic Judaism (as opposed to the Judaism of the Old Covenant, which ceased with the promulgation of the Gospel): “…our roots are in Judaism.

Francis at the Blue Mosque…

“Silent Adoration”:
Francis prays with Mufti at the Blue Mosque in Istanbul

Embed from Getty Images

Mr. Jorge Bergoglio (“Pope Francis”) is currently visiting Turkey. November 29 marks Day 2 of his trip, and, like his predecessor Benedict XVI, he went to Istanbul and, removing his shoes, stepped into the Mosque of the Sultan Ahmed, often referred to as the “Blue Mosque”. As is visible in the photo above and the video below, Francis prayed for several minutes to the same god as the Muslims:

After the prayer, Francis said to the Muslim leader, “I also want to ask you to pray for me” (source).… READ MORE

Sound like Francis to you?

Letter to Cardinal Respighi:
Pope Leo XIII’s Condemnation of Protestantism in Rome

True Vicar of Christ: His Holiness, Pope Leo XIII (1878-1903)

As you know, the Novus Ordo Sect’s professional smart-alecks make a living reassuring everyone in their church that nothing has really changed since before Vatican II, that everything that is being taught today under the name of “Catholic” is actually substantially the same as it was before, just “developed”, or with merely a shift in emphasis adapted to current circumstances.

But is this really true? Let’s take as a case in point “Pope” Francis’ love of Protestantism that he has expressed on numerous occasions in one way or another.


Response to “The Remnant”

Is Francis a Valid Pope?
—Why It Does Matter

In a blog post published on October 25, 2014 by The Remnant, pseudonymous author ‘Megaera Erinyes’ tries a new approach to the issue of Sedevacantism, the question of whether Francis is in fact a valid Pope or an illicit usurper: She says it doesn’t matter.

Now that’s just rich for a publication that has spent considerable amounts of ink opposing Sedevacantism over the decades. What is going on here?

In what follows, we will look at some salient points made in the Erinyes article and contrast them with traditional Catholic teaching to explain why it really does matter if Francis is the Pope.… READ MORE

“Heresy” is soo yesterday…

Francis tells Protestants:
“We all have the Holy Spirit within us”

Earlier this month, the head of the Vatican II Sect, “Pope” Francis, met with members of the Ark Community, co-founded by the recently deceased Evangelical-Anglican “Bishop” Tony Palmer. A video clip (above) of some of the conversations has now been released. The following link has the background story:

In addition, there is now a transcript available, as well as lots of photos, at the Call Me Jorge blog here. Remember, this is the same Francis who doesn’t care what religion you are and adheres to the heresy that faith without works is not true faith.… READ MORE

Concluding Commentary

Oh, the Drama!
The Synod is Over — For Now

Thank goodness, the Synod in Rome is finally over: Two weeks of speculation, intrigue, accusations and denials, and pseudo-theological hysteria that culminated in the blasphemous and sacrilegious “beatification” of the False Pope Paul VI (Giovanni Battista Montini) are finally at an end. What was supposed to be an episcopal discussion group on theological matters turned out to be a wild soap opera of Hollywood proportions — and it’s far from over.

This assembly in Rome was merely the first, “extraordinary” part of a larger, two-synod event which will conclude in October 2015 with an “ordinary” synod at which the attendant Novus Ordo bishops will submit final recommendations to Francis with regard to the topics under discussion, after which the “Pope” will then release a so-called “post-synodal apostolic exhortation” as he did in 2013 with the heretical and turgid Evangelii Gaudium.… READ MORE

It was “Mad Monday”…

The Day After:

Surveying the Landscape after the First Synod Document causes Chaos in Novus Ordo Land

Ladies and gentlemen, it’s a bloodbath. When the first synod document was released yesterday, Oct. 13, there was no stopping the avalanche of shock, horror, outrage, confusion, bewilderment, and — from the other Novus Ordo side — glee, excitement, and (dare we say it?) triumphalism!

Chaos Frank has struck again, and this time perhaps more than ever before in his 19-month reign as the leader of the institution that falsely claims to be the Catholic Church. We’d like to take a moment now and survey the landscape, so to speak, of reaction among the Novus Ordo populace, especially those who have been trying most vociferously to defend the more and more obviously ludicrous idea that Jorge Bergoglio is actually the Pope of the Catholic Church.… READ MORE

First Document causes Chaos…

A Nod to Sin at the Synod:

Gathering finds “Elements” of Holy Matrimony in Fornication & Adultery, wants to “Accept & Value” Homosexual “Orientation”

Vatican commentator John Thavis has called it a “pastoral earthquake”: The Extraordinary Synod on the Family currently underway in the Vatican has just released its first post-discussion document (relatio post disceptationem), an initial position paper, if you will, or draft of ideas and suggestions to be considered and discussed in the coming days at the synod itself and in the next 12 months before the final decisions are made at next year’s Ordinary Synod in October 2015.… READ MORE

Jorge opened his mouth again…

Francis: “God does Not Exist! … There is the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit!

October 9, 2014. Exactly 56 years since the death of Pope Pius XII. Vatican Radio publishes a summary of the “Pope’s” latest homily, quoting him as follows:

So often [people ask]: ‘But do you believe?’: ‘Yes! Yes! ‘; ‘What do you believe in?’; ‘In God!’; ‘But what is God for you?’; ‘God, God’. But God does not exist: Do not be shocked! So God does not exist! There is the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, they are persons, they are not some vague idea in the clouds … This God spray does not exist!


As long as you’re not Catholic, that is…

Francis Doesn’t Care What Religion You Are

The following clip has recently been making the rounds. It is a brief excerpt from a video made in 2013 when Francis visited Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, for World Youth Day. In it, he declares that it is not important to him whether someone lacking food and education receives a Catholic, Protestant, Orthodox, or Jewish education, as long as he is fed and gets educated. We provide an English translation and a link to the full interview below.

The entire interview, which was broadcast on Brazilian television at the time, can be watched at this link (with English subtitles); the so-called Catholic News Agency has a summary of the conversation posted here.… READ MORE

In-Your-Face Apostasy…

McCarrick the Muslim: Washington “Cardinal” Lauds the “Holy Koran” and “Muhammad the Prophet, Peace Be Upon Him”

Just when you thought it couldn’t get any worse, Washington’s retired “Cardinal” Theodore McCarrick opens his mouth at a press conference in Washington, D.C., and essentially endorses the Muslim religion. Read the following highlights from an article in The Daily Caller (red print added by us for special emphasis):

Catholic Cardinal Theodore McCarrick offered Islamic religious phrases and insisted that Islam shares foundational rules with Christianity, during a Sept. 10 press conference in D.C.

“In the name of God, the Merciful and Compassionate,” McCarrick said as he introduced himself to the audience at a meeting arranged by the Muslim Public Affairs Council.


Summing it up…

The Strange “Papacy” of Jorge Bergoglio
by Miles Christi

When on March 13, 2013, a largely unknown Argentinian stepped onto the balcony of St. Peter’s, dressed fully in white, his first words “Good Evening” were only the ominous beginning. Since then, utter chaos has been unfolding in the Novus Ordo Sect (Vatican II Church) under the new leadership of “Pope Francis.” Most people who have been trying to be good Catholics are getting restless, and the upcoming Synod on the Family promises to unleash another theological earthquake, quite possibly leading to a schism within the False Church itself.… READ MORE

Here it comes…

Shimon Peres to Francis:
We need a “United Nations of All Religions”!

Embed from Getty Images

SEPT 4, 2014: The Italian news agency ANSA is reporting that former President of Israel Shimon Peres, who visited “Pope” Francis this morning in the Vatican, proposed to Francis that he head a “United Nations of All Religions.”

(ANSA) – Rome, September 4 – Former Israeli President Shimon Peres said he has proposed the formation of a United Religions organization to combat terrorism during a meeting at the Vatican on Thursday.

“The UN has had its time,” Peres was quoted as saying by Catholic weekly Famiglia Cristiana.