Novus Ordo Watch NEWS DIGEST
July 16, 2015
PROOF: There’s a “New Pentecost” in the Vatican II Church!
- Blast from the Past: 30 Years ago today, “Bishop” Roger Mahony was appointed “Archbishop” of Los Angeles by “Saint” John Paul II
- Bergo King: In Bolivia, “Pope” Bergoglio uses Burger King as a makeshift Sacristy before Mega-“Mass”
- Off the Deep End: First Things Magazine pushes foolish and groundless “Hope” that Pets will reach an Afterlife — Excessive love of pets is a sign of attachment to the things of the world… The truth is, Baxter won’t come with you, because he was not created for eternity, has no rational soul, and cannot love God. As St. Alphonsus teaches, pity the animals, for they will never be able to enjoy the Beatific Vision, and consider how good God has been to you, to have created you for Eternal Beatitude with Him!
- Keep praying, folks: Novus Ordos beginning to ask the Right Questions
- Fun Times Ahead: Chief Advisor for Laudato Si speaks about Eco-Encyclical’s Theological Implications
- That would explain why Francis appointed him advisor: Blaspheming Heretical Sodomy Endorser “Fr.” Timothy Radcliffe, O.P., claims he is an Acquaintance of “Pope” Francis
- Great Video: How to Discern a Heretic: Three Simple Rules from St. Alphonsus Liguori
- Bologna’s “Cardinal” Giacomo Biffi has died. He once predicted the Antichrist would be a “Pacifist, Ecologist and Ecumenist” — Too bad he accepted one as Pope…
- Eco Tyranny: Vatican recruits Radical Leftist Activist Naomi Klein to push Climate Change Hoax
- More Eco Tyranny: Francis’ Dr. Strangelove (Hans Joachim Schellnhuber) Craves One World Government Run by “Experts”
- Slums Unlimited presents: Francis, the Synod, and the United Nations poised to turn Planet into one big Faithless Favela
- Why no one takes Novus Ordo priests seriously: “Fr.” Jonathan Morris’ Response to Sodomite Supporters who spat at him
- “Families are like fine wine, with the best yet to come”: Francis offers Meaningless Sentimental Tripe disguised as Spiritual Nourishment — There’s nothing here you wouldn’t find on a Hallmark card… but for that, nobody needs a “Pope”…
- “Pope” and Change: Francis’ Change Manifesto in Bolivia doesn’t even pretend to be Christian
- And now… another “Pool Mass”! — Except this time, the presbyter is actually in it! Come on, “Fr.” Waldemar, this is not what they meant when they told you to get your feet wet with the youth…
- For all those who need a refresher: Remembering the Nightmare of Communism
- Come travel on Papa Road: The “Pope Francis” online Computer Game!
- It’s official: Francis bites! If you go to see a snake, don’t be surprised if you get bitten by one
- More insults against the Blessed Virgin Mary: Francis again suggests Immaculate Mary doubted God’s Word
- Synod Preview: Sandro Magister on the Preparatory Document’s Arabian Phoenix
- And here it is: The Vatican’s Preparatory Document (Instrumentum Laboris) for the October 2015 Synod — CAUTION! Document begins with the “anthropological-cultural context”…(Check n. 123 for a drop of poison)
- Thanks, but No Thanks: 20 Kids Unimpressed by “Pope” Francis
- And now the Proof: The Novus Ordo ushers in a Civilization of Luv!
- Add this one to your “Pope” Francis Insult Glossary: “Spiritual Hairdressers!”
- You can’t make this stuff up: Philippine Novus Ordo Bishops to decide whether to establish Climate Change Desk — They better not use air conditioning in that office…
- A Saint Thomas More, He Ain’t: Wuerl the Girl caves on U.S. Sodomite Ruling
- Chasuble-gate: See, it’s Tradition! No, “Saintly” Tradition! Heck No, a Second-Class “Relic”!!
- Speaking Frank-ly: Ann Barnhardt has some frank Words for Mr. Bergoglio
- The October Synod is only a few months away… Francis is prepping his sheeple for “impure, scandalous, or threatening” changes, courtesy of the “god of surprises”!
- Memo to Francis: The Parable of the Sower is not about ecological anything!
- Joe Sobran in ’01 on Sodomy: “I don’t blame anyone for being sick. I blame them for telling me that sickness is just another form of health”
- It’s no longer optional, folks: Francis says Novus Ordos must pray with Protestants!
- The Future is here: Jesuit University Theology Chair “marries” Sodomite Partner — Come on, Francis is busy denouncing air conditioners!
- True Humility vs. Demagogic “Poverty” for Show: Cardinal Merry del Val vs. “Pope” Francis
- No Shame: Being given second-class relic cane of St. Teresa of Avila, Francis flippantly asks, “And this is what the old woman [la vieja] walked with?”
- The Francis Marathon continues: Cuba, U.S. in September set to be a Busy Trip: Full Schedule Released
- Since he isn’t Catholic, he might as well get Jewish gifts: Francis receives Jewish Dreidels
- Very Candid Camera: Oregon Novus Ordo Priest put on Leave amid Hidden Camera Probe
- On Sodomite Tyranny in the United States: Don’t you worry, “Fr.” Robert Barron has it all figured out
- Back to the Future: Chicago’s Archlayman Cupich sees Return of “Cardinal” Bernardin’s “Seamless Garment” Doctrine
- Gaystapo Enabler Cupich warns: Respect for Perverts must be Real, not just Lipservice
- In case you were thinking all this “Gay Marriage” stuff isn’t that big of a deal: Just how Evil is Sodomy? The Saints weigh in
- But of course! If you’ve got your surprise face lying around somewhere, now is the time to put it on: Pontifical Family Council President Paglia: “World Family Meeting in Philadelphia open to homosexual couples.”
- Keep that face on while you’re at it: Coven of American New Age Nuns Rejoice over Francis’ Eco-Encyclical
- Free Episode: Bp. Sanborn on “Pope” Paul VI, the Pre-Bergoglio (Audio)
- Video of Two Modernist Peas in a Pod: Francis meets Benedict XVI ahead of Trip to South America — Same Modernism, Different Styles…
- Francis is concerned… not about Sodomite “Marriage” in Ireland or the U.S., but about money issues in Greece!
- After Volpi: Vatican appoints “Father” Sabino Ardito, SDB, new “Apostolic Commissioner” over Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate
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