Flashback 2009

‘Archbishop’ Robert Zollitsch:
Christ Did Not Die to Atone for our Sins

The apostasy of the New Church has taken on such drastic proportions that the head of the German Novus Ordo “Bishops” can deny the sin-atoning nature of Christ’s Sacrifice on Calvary in a TV interview, and nobody cares. The Redemption of Our Lord is denied — the very heart of the Gospel, for which countless martyrs died — and no one takes notice. This denial of one of the central dogmas of Catholicism by the Modernist “Archbishop” Robert Zollitsch of Freiburg took place in a TV interview broadcast on Holy Saturday of 2009.… READ MORE

News Digest Apr. 27, 2013

Novus Ordo Watch NEWS DIGEST
Apr. 27, 2013


The Modernists’ last-ditch defense tactic refuted…

“Who are YOU to judge who is a Heretic?”

The following is an excerpt from the 1886 book Liberalism is a Sin by Fr. Felix Sarda y Salvany. It was endorsed and praised by the Vatican’s Sacred Congregation of the Index under Pope Leo XIII. The book exposes the ideas and tactics of the Modernists, called Liberals at the time, and we cannot recommend it highly enough. In fact, one may say that this book completely destroys many fundamental ideas of the bogus Second Vatican Council (1962-65) and the new religion it engendered (which we call the Novus Ordo Religion).… READ MORE

The old Modernist Strategy is still working…

“Pope” Francis:
“Not Possible to Find Jesus Outside the Church”

Oh boy, this one’s going to get the semi-traditionalists and pseudo-conservatives in the Novus Ordo jumping for joy. “The Pope said that Christ cannot be found outside the Catholic Church, oh my gosh! Look at how conseeeeervative he is! Our Pope is Caaatholic!”

Sure enough, Mr. (“Fr.”) John Zuhlsdorf picked up on this story right away, and no doubt we won’t have to wait long for Michael Voris to cover it in The Vortex (known for its extremely selective reporting) as well. [Update: Voris covered it in his May 6 Vortex here.]


The ‘Judas Cardinal’ is at it again…

“Cardinal” Timothy Dolan Awards
Catholic Medal to Pro-Abort Girl Scouts CEO

The Vatican II Church is simply beyond parody at this point. The stuff that takes place on a daily basis in the Novus Ordo religion masquerading as the Catholic Church, has reached proportions that cannot be described any other way than “beyond absurd”. In the latest scandal, the supposedly Roman Catholic “Archbishop” of New York, Mr. Timothy Dolan, has awarded the “St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Medal” to Anna Maria Chavez, who is the pro-abortion CEO of the Girl Scouts of the USA, an organization notorious for its moral corruption of girls.… READ MORE

The “Holy Father” Strikes Again

Francis Endorses Vatican II, Bashes Traditionalists

In the walls of the modernist Vatican, it’s business as usual. On April 16, 2013, after prostrating himself in adoration of the Golden Calf of the Second Vatican Council, blasphemously calling it the work of the Holy Ghost, His Phonyness “Pope” Francis (Jorge Bergoglio) explained that there was no turning back of the clock and that those in his church who disagreed with Vatican II were “stubborn” and resisting the Holy Ghost:

The Italian word used by Francis was testardi, and while some have translated it as “stubborn”, others have rendered it as “hard-headed”.


News Digest Apr. 21, 2013

Novus Ordo Watch NEWS DIGEST
April 21, 2013


“Cohabitation doesn’t have the Fullness of Marriage”

2010 Book “Cardinal” Bergoglio co-authored with Jewish Rabbi Released in English


On Heaven and Earth
by Jorge Mario Bergoglio and Abraham Skorka

In 2010, Mr. Jorge Bergoglio, then known as “Cardinal” Bergoglio of Buenos Aires, co-authored a book with a leftist Jewish rabbi by the name of Abraham Skorka. The book is written in the form of a dialogue between the two non-Catholics, and the contents range from conversations about God and religion to same-sex marriage, politics and other topics considered “hot-button” issues in today’s world. The book’s cover is subtitled “Pope Francis on Faith, Family, and the Church in the 21st Century”.… READ MORE

One of Francis’ favorites!

“Cardinal” Walter Kasper is a Modernist Apostate

Modernist Fr. Walter Kasper,
a Theological Heavyweight in the Novus Ordo Church

The following is a translation of the German article “Die Thesen des Professor Walter Kasper“, which was released before the conclave of 2005, at the web site What the Cardinals Believe:

The Theses of Professor Walter Kasper
Sept. 11, 2004
From the IK (Initiativ Kreis) News of 8-9/2003

  • “Faith does not mean a believing-to-be-true of wonderful facts and sets of beliefs that have authoritatively been put before us.”
  • “Dogmas can certainly be one-sided, superficial, bossy, dumb, and rash.”

“New Springtime” Update:

The Fruit of the Vatican II Religion:
Another Real Catholic Church Demolished

St. Jacques d’Abbeville
(image: Wikimedia Commons/public domain)

The following video is simply heart-breaking. Originally built in the 11th century, the Catholic church of St. Jacques in Abbeville, France, was demolished on April 15 and 16, 2013, due to a lack of funds and a lack of interest regarding its upkeep. This is simply the practical fruit (one of the many, that is) of the abominable modernist Second Vatican Council (1962-65), which ushered in, not a ‘new springtime in the Faith’, which some still claim to this day, but a swift falling away from the Faith of almost all once-Catholic people.… READ MORE

Catholic Church vs. Vatican II Sect

The Morality of Capital Punishment

The Novus Ordo Church of the Second Vatican Council has changed many Catholic teachings, such as on ecclesiology, the papal primacy, the social kingship of Christ, ecumenism, and so forth. It has also messed with the Catholic position on capital punishment. Gradually, the shift has occurred from an endorsement of capital punishment (the Catholic position) to its virtual prohibition (the Novus Ordo modernist position), citing all sorts of phony reasons. The Vatican II sect has tried to call this a “development” but it is, in fact, a corruption, for its conclusion is the opposite of what it once was – hardly a legitimate “development”.… READ MORE

News Digest Apr. 15, 2013

Novus Ordo Watch NEWS DIGEST
April 15, 2013

So much is going on in the New Church that we’ve decided to publish a News Digest post every so often, to keep on top of the many important headlines in the New Church that need to be mentioned but aren’t getting a separate blog entry.


The ‘Voris Virus’ Strikes again…

A WWF Papacy?

On April 12, 2013, Michael Voris’ ChurchMilitant.TV released the rollowing Vortex broadcast:

In case you missed our first post on the ‘Voris Virus’, we defined it as “the refusal to report those inconvenient facts that contradict the agenda you want to push on your audience”. The April 12, 2013, broadcast of the Vortex, entitled “WWF Papacy!!!”, is another textbook example of that. Hardly able to contain his excitement, the anchor reports: “…the liberal-progressive-modernist gang [is] freaking out that Pope Francis is actually – Catholic!”

What makes Mr. Voris assert such an absurd idea?… READ MORE

Mark 9:41 Alert…

Flashback 2012:
Homosexual Scandal In Bergoglio’s Basilica

On August 25, 2012, a presbyter from Jorge Bergoglio’s “Archdiocese” of Buenos Aires baptized two children purchased (“adopted”) by a male homosexual-pervert couple. One of the two males had himself surgically altered into a “female” (see photo above). The horrific injustice and wickedness perpetrated on these children defies description.


Could this be the “couple” referred to by Leonardo Boff, who stated that before becoming “Pope Francis,” Bergoglio, in 2012, explicitly allowed a homosexual couple to adopt children? (See Boff interview here.)

Be sure also to watch this video here, which includes footage of the homosexual scandal in Bergoglio’s basilica mentioned above.… READ MORE

The ‘Hermeneutic of Continuity’ Party Is Over…

Liberation Theologian: “Francis is More Liberal than what is Supposed”, He “Permitted a Homosexual Couple to Adopt a Child”

In a recently-published interview, Karl-Marx-look-alike Leonardo Boff pointed out how truly radically liberal Jorge Mario Bergoglio really is — and he’s someone who’d know:

You are in for a real surprise about what Francis will do.

For example, a few months ago [in 2012] he explicitly permitted a homosexual couple to adopt a child. He kept in touch with priests who were expelled from the official church because they had gotten married.

