In case you missed our initial announcement on May 10: We have published another full-length episode of our popular TRADCAST podcast program. As always, it is loaded with real traditional Catholicism, insightful commentary, hard-hitting refutations of various errors, and razor-sharp analysis. Our content is typically challenging but is always delivered in an accessible way — not excluding an occasional relieving touch of humor, so necessary in our chaotic and bizarre times.… READ MORE
Segment 1 — A detailed explanation of the controversy over ‘Bishop’ Vitus Huonder’s consecration of the holy oils at the Holy Thursday Chrism Mass for the SSPX in Germany: why it matters; “From the Jorge’s Mouth”: various recent crazy and scandalous things said by ‘Pope’ Francis.
Segment 2 — Vatican News promotes water as creating “sublime communion with God”; Jewish rabbi gives blessing at Novus Ordo Mass; the controversy over Paul VI’s 1968 rite of episcopal consecration: valid or invalid?
Total run time: 1 hr 14 min
You can listen to the show by clicking the big play button in the embedded player above.… READ MORE
Bp. Williamson: Two New SSPX Bishops to be consecrated on April 28 — with Mandate from Francis
In a video-recorded sermon given on Quinquagesima Sunday, Mar. 3, 2019, the former SSPX bishop Richard Williamson announced that the Society of St. Pius X will consecrate two new bishops on the First Sunday after Easter, Apr. 28. He identifies one of the new bishops-to-be as Fr. Christian Bouchacourt and notes that the main consecrator will be “Bp.” Vitus Huonder of Chur, Switzerland, who is expected to have his resignation approved by “Pope” Francis by Apr. 21, when he turns 77.… READ MORE
30 Years since the SSPX Episcopal Consecrations of Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre
In 1988, June 30 was a Thursday. Liturgically, it was the Commemoration of St. Paul the Apostle. That day, all eyes were on a tiny settlement in the southwest of Switzerland by the name of Écône. At a press conference on June 15, the French archbishop Marcel Lefebvre (1905-1991) had announced that on the 30th of the month he was going to consecrate four bishops in Econe, even against the express prohibition of the man he acknowledged to be the Vicar of Jesus Christ, the Polish apostate Bp.… READ MORE
Unholy Orders:
50 Years of Invalid Ordinations in the Novus Ordo Church
It was exactly 50 years ago today, on June 18, 1968, that the head of the Vatican II Sect — “Pope” Paul VI, Bp. Giovanni Battista Montini — signed an “apostolic constitution” to change the Roman Catholic rite of ordination. The changes he introduced touched not only some of the more peripheral ceremonies but the very substance of the sacrament itself. The very words which Pope Pius XII, in 1947, had definitively decreed were necessary for the validity of the sacrament of holy orders, were changed by Paul VI in such a way as to render the ordination of priests doubtful and the consecration of bishops definitely invalid (although even a doubtful rite, in any case, must be considered invalid in practice, per Catholic teaching).… READ MORE
In case you missed our initial announcement on March 29: Our popular TRADCAST podcast program is back with a new, full-length episode! As always, it is loaded with real traditional Catholicism, hard-hitting refutations of various errors, razor-sharp analysis, and a touch of humor.
In this latest epsiode, TRADCAST 017, we take a look at the self-contradictions in Christopher Ferrara’s response to the sacrilegious Anglican liturgy that took place on March 13 at the Vatican; we respond to an anti-sedevacantist post on the so-called Catholic Truth Blog; we draw attention to the fact that Francis has directly contradicted Jimmy Akin on the issue of proselytism; we briefly talk about our fundraiser for 2017; and we once again refute the absurd theology of the recognize-and-resist camp in a response to Michael Matt’s soliloquy against Sedevacantism in his Remnant Underground video “Papalotry RIP”.… READ MORE
Segment 1: Four years of Francis; Anglican liturgy at St. Peter’s Basilica; Chris Ferrara’s use of Dominus Iesus to blast Anglicanism; response to Catholic Truth Blog‘s lamentation about conversions to Sedevacantism
Segment 2: Francis defeats Jimmy Akin on “proselytism”; a dilemma for semi-trads; response to Michael Matt’s Remnant TV program “Papolatry RIP: Pope Ignites Counterrevolution”; controversy and good will.
Total run time: 1 hr 23 mins
You can listen to the show by clicking the big play button in the embedded player above. Alternatively, you can choose right below from more listening/viewing options:
SSPX Bp. Tissier Reignites Debate over Validity of Novus Ordo Ordinations
Every year on June 29, the feast of Saints Peter and Paul, the Society of Saint Pius X confers priestly and diaconate ordinations at its main seminary in Econe, Switzerland.
This year, Bishop Bernard Tissier de Mallerais was the main celebrant ordaining 10 new priests and 12 deacons, assisted by the Superior General, Bp. Bernard Fellay, and Bp. Alfonso de Galarreta.
During his sermon, Bp. Tissier spoke on the touchy subject of the validity of the Novus Ordo rite of priestly ordination, originally promulgated in 1968 by “Pope” Paul VI.… READ MORE
Stumbling At the Finish Line:
Another Look at the SSPX’s Illogical Stance on the Pope Question
Commentary by Francis del Sarto
The strange ecclesial soap opera that is the series of on-again, off-again negotiations between Benedict XVI and the Society of St. Pius X in 2012 took yet another curious turn in mid-September 2012, when the SSPX’s Bishop Bernard Tissier de Mallerais revealed the contents of a confidential letter sent back in the summer by Benedict to Bishop Bernard Fellay, head of the Society.
According to Bp. Tissier:
On 30 June 2012 – this is a secret but will be revealed to the public – the Pope himself wrote a letter to our Superior General, Mgr.
@FrJMawdsley There is one thing, however, that I must still share with you because it is so serious, and that is the anathema of Trent in Denzinger 954: "If anyone says that the ceremonies, vestments, and outward signs, which the Catholic Church uses in the celebration of Masses, are
@BigModernism @hautdaug167671 Because it was said that since the Jews genuflected in mockery of Christ, the genuflection should be omitted. What puzzles me now, however, is that per Matthew 27:27-31, it was the Gentile Romans who genuflected in mockery of Christ. 🤔🤷♂️
@place_saver Ultimately, the genuflection means what the Church determines it to mean. All the other genuflections during the Good Friday petitions are made in adoration of Christ.
Vatican releases new guidelines on human dignity - (PDF) #catholicchurch #vatican #catholictwitter
Caution! German Novus Ordo Bishops Concelebrate Eucharist on Bizarre Altar - #catholictwitter