They’ve completely lost it…

The “New Springtime” in all its Glory:
“Resurrection Dance”

As proof that the Second Vatican Council truly ushered in a “New Springtime”, a “New Pentecost”, and a “Great Renewal”, we offer a video clip of an extraordinary “Resurrection Dance” performed at the hell-hole known as “Holy Spirit Chapel” at Newman Hall at the University of California at Berkeley.

For more information on this unholy place, see our post from last year in which we take a closer look at the “sanctuary” of this “Catholic chapel”:

This is also a good time to review the obsession the Vatican II Sect has with dancing in general and in particular with dancing to appeal — in a most corny way, to be sure — to the youth. Needless to say, although this may result in a fleeting sentimental high for some immature youngsters, it will provide nothing in terms of genuine spiritual growth or depth — to the contrary, as the following post shows:

The Novus Ordo Sect offers nothing substantial in terms of doctrine, morals, or spirituality — much less in terms of truth. It therefore busies itself with distracting people from this reality by offering them pseudo-spiritual “fast food” which will delight the senses for a short while and conceal from them the fact that before they realize it, a deadly poison will kick in.

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