Hell-Bent on Canonizing the Council…

“Pope” Francis to “Canonize” John Paul II and John XXIII

The photo on the left was allegedly taken at Beskid Zywiecki in Poland when John Paul II died on April 2, 2005. Novus Ordo adherents, no longer believing in the fires of hell, have hailed it as an “apparition” of their beloved John Paul II, apparently forgetting that someone appearing as being consumed by a fire is a sign of damnation more than anything else.

On July 5, 2013, His Phoniness “Pope” Francis announced that he had approved the second “miracle” allegedly worked by Karol Wojtyla (“Bl.”… READ MORE

Another Milestone in the Modernist Sewer…


Antipope Francis
Encyclical Letter Lumen Fidei
on Faith
June 29, 2013

A product of “four hands”, this first “encyclical letter” of Mr. Jorge Bergoglio, “Pope” Francis, was co-written by Fr. Joseph Ratzinger, the “Pope Emeritus” Benedict XVI, and it shows.

The text is available in sundry languages, of which we make the following two available via links:

Other Links pertaining to the encyclical:


A feigned devotion…

 “Pope” Francis & Our Lady of Fatima

It is quite disheartening to see just how many good-willed but yet seriously-misled people in the Novus Ordo and semi-traditionalist circles are ignoring the cold hard facts about Jorge Mario Bergoglio in order to be able to continue to entertain the heart-warming idea that the man is the Pope of the Catholic Church. Bergoglio — “Pope Francis — does not have a single Catholic bone in his body, as our Francis Page amply demonstrates, yet so many are just taken in by the white cassock and the papal claim that they cannot – or are unwilling to – draw the necessary conclusions from the facts we know about him.


“Saint” John Paul II Strikes Again…

Floods Destroy Lourdes Grotto again as Vatican announces Second “Miracle” of John Paul II

Is this coincidence? The first time Lourdes was severely damaged by flooding was October 21, 2012, the very day that a “relic” of the apostate and false “Pope” John Paul II were scheduled to arrive at the French holy site. We reported the matter back then under the tagline “Talk about raining on someone’s parade”… (see our coverage here – scroll down about one-third of the page).

Now, flooding hit a second time, and worse than before, the very same day (June 18, 2013) that the modernist Vatican announced they had approved the second (and final) “miracle” needed to clear the way for the “canonization” of John Paul II as a “saint”.


Calls Bergoglio a Theological “Train Wreck”…
John Vennari of “Catholic Family News”

John Vennari: “I would never allow Pope Francis
to Teach Religion to my Children”

Mr. John Vennari is the editor of the traditionalist but anti-sedevacantist (which we call “semi-traditionalist” or “neo-traditionalist”) monthly paper Catholic Family News. He is one of the few semi-traditionalists whose belief in the claim to the papacy of the leaders of the Novus Ordo Church since 1958 does not cause him to disregard or minimize the ugly facts about these men with regard to their theology and morals. (In this, he distinguishes himself from many of his colleagues, such as the Rev.… READ MORE

Francis & the “Gay Lobby” in the Roman Curia

On June 11, a veritable firestorm erupted in the blogosphere when it was made public that Mr. Jorge Bergoglio, the current head of the Vatican II Counter-Church, candidly acknowledged in an audience with religious from Latin America and the Caribbean (“CLAR”) that there is indeed a “stream of corruption” and a “gay lobby” in the Curia. The Roman Curia is the administrative organization of the Vatican and the governing body of the entire church.

Of course, the term “gay lobby” is politically correct and much too soft compared to the stark reality it’s supposed to denote: We are talking here about a number of deviant influential perverts who are hardcore sodomites, seeking to commandeer thoughts, words, and actions in the institution most people in the world today (falsely) believe to be the Roman Catholic Church.


From our “You Can’t Make This Stuff Up” Department…

Francis Concerned:

‘They’re Counting Rosaries!’

Poor Jorge Bergoglio. Poor “Pope” Francis. Most of the world believes him to be the Pope of the Catholic Church, including the majority of those who consider themselves Catholic Traditionalists or Traditional Catholics. So some of these latter wanted to give their “Pope” a nice spiritual bouquet to show their love and loyalty, but they forgot that the recipient of this bouquet isn’t a Catholic and so he doesn’t know what to do with it. In an anecdote the “Holy Father” himself related, upon his election as Francis, he got a letter from one of those (his words) “restorationist groups” in Buenos Aires, telling him: “Your Holiness, we offer you this spiritual treasure: 3,525 rosaries.”


On Atheists, Redemption, and Good Works

“Pope” Francis Preaches on “Doing Good” in Homily Filled with Theological Error

On Wednesday, May 22, 2013, Mr. Jorge Bergoglio (“Pope Francis”), head of the modernist Vatican II Sect, gave a brief homily to the people in attendance at his “Mass”, which is, thanks to the False “Pope” Paul VI, since 1969, nothing but a Protestant-Masonic liturgical happy meal. Coverage of the sermon with substantial excerpts can be found on the Vatican’s News site here, and it is on this text and coverage that we rely for what follows.

The sermon centered on the possibility of non-Catholics and non-Christians performing good works, or, as Francis put it, “doing good”.


Comes with a “won’t be covered by Michael Voris” guarantee…

Watch “Cardinal” Bergoglio Distribute “Holy Communion”

Distribution of “Communion” at 8:00 min mark

This is a most insightful clip revealing the real Jorge Bergoglio, the man now claiming to be the Pope of the Catholic Church — “Pope Francis”. In this video, at the 8:00 min mark, you see the then-“Archbishop” of Buenos Aires, Argentina, distribute what he supposedly believes to be Holy Communion, the very Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity of Christ. If this had been done by the ultra-liberal apostate “Cardinal” Roger Mahony, for example, who is (rightly) one of the favorite targets of the neo-conservative Novus Ordo crowd, we would never hear the end of it, and it would be all over ChurchMilitant.TVREAD MORE

You can’t make this stuff up:
“Pope” Francis’ Favorite Exorcist is a Lutheran!

“Cardinal” Bergoglio referred people to Lutheran “Exorcist” when Permission from Rome for Exorcism was delayed

Don’t hold your breath waiting for Michael Voris and the “conservative” Novus Ordo spin machine to report on this. While these people are all gung-ho about telling you how often Jorge Bergoglio — “Pope” Francis — mentions the devil in his homilies, the inconvenient part of that truth is that his favorite “exorcist” is Manuel Acuña, a Lutheran “priest” around Buenos Aires. Needless to say, Lutheran clerics are laymen, as they do not possess valid holy orders — but this means also that they are incapable of performing real exorcisms.… READ MORE

Modernist Gobbledygook at its Finest

“Pope” Francis:
‘No One Owns the Truth, it’s an Encounter’ —
‘Don’t Proselytize; Build Bridges, Not Walls’

The Vatican II Sect’s Modernist-in-Chief, Mr. Jorge Bergolgio, has done it again. In a recent sermon given under his pseudonym “Pope Francis” — the emphasis being on pseudo — he trashes the traditional Catholic concepts of truth and evangelization and replaces them with vague, worn-out notions of “dialogue” and “encounter with Christ”.

Since Michael Voris won’t tell you about this in his Distortex Vortex broadcast (more on that here), as it squarely contradicts the image of “Pope” Francis he wants to project, we will be happy to oblige and fill you in on these rather inconvenient facts about Mr.


Vortex Shmortex: “BAM!” is a Sham…

Michael Voris’ “BAM!” Vortex
Full of Hypocrisy & One-Sided Reporting

BAM! The “Voris Virus” rears its ugly head again: On May 6, 2013, ChurchMilitant.TV published its regular Vortex broadcast, this time with an episode entitled “Pope Francis – BAM!” In it, host Michael Voris paints the picture of a super-conservative, über-orthodox, anti-ecumenical, mega-traditionalist “Pope” Francis, who is trying to do all he can to fight the liberalism in the Novus Ordo, just like Voris and his ChurchMilitant.TV crew. In so doing, Voris accuses the liberals in the media and the Novus Ordo Church of distorting reality by presenting an incomplete picture of “Pope” Francis, by ignoring inconvenient facts about him and only reporting the news selectively.… READ MORE

Why wear a beautiful, traditional pectoral cross when you can wear this?

The Strange Pectoral Cross of “Pope” Francis

Embed from Getty Images

The editors of Tradition in Action have published an in-depth look at the “Good Shepherd” cross Francis uses as his pectoral cross. It’s worth reading in full:

Above left, you see the pectoral cross of Card. Jorge Bergoglio when he was Archbishop of Buenos Aires; at right, his cross after he was elected Pope or Bishop of Rome, as he insists on being called. Several things are strange about these crosses that invite speculation…



He’s baaack…

Benedict XVI Returns to Vatican for Retirement

benedict francis.jpg

And neither one of them is the Pope…

The “Pope Emeritus”, Benedict XVI, has returned from Castelgandolfo and is now back at the Vatican, where he will remain for the rest of his life:

.- Benedict XVI has returned to the Vatican after moving to the papal summer household outside of Rome to not interfere with the papal election.

“He is now pleased to return to the Vatican, where he intends to devote himself, as he announced on Feb. 11, to the service of the Church in prayer,” said a Vatican statement released on May 2.


Bergoglio’s Kissy Fits…

Kiss, Kiss, Kiss:
The Kissing “Pope” Administers Novus Ordo Confirmations

This is nothing new for “His Holiness”, who did the same thing as “Archbishop” of Buenos Aires. In the true Roman Catholic rite of Confirmation, each confirmand, having just received the imposition of hands (which the Novus Ordo rite has eliminated) and the anointing, is slapped on the left cheek by the bishop as a sign that one is now a soldier of Christ and must be ready to accept any suffering for the Faith. The Novus Ordo religion, in its “updating” of the rite of Confirmation, has completely done away with the slap, not replacing it with anything.… READ MORE