Wants Dec. 8 to be Feast of “Mary’s Election” instead…
No Longer Intelligible:
Austrian Jesuit Attacks Immaculate Conception Dogma
It explains a lot: The Rev. Andreas Batlogg is a Jesuit
The Austrian presbyter Andreas R. Batlogg, S.J. (b. 1962), teaches ‘Catholic theology’ in Munich, Germany. A Jesuit, he is the former editor-in-chief of the theological review Stimmen der Zeit (‘Voices of the Time’) and author and editor of numerous books and articles. He has a special interest in the theology of Karl Rahner, S.J. (1904-1984), one of the most destructive theological minds of the 20th century.
Just in time for the Feast of the Immaculate Conception (Dec.… READ MORE
‘Paradigm Shift’: Francis Issues Disastrous Motu Proprio Aimed at Theological Revolution
An extremely significant development took place in the Vatican on Nov. 1, 2023: The apostate Jesuit Jorge Bergoglio, more commonly known under his stage name ‘Pope Francis’, published a so-called Apostolic Letter Motu Proprio — Latin for ‘on his own initiative’ — approving new statutes for the Pontifical Academy of Theology, originally founded by Pope Clement XI in 1718.
In this fairly brief document, so far available on the Vatican web site only in Italian, the false pope calls for nothing less than a revolution in theology, a ‘paradigm shift’ that will have incalculable, frightful consequences in the long term.… READ MORE
Condemnation of 12 Propositions pertaining to the Philosophy of Action
December 1, 1924
Students of apologetics will be interested in the following reply of the Holy Office to a series of questions proposed regarding the doctrinal correctness of certain propositions held by some modern teachers in philosophy and theology. The twelve propositions here censured as untenable on Catholic scholastic grounds have in substance been condemned as contrary to right faith and morals by the doctrinal authority of the [First] Vatican Council, but are here separately emphasized to meet definite errors. [underlining added – English translation follows below]
Let's not forget: For the conferral of #FSSP priestly ordinations, it is always a bishop who was himself ordained in the 1968 Novus Ordo rite of Paul VI.
"According to the journalist Luigi Bisignani in Il Tempo of January 26, 2025, the Vatican Gendarmerie knows the name of the mysterious 'Demos II,' author of a memorandum very critical of Pope Francis" - https://fsspx.news/en/news/will-demos-ii-participate-next-conclave-51192 #vatican #catholictwitter #popefrancis https://x.com/i/web/status/1900252730116944076
Jorge Mario Bergoglio: The End Result of Sixty-Six Years of Falsehoods - http://christorchaos.com/?q=content/jorge-mario-bergoglio-end-result-sixty-six-years-falsehoods-part-one #pope #popefrancis #catholicchurch https://x.com/i/web/status/1900248689978835141