Argentine woman speaks out against Bergoglio…

Francis Accused of Involvement in Sex Abuse Cover-Up in Argentina in 2002

UPDATE 01-JUL-18 12:09 UTC: Links with additional information added (see end of post) 

On May 26, 2018, high-profile Vatican journalist Marco Tosatti posted on his blog an explosive story about Francis’ past in Buenos Aires that was removed again after publication without explanation.

Thankfully, a cached copy of the post is available online here. A Portuguese translation of the Italian text was published at Fratres in Unum, and the semi-trad web site Tradition in Action has made available an English report on the contents of the Tosatti post, with additional commentary.… READ MORE

Listen free to this informative podcast

Episode 35

Disasters, “Made That Way”, and the Irish Referendum

Listen on demand at any time — free!

It is time again for another episode: Novus Ordo Watch is pleased to sponsor for our readers and listeners — and anyone else who may be interested — the phenomenal podcast program Francis Watch, in which host Stephen Heiner of True Restoration analyses with his sedevacantist guests, Bishop Donald J. Sanborn and Fr. Anthony Cekada, the latest chaos perpetrated by Jorge Bergoglio, otherwise known as “Pope Francis.”

In this episode no. 35, His Excellency and Father discuss:


The usual jazz…

Francis at the World Council of Churches:
Analysis & Commentary

Photo: Magnus Aronson/WCC

One really has to hand it to them. Although they always say essentially the same things, somehow the Modernists always manage to come up with some new buzzwords for the headlines.

Such was the case again today, June 21, when Jorge Bergoglio (“Pope Francis”) traveled to Geneva, Switzerland, to participate in the 70th anniversary celebrations for the ecumenical World Council of Churches (WCC). If Francis had one catchphrase today, it was “new ecumenical spring.” More about that further on.

The three main events of Francis’ trip consisted of an ecumenical prayer service, an ecumenical meeting, and the Novus Ordo worship service (“Holy Mass”) at the end of the day.… READ MORE

A new revelation from the god of surprises…

Francis: Without Woman, Man is Not the Image and Likeness of God

June 15, 2018 was a particularly interesting day in Novus Ordo Land. In the Modernist worship service, the Gospel reading for the day was Matthew 5:27-32, which reads as follows:

You have heard that it was said to them of old: Thou shalt not commit adultery. But I say to you, that whosoever shall look on a woman to lust after her, hath already committed adultery with her in his heart. And if thy right eye scandalize thee, pluck it out and cast it from thee.


“It is a duty that we owe”!

Francis tells the World to Convert… to Clean Energy!

(Francis in St. Peter’s Square on June 14, 2015. Image: REUTERS / Alamy Stock Photo)

Who says Francis does not tell people to convert?!

Just this past Saturday, Jorge Bergoglio — the man who styles himself “Pope Francis” — told an audience of leading energy executives gathered in the Vatican that they must convert. That papal pretender was talking about a conversion to clean energy and not to Jesus Christ or Catholicism, stands to reason. He is, after all, a Naturalist, and his mouth speaks what is in his heart (cf.… READ MORE

Actions speak louder than words…

A Bergoglian Corpus Christi

Every year the Feast of Corpus Christi (Body of Christ) solemnly commemorates our Lord’s institution of the Holy Eucharist at the Last Supper the night before His Crucifixion. When Christ spoke the words “This is My Body… This is My Blood” (Mt 26:26,28), He transubstantiated bread and wine into His very own Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity — to be our perpetual Sacrifice “unto remission of sins” (Mt 26:28) and heavenly Food (see Jn 6:51-52) to be with us forever (cf. Mt 28:20; Jn 14:18). Thus the Sacred Liturgy celebrates the Most Holy Sacrament of the Altar as Sacrifice (Holy Mass), as Meal (Holy Communion), and as Adorable Presence in the Tabernacle. … READ MORE

“Cardinal” Pietro Parolin on official attendee list

Vatican Secretary of State to attend Bilderberg Conference

[UPDATE 15-JUN-2018: Vatican Spokesman explains why Parolin attended Bilderberg]

This is a difficult topic to write about without having half of all readers immediately run away screaming, “conspiracy nuts!” We have no choice but to take this risk because the issue is too serious to ignore, and facts are facts. (For a sobering reality check on what sundry Popes have said about certain conspiracies against the Catholic Church, please see here.)

The official web site of the notorious globalist Bilderberg Conference has released its participants list for this year’s meeting, which is scheduled for June 7-10 and will be held at the NH Lingotto hotel in Turin, Italy.… READ MORE

Naturalist Claptrap Alert!

Francis and the Missions: Dissecting Bergoglio’s Message for World Mission Day 2018

Embed from Getty Images

In 1926, Pope Pius XI instituted World Mission Sunday, to be observed every year on the penultimate Sunday of October. This year, World Mission Sunday falls on Oct. 21. Although the Vatican II Sect has retained this observance, it has largely emptied the concept of mission of its original meaning — that of making Christian disciples of all nations so that souls will be saved and not damned: “Going therefore, teach ye all nations; baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.… READ MORE

The motor mouth falls silent again…

Francis’ Video Message to Ireland ahead of Abortion Referendum on May 25, 2018

(click video to play message)

It’s official now: The once-Catholic nation of Ireland has voted to repeal its eighth constitutional amendment and “legalize” abortion. It cannot be imagined how many more preborn children will now be torn from the natural habitat of their mothers’ wombs because of this decision.

What did “Pope” Francis have to say about it? You can find out by clicking the video above. Go ahead and do so — it is only ten seconds long. To let the cat straight out of the bag: The man who inserts himself into every discussion and whose lips never stop moving had nothing to say about the Irish abortion referendum.… READ MORE

Chaos Frank kicks it up a notch…

Francis tells Homosexual: “God made you like that”

[UPDATE 22-MAY-2018: America publishes follow-up interview with Juan Carlos Cruz]

Get ready, folks! We have a new “Who am I to judge?” moment, except this time it’s worse: Francis has told a sodomite that God made him a homosexual.

The story broke on May 19, when the Spanish El País newspaper published an interview with Juan Carlos Cruz, one of the victims of the sex abuse perpetrated by Fr. Fernando Karadima in Chile, which was allegedly covered up by “Bp.” Juan Barros.… READ MORE

Another week, another heresy…

HERESY: Francis claims the Baptized cannot lose their Status as Children of God

Barely a day goes by on which Francis doesn’t have something to say, but some days are worse than others.

This past Wednesday, May 9, the apostate pretend-Pope during his general audience gave what was supposed to be a catechesis on the sacrament of baptism. Placing heavy emphasis on the sacramental character — which is indelible and hence baptism can never be repeated once it has been validly administered — Francis proceeded to claim that it is this indelible character which makes us, irrevocably, children of God.… READ MORE

“And he opened his mouth unto blasphemies against God, to blaspheme his name” (Apoc 13:6)…

Francis blasphemes again: “This Holy Spirit is a Disaster”!

When he’s not being his dictatorial self, Francis is a jolly old fellow. He loves to joke around with others and enjoys moments of levity — especially at the expense of the Most Holy Trinity. We need but recall a few recent examples:

Today “His Holiness” decided it was time for a new one and called the Holy Ghost a “disaster”.… READ MORE

Dismantling Bergoglian Baloney…

Gaudete et Exsultate: A Brief Critique

It has been over three weeks now since the release of the latest chaotic exhortation by Jorge Bergoglio, the one titled Gaudete et Exsultate, in which the Jesuit antipope pretends to be calling people to holiness in today’s world.

We had already published two blog posts on this document, one providing general information, reactions, and commentary, and one quoting the most notable passages:

We have since put together our own brief critique, touching on various (but by no means all) troublesome parts of the “papal” document.… READ MORE

Be careful as your head hits the desk…

Francis’ Brilliant Plan for World Peace: Ban All Weapons!

The Modernist Jesuit Jorge Bergoglio (stage name: “Pope Francis”) has once again graced the world with his infinite wisdom. Today, Apr. 29, 2018, he sent out a tweet that says: “Do we really want peace? Then let’s ban all weapons so we don’t have to live in fear of war.”

No, this is not a joke. This is not fake news. This is not satire, nor does it come from a parody account. This is from the real “Pope” Francis. The link to the actual tweet can be found here, and we have taken a screenshot as evidence just in case the tweet gets deleted:

With idiotic content this like being the real news coming from Vatican City, there is nothing left to do for the satirists and parodists at Eye of the Tiber.… READ MORE

“If Christ be not risen again, your faith is vain” (1 Cor 15:17)

Did Christ truly Rise from the Dead? How “Pope” Francis cleverly denies the Historicity of the Resurrection

The reason why Modernists have been so successful in their destruction of the Faith in souls is that their errors are typically camouflaged. The outrageous ideas they proclaim they often contradict or relativize in other places; or they use sufficient ambiguity in their words so that although most people will take heresy from their less-than-clear words (especially if the words are accompanied by heretical actions), Francis apologists will detect enough “plausible deniability” in them should the need arise to defend their master from the accusation of poisoning souls.… READ MORE