Novus Ordo Watch NEWS DIGEST
July 13, 2013
- Can’t Make It Up: John Vennari calls for an “Association of Reparation for Eucharistic Abuses at Papal [!] Masses”
- Prepare for more Flooding: John Paul II’s “Relics” arrive in Rio de Janeiro for World Youth Day
- Ooops, Not Enough Moolah: Vatican Asks Brazilian Government for Bailout to cover $39M Shortfall for World Youth Day
- Star Trek ’12! See “Pope” Francis’ Space Ship Sanctuary for World Youth Day
- “I am close to you and your group in spirit” – Francis writes to Argentinian Rock Singer
- “Kind of Awesome”: Atheist lauds “Pope” Francis for behaving totally un-Pope-like
- Satanic Che Guevara “Priest”? The New Church makes it possible CAUTION! Immodesty
- That 70’s Show: Vatican’s Chief Doctrinal Watchdog Archheretic Muller endorses Liberation Theology
- “Enough Already!” – Vatican’s Archheretic Gerhard Muller wants to break off all Contact with SSPX
- Society of St. Pius X: No New Episcopal Consecrations in the Near Future
- SSPX-Vatican Talks in Spring 2012: What Exactly Happened?
- What is a “Pelosi Catholic”? The New Church is full of them, and practically no one cares
- To All Women and Men: Dress Modestly!
- Veiled Attack on Michael Voris? “Pope” Francis ridicules the Spiritual Works of Mercy: Meditation, Studying, Penance are “Out” – Caring for the Poor Is “In” if you want to know Christ
- The Circus Continues: Francis to “Beatify” Opus Dei “Bishop”
- Novus Ordo Church offers “Indulgences” for “Catholic Woodstock” aka “World Youth Day”
- They can act quickly if they want to: Vatican tells Novus Ordo Bloggers to remove Downloads of new Lumen Fidei Encyclical – “Victims” include Brandon Vogt and Mr. “Father Z” John Zuhlsdorf
- Gay Pride Sunday: Novus Ordo Pastor Endorses Sodomy from Pulpit, Parishioner in Tears – nothing will happen to him: he didn’t question Vatican II, and he didn’t offer the new encyclical for download, so he should be safe
- Where your money goes: “Catholic” Charity gave $13 Million to Pro-Abortion Group
- “Archdiocese” of Milwaukee Releases Clergy Sex Abuse Files – keep those barf bags ready
- They Have Bridges to Sell You: Interfaith Collaboration to help Criminal “Immigrants” – perhaps one day thousands of people from Guatemala or Belize will break into Mexico by crossing their border illegally – and then see how Mexico responds
- Belgian “Cardinal” Daneels embraces the Enemies of Christ, agrees that Temporal Society should not be influenced by Religion – what a slap in the face not only of Christ the King but also all the martyrs and victims who died under Freemasonic governments, such as in Mexico in the 1920s
- Miami Vice: South Florida Archdiocese says all Human Life is untouchable regardless of Guilt or Innocence– not exactly, Mr. Wenski, but nice try: REALITY CHECK HERE
- Finally, Someone Says It: To all good-willed SSPX’ers: Who Cares what Archbishop Lefebre Said, Thought, or Did? He’s not the Pope! He’s not a Cult Leader (we hope)!
Behold Francis’ “Boat Altar” – how fitting for saying “Mass”
for refugees in Lampedusa on July 8, 2013
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