Instilling principles of apostasy in the young…

It Takes a Village: Francis announces “Global Educational Alliance” Kickoff at Vatican

“Pope Francis launches the Global Educational Alliance initiative to shape the future of humanity by forming mature individuals who can overcome division and care for our common home”, Vatican News reports on its web site today.

People’s alarm bells should be going off immediately when the apostate from Buenos Aires threatens to “shape the future of humanity”, because that means he is going to step up his destructive efforts of inculcating his apostate Masonic-Modernist principles into unsuspecting souls.

The Vatican’s report explains further:

The Vatican will host a meeting on 14 May 2020 in the Paul VI Hall to reflect on the theme “Reinventing the Global Educational Alliance”.


Antipopes say the darndest things…

Francis: “I am Not Afraid of Schism”
— and other Bergoglian Nuggets from latest Q&A

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Alright, everyone, you know how the game works. After a Francis trip finishes, the aircraft prepares for departure: Everyone gets in and sits down, the door closes, and the Bergoglian mouth opens. By that time, you’d better have your seatbelts on, because anything is possible. We’ve seen it a few more times than we care to remember.

Today was another such day.

On the return flight from his latest Africa trip (visiting Mozambique, Madagascar, and Mauritius), during which he proclaimed that it was “necessary” for hordes of unbelievers to reject Jesus Christ and His Holy Gospel, the Jesuit apostate the world mistakenly believes to be the Pope of the Catholic Church provided the usual in-flight entertainment by holding a press conference during which he candidly answered questions from the journalists traveling with him.… READ MORE

 October 5 Event in Rome

The True and the False Passion of the Church:

 Comments on a Public Prayer Gathering in Rome against Bergoglianism

In Italy, conservative members of the Vatican II Church are planning a gathering of public prayer for the Church at a location very close to the Vatican. It is scheduled for Oct. 5, the day before the dreaded Amazon Synod begins, and it coincides with a conference announced by Pan-Amazon Synod Watch, “Amazonia: the Stakes”, which will be held on the same day in Rome. October 5 is also the day on which Francis will create the 13 terrifying new “cardinals” that were just announced.… READ MORE

Criminalizing evangelization…

Francis to Interreligious Audience in Mozambique:
“Our Differences are Necessary”

The apostate from Buenos Aires has struck again.

A day after blowing countless tons of carbon dioxide into the air for his flight to Mozambique, “Pope” Francis spoke at an interreligious meeting with the youth in Maputo on Sep. 5. During his address he told his multi-religious audience: “Our differences are necessary.”

In what was little more than a lowest-common-denominator motivational speech using his usual Naturalist platitudes about hopes, dreams, roots, and horizons — completely devoid of anything supernatural, other than a generic “God loves you” at the end — Francis addressed an audience filled with mostly young people of all (and no) religions, especially “Christians, Muslims, and Hindus” (Rome Reports, Sep.… READ MORE

Francis’ contempt for his critics…

“He is Like a Child” – Aboard Airhead One, Francis slams “Cardinal” Müller, and he responds

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They’ve seen happier days together:
The “good” Modernist Gerhard Muller with the “bad” Modernist Jorge Bergoglio

The Francis Show is currently underway in Mozambique, a nation in southeastern Africa. On his 10-hour flight to get there, Francis naturally took the opportunity to generate some headlines by speaking to the journalists covering his roughly 9-day blather tour, which will take him also to neighboring Madagascar and Mauritius.

Many news outlets have already reported on his haughty comments about his conservative critics from the United States: “For me, it’s an honor that Americans are attacking me,” he said before his spokesman jumped into damage control mode, claiming that his boss “wanted to say that he always considers criticisms an honor, particularly when it comes from important thinkers and, in this case, of an important nation” (source). … READ MORE

Last part of our massive rebuttal of Andrew Fornak…

Peace in the Crisis?
Catholic Family News Promotes a Dangerous Tranquility
 (PART 3)

by Francis del Sarto

[NOTE: This is Part 3 of a response to a series of articles that the author has since withdrawn and that Catholic Family News has removed from its web site. As a courtesy, we have changed the name of the original author to the pseudonym “Andrew Fornak”.]


This analysis is a response to the conclusion of Part II along with Part III of Andrew Fornak’s Catholic Family News article series “Finding Peace in the Crisis”.… READ MORE

Ensuring a Bergoglio-friendly next conclave…

Francis Doubles Down:
13 New “Cardinals” for October 5

What a day it was in Vatican City today!

Francis showed up seven minutes late to his weekly Angelus address, explaining that “there was an incident: I was locked in the elevator for 25 minutes!” (source). We can only hope that he wasn’t accompanied by “Mgr.” Battista Ricca, who is in charge of the Casa Santa Marta, where Francis lives. By way of explanation, the false pope added: “There was a drop in voltage and the elevator stopped.” Whether that incident is related to the fact that the Vatican is running on “green” energy, we have not been told.… READ MORE

Not ‘recognize-and-resist’…

Recognize-and-OBEY is the Traditional Catholic Teaching

The sedevacantist blogger Steven Speray has recently released an important blog post we are happy to republish on this web site, with his permission. It concerns the foundational belief of those who try to be traditional Catholics while believing the “Popes” after Pius XII to be valid and true Vicars of Christ — the so-called “recognize-and-resist” position (R&R).

Pope Pius XI Squashes the Recognize-and-Resist Position

by Steve Speray (Aug. 27, 2019)

Can the faithful recognize and resist the pope? I dealt with this question in a 2015 article. However, I recently stumbled upon some teachings from Pope Pius XI that castigate the recognize-and-resist theology.… READ MORE

TRADCAST 025 is here

Novus Ordo Watch for your ears…

TRADCAST 025 Now Available

TRADCAST — The Traditional Catholic Podcast


In case you missed our initial announcement on August 21: We have published another full-length episode of our popular TRADCAST podcast program. As always, it is loaded with real traditional Catholicism, hard-hitting refutations of various errors, and razor-sharp analysis. Our content is typically challenging but is always delivered with a relieving touch of humor.

TRADCAST 025 consists of two separate segments. First we evaluate Dan Marcum’s effort to paint Francis as an “anti-liberal”, and in the process we examine the the Modernist strategy of using ambiguity and contradiction in order to spread heresy more effectively and with impunity.… READ MORE

The fine line between garbage and “art”…

Swiss “Catholic” Media Center promotes “Sin Disposal Container”

On Friday, August 23, the official YouTube channel of the Novus Ordo Catholic Media Center in Switzerland released a video introducing people to the new “sin disposal container” in Zurich, an interactive “art” project that aims to make people think and smile. Chances are it will do neither — the reaction of a healthy human being will be a good eye-roll accompanied by a sigh, at best.

The odd box is a former recycling container. Outside it there is an opening through which materials can be placed into it.… READ MORE

And Satan is totally OK with that…

HERESY: Jesuit Superior General again says Devil is only Symbolic

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The world’s chief Jesuit has struck again. No, not Bergoglio. The other one.

We’re talking about the 70-year-old Venezuelan “Fr.” Arturo Sosa Abascal, the current Superior General of the so-called Society of Jesus, which has in truth now become the Society of Judas. For the second time in recent memory, he has explicitly repudiated the reality of the devil by denying that Satan is a real person (a fallen angel). In the Roman Catholic Church, that is heresy and carries with it an automatic excommunication (see Canon 2314).… READ MORE

Warns of deceptive “counter-church”…

Brazilian Novus Ordo Priest and Canon Lawyer denounces Francis as Antipope and False Prophet, alleges Schism

The list of Novus Ordo adherents who are publicly denouncing Francis as a false pope (or worse) is growing. The latest to join in the chorus is “Fr.” Paulo Renato Dornelles from Brazil.

Reportedly a canon and civil lawyer who graduated from the Pontifical Lateran University summa cum laude and worked as an ecclesiastical judge and university professor in the archdiocese of Porto Alegre, Dornelles released a video on May 21, 2019, charging Jorge Bergoglio (“Pope Francis”) with heresy and schism and also accusing him of being an antipope (i.e.… READ MORE

Bursting a beloved bubble…

Benedict XVI and the “Prophetic Mission of Fatima”:
The Rest of the Story

Every so often, someone with a soft spot for the old Modernist Joseph Ratzinger (now “Pope Emeritus” Benedict XVI) digs up a quote from a homily he gave in 2010 (see video here) in which he spoke somewhat cryptically about the apparitions of Our Lady at Fatima and the triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary. His exact words were:

We would be mistaken to think that Fatima’s prophetic mission is complete. Here there takes on new life the plan of God which asks humanity from the beginning: “Where is your brother Abel […] Your brother’s blood is crying out to me from the ground!”


News Digest August 16, 2019

Novus Ordo Watch NEWS DIGEST
August 16, 2019

Hop(p)ing to be hip: French Novus Ordos create “Catholic” parody of secular hip-hop song

Catholic Zero: Francis tweets that “Education with horizons open to transcendence helps young people to dream and to build a more beautiful world.” Your local Masonic lodge couldn’t have said it better!

Replace Christ with migrants, and suddenly Novus Ordos in Baltimore want to have a Way of the Cross procession through the streets

Francis: ‘Be not afraid of Migrants’ because encounter. Germany: 8-year-old boy dies after being pushed in front of moving train by African migrant.… READ MORE

Rejecting nothing that is true and holy about idolatry…

Apostasy Rising:
Vatican II Sect in Switzerland promotes Hinduism

The quicker picker-upper: The goddess “Durga” is one of Hinduism’s countless idols

The official web site and media portal of the “Catholic Church” in Switzerland has released a video promoting the idolatrous worship of Hinduism.

On July 23, 2019, the Swiss so-called “Catholic Media Center” (Katholisches Medienzentrum) published a 3-minute video clip showing a puja, which is the essential Hindu worship ritual. The abomination can be witnessed here:

The puja (or pooja) took place at the Hindu temple in the Swiss capital of Bern inside the so-called “House of Religions” (Haus der Religionen) and is carried out every Friday night.… READ MORE